  • 官感到他的驾驶缺乏专注和果断。
    The examiner feel that his driving lack concentration and decision.
  • 概念上的讨论;精神分裂症就是丧失了抽象能力或者做概念上的思的能力。
    conceptual discussions; the schizophrenic loses ability to abstract or do conceptual thinking.
  • 他不再从理论的角度来虑问题;从理论上来说,这个想法很简单。
    he can no longer think conceptually; conceptually, the idea is quite simple.
  • 对安全的虑压倒一切。
    Considerations of safety override all other concerns.
  • 这个问题被肯贝列为首要虑的问题。
    That's the issue that tops Kilbane's list of concerns.
  • 提供某一主题某一地点的具体信息的简洁的参书。
    a concise reference book providing specific information about a subject or location.
  • 手册,便览关于一件事物或一处地方的具体介绍或指导的参书或简明手册
    A concise manual or reference book providing specific information or instruction about a subject or place.
  • 我们在虑应不应该与他们订约。
    We are deliberating whether we should conclude the bargain with them.
  •  中央人民政府在签订本条第一款所指民用航空运输协定时,应虑香港特别行政区的特殊情况和经济利益,并同香港特别行政区政府磋商。
    In concluding the air service agreements referred to in the first paragraph of this Article, the Central People's Government shall take account of the special conditions and economic interests of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and consult the government of the Region.
  • 整个设计,可不可以虑,先有个前言,回顾一下建国以前新民主主义革命这一段,话不要太多。然后,建国以来十七年一段,“文化大革命”一段,毛泽东思想一段,最后有个结语。
    As far as the general organization is concerned, we should consider whether there should be a foreword containing a brief history of the new-democratic revolution prior to the founding of the People's Republic, followed by a section covering the first 17 years of New China, a section about the "Cultural Revolution", a section about Mao Zedong Thought and, finally, the concluding remarks.
  • ——日本《每日新闻》5月28日说,《克斯报告》并没有提及有关中国“窃缺技术的确凿证据。
    --Mainichi Shimbun of Japan said on May 28 that the Cox Report did not provide any conclusive proof of China's "theft" of technologies.
  • 5月31日,国务院新闻办公室负责人对美国众议院特别调查委员会公布的《关于美国国家安全以及对华军事及商业关系的报告》(简称《克斯报告》)发表谈话,他指出炮制《克斯报告》是煽动反华情绪、破坏中美关系的一出闹剧。
    On May 31, the head of the Information Office of the State Council made a speech on the US National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns With the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Cox Report) released by the Select Committee of the US House of Representatives. He pointed out that the concoction of the Cox Report was a farce with the aim of instigating anti-China sentiments and undermining Sino-US relations.
  • 于是另一个帐房先生、两个看门的、几个女仆和老板娘都仿佛偶然似地停留在协和轩和咖啡室之间的通道上,迟迟不去。不久,一位六十岁左右的绅士便走出门来,去用早餐。此人身穿一套出入交际场所穿的褐色礼服,那礼服有大而方的袖口,巨大的荷包盖,颇有些旧,却洗烫得很究。
    Consequently another drawer, and two porters, and several maids and the landlady, were all loitering by accident at various points of the road between the Concord and the coffee-room, when a gentle-man of sixty, formally dressed in a brown suit of clothes, pretty well worn, but very well kept, with large square cuffs and large flaps to the pockets, passed along on his way to his breakfast.
  • 这个男孩必须补英语。
    The boy was conditioned in English.
  • 如果不能以其他方法把噪音控制在规定水平以内,当局会虑为受影响的住户,安装空调设备和双层玻璃。
    Consideration is also given to providing air-conditioning units and double-glazing in domestic premises where noise levels cannot be brought within the required standard through other means.
  • 他自信考试能及格。
    He felt confident of passing the examination.
  • 他自信能考及格。
    He feels confident he will pass the examination.
  • 他自信他会通过试。
    He is confident that he will pass the exam.
  • 对于本函内容请务必严守秘密,仅供您参而已。此外,我们对所述内容不负法律责任,敬请谅察。
    This communication is private and confidential and for your use only, and without responsibility on our party.
  • 我们从容应对一系列关系我国主权和安全的国际突发事件,战胜在政治、经济领域和自然界出现的困难和风险,经受住一次又一次验,排除各种干扰,保证了改革开放和现代化建设的航船始终沿着正确的方向破浪前进。
    We have responded confidently to a series of unexpected international events bearing on China's sovereignty and security. We have surmounted difficulties and risks arising from the political and economic spheres and from nature. We have gone through one trial after another and removed all kinds of obstacles, thus ensuring that our reform, opening up and modernization drive have been forging ahead in the correct direction like a ship braving surging waves.
  • 根据克斯报告,中国“间谍”案的一个主要佐证是使用了鼹鼠,他们已经“渗透”到lawrencelivemore和losalamoslabs中。该人名叫彼得-李(peterlee),是位美籍台湾人,受雇于losalamos。他于1985年访问过中国(在允许的区域内)。
    According to the Cox Report (as "redacted" by the Clinton Administration), the principal "evidence" for one of the PRC "spying" incidents involving Moles that had "penetrated" Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos Labs, is that: Peter Lee, a Taiwan-born, US naturalized citizen--while employed at Los Alamos, visited the PRC in 1985 (during the Reagan Administration) to make a presentation and freely admitted in 1995 that he described in that presentation in some detail his work on an inertial confinement fusion (ICF) project at Lawrence Livermore during the period 1973-1984.
  • 那两门试的时间互相冲突。
    The hours of those two exams conflict.
  • 你的理论经不起验。证人互相矛盾的证词站不住脚
    Your theory does not hold water. The witnesses' conflicting stories held no water.
  • 我的分析主要是要试图解释和分析克斯报告写了什么,如果他们的报告能恰当地权衡这些冲突的话。
    My analysis will be mostly an attempt to explicate what the Cox Report would have said if they had been able to properly weigh the conflicting arguments.
  • ?克斯报告的主要缺陷——这一点并未出现在总统国外情报咨询报告中——就在于未能恰当地权衡这些对立的、有时甚至是不准确的“技术”和“法律”观点。
    The principal flaws of the Cox Report--which do not occur in the FIAB Report--have resulted from the Committee's inability to properly weigh these conflicting and sometimes imprecise "technical" and "legal" arguments.
  • 此外,亦有就标准和遵行事宜,综合本港各有关方面的意见及建议,提交亚太经合组织虑。
    The PSIB also co-ordinates Hong Kong's input to APEC on standards and conformance matters.
  • 待运货物将与所寄的参样品严格相符。
    Shipment to be made will be strictly in conformity with the reference sample sent.
  • 经过阅读和思,她发觉到儒家“为己而习之”的理念,须要用到独立思和人生经验。
    Through reading and reflection, she realised that the Confucian "learning for the sake of the self" requires critical thinking and experiential knowing.
  • 经过阅读和思,她发觉到儒家“为己而习之”的理念,须要用到独立思和人生经验。
    Through reading and reflection, she realized that the Confucian "learning for the sake of the self" requires independent thinking and life experience.
  • 使糊涂或者令人困惑;使不能清晰地思
    be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly.
  • 我们祝贺他通过了核。
    We congratulated him on having passed the examination.
  • 我恭喜你考试及格。
    I congratulate you on passing the examination.