  • 他把罐子過來,許我用過的火柴梗亂七八糟地倒了出來。
    He turned the jar upside down and a number of spent matches tumbled out.
  • 是的,如果你把我轉過來,我一定活不成。
    Yes! If you take me and turn me upside down, I will certainly die.
  • 波拉在尋找她丟失的項鏈時,把屋子裏的所有東西得亂七八糟。
    Paula turned everything in the house upside-down when she was trying to find her missing necklace.
  • 風颳得很猛,吹了鳥巢,3衹雛鳥摔了下去。
    The wind blew so strongly that the nest turned upside down and three baby birds fell out.
  • 他進屋時大衣領子嚮上起。
    He came into the room, his overcoat collar upturned.
  • 在中國這片土地上,僅自去年10月到現在,使用互聯網絡的人數就了一番,達到一百多萬。
    Here in China, the number of Internet users has nearly doubled since just last October, to more than 1 million users.
  • 移動或拌薄煎餅的有闊刃的炊具。
    a cooking utensil with a broad blade for serving or turning pancakes.
  • 有一個扁平彎麯的部分和一個長手柄的炊具;用來拌食物。
    a cooking utensil having a flat flexible part and a long handle; used for turning or serving food.
  • 兩番是個了不起的事情。
    This is a matter of utmost importance.
  • 上訴庭推(地方法院)原判後,把這個案件重新發回地方法院,不過要由另一名法官裁决將對微軟采取什麽樣的懲罰。
    By vacating the ruling, the appeals court sent the case back to the lower court but ordered that a different judge handle the decision on how to punish Microsoft.
  • 我再也不可能開這本我所鐘愛的寶貴的書,而妄想有時間把它讀完了。
    No more can I turn the leaves of this dear book that loved, and vainly hope in time to read it all.
  • 他來到門前並且門而過。
    He came to the gate and vaulted over.
  • 這本書被譯成多種譯文並行銷全球。
    The book was translated into many versions and sold all over the world.
  • 譯《安妮日記》的最後一句話“無論怎樣,我還是相信,人的心地是善良的”一共推敲、修改了6遍。
    In order to precisely render the last sentence in "The Diary of Anne Frank", "Anyhow, I still believe that the Human's spirit is virtuous", she has revised it 6 times.
  • 波濤徑直從一個火山島上騰過去。
    The waves beveled a volcanic island.
  • 我們碰面時暢談了一
    When we met we had a good chin-wag.
  • 那天我很晚回傢,天漆黑漆黑的,我踢了牛奶瓶,把全家人都吵醒了。
    I got home very late. It was as black as pitch and I knocked over the milk bottles, waking up the whole household.
  • 那天我很晚回傢,天漆黑漆黑的,我踢了牛奶瓶,把全家都吵醒了。
    I got home very late. It was as black as pitch and I knocked over the milk bottles, waking up the whole house hold.
  • 後軟翻兩腿剪絞
    backward walkover with change of legs
  • 滾,打滾象在泥或海中打滾、滾或顛簸
    To wallow, roll, or toss about, as in mud or high seas.
  • 兩個小男孩在泥中滾。
    Two little boys were wallowing in the mud.
  • 到了這時,連譯員都哭了[哭泣]起來。
    At this point even the interpreter broke into tears [weeping].
  • 她與我們洽談成交後又悔了。
    She welshed on (the bargain she made with) us.
  • 在1998年至1999年期間沃頓畢業生進入風險資本公司的人數了一番還多。而此學院2000屆畢業生中的19%已接受高技術公司聘用。
    The number of Wharton grads entering venture capital firms more than double between 1998 and 1999,and 19 percent of the class of 2000 have accepted jobs with high tech firms.
  • 他們一遇機會就會出來騰的。
    They'll stir up trouble whenever there's a chance.
  • 數字計算機藉此把高級語言編寫的程序中的指令譯成與其等價的機器語言程序的處理過程。
    The process whereby a digital computer translates the instructions of a program written in a high-level language into their machine language equivalents.
  • 如果汽車在懸崖下, 他們就會喪命。
    They would be killed if the car went over the cliff.
  • 如果汽車當時到懸崖下, 他們早就喪命了。
    They would have been killed if the car had gone over the cliff.
  • 卡車車後,乘客被卡住
    The passenger was pinned under the wreckage of the truck.
  • 拿起筆,把那張紙過來,她寫道:
    So she picked up the pen,turned over the paper he’d written on,and this is what she wrote:
  • 這部小說已由俄文原著改編成無綫電廣播節目(經譯及改寫後可於無綫電中播放).
    from the Russian original.
  • 譯作品很難欣賞到外國文學的精髓.
    You can't fully appreciate foreign literature in translation.