  • 这个数字并不包括政府以优惠条款批地兴建租住屋及居屋屋苑的土地价值。
    This figure excludes the value of land provided by the government for rental estates and Home Ownership Courts on concessionary terms.
  • 产于西印度岛;生活在活海螺的洞中。
    found in West Indies; lives in mantle cavity of a living conch.
  • 大的幻影-j.c.波厄斯;超现实主义艺术和文学中离奇的影像。
    a great concourse of phantasmagoric shadows- J.C.Powys; the incongruous imagery in surreal art and literature;.
  • 东印度岛的一种菜豆属植物,尤指在印度岛作为饲料和改良土壤的作物,叶被毛,种子小而黄褐色,豆荚圆筒形。
    East Indian legume having hairy foliage and small yellow flowers followed by cylindrical pods; used especially in India for food and forage and soil-conditioning; sometimes placed in genus Phaseolus.
  • 当一个真正的天才出现于世上的时候,你可以从下列的迹象把他认出来—笨蛋们起而反对他。
    When a true genius appear in the world you may know him by this sign, that the dunce is all in confederacy against him.
  • 当一个真正的天才出现于世上的时候,你可以从下列迹象把他认出来——笨蛋们起而反对他。
    When a true genius appears in the would you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.
  • 很多年以前,一不畏受难的基督徒修建了这座教堂。
    Many year ago a group of confessor build this church.
  • 在街道上撒满彩色纸屑
    The crowd bestrewed the streets with confetti.
  • 那个自信的有家伙总是离索居。
    That confident fellow always keeps himself to himself.
  • 控制离的动物的围栏。
    a pen where stray animals are confined.
  • 限于特殊人或给予隐私。
    confined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy.
  • 在社会政策上,不打土豪,不分浮财,不作经济上的没收,只对个别业已判处死刑的最反革命的分子的本人财产实行政治的没收,并分给众。
    So far as social policies are concerned, we are not to expropriate local tyrants, distribute their movable property or confiscate their economic assets, with the exception of the few most counter-revolutionary elements already sentenced to death, whose personal property shall, for political purposes, be confiscated and distributed among the masses.
  • 无论是全民所有的财产、劳动众集体所有的财产,还是个人的合法财产,都受法律保护,禁止任何组织或者个人侵占、哄抢、私分、破坏或者非法查封、扣押、冻结、没收。
    Public property owned by the state, collective property owned by the working people, and the legitimate property owned by individuals are all protected by law. Any organization or individual is thus forbidden to occupy, seize, share out or destroy such properties. It is also forbidden to seal up, withhold, freeze or confiscate such properties by illegal means.
  • 所以我们要善于利用原有的私人工商业,逐渐组织自己的经济,在众运动中就要注意这个问题,包括地主富农的工商业在内,一律不准没收,不准停业,如众分了的,要赶快组织恢复生产。同时,要和商人讲统一战线,争取他们支持我们发行的票子。
    Therefore, we should take advantage of existing private industrial and commercial enterprises and organize our economy step by step. This merits our attention regarding the mass movement; we cannot allow the confiscation or closing down of industrial and commercial enterprises, including those owned by landlords and rich peasants. If the masses have divided up these enterprises, we must help them resume operation as quickly as possible. At the same time, we should form a united front with the businessmen, urging them to accept the paper money we issue.
  • (生物学)纯种的符合自然体的明确标准。
    (biology) conforming to the definitive criteria of a natural group.
  • 警察面对愤怒的人只好后撤了。
    Confronted by an angry crowd the police retreated.
  • 各级党委和政府要满腔热情地解决人民众工作和生活中的实际问题。
    Party committees and governments at all levels should enthusiastically help the people solve practical problems they may confront in their work and life.
  • 哈佛大学儒家学者杜维明教授在对话会上谈到了他在阅读中文的《联合早报》及英文的《海峡时报》的一种观察。他说,他看到的是两个不同的世界。这是由于新加坡华族中有华语源流与英语源流两种社
    Prof. Du Wei Ming, Harvard Confucianist scholar, highlighted that contents of the Chinese and English dailies point to the fact that Chinese-speaking and English-speaking groups, which made up the Singapore ethnic Chinese race, are of two different worlds.
  • 哈佛大学儒家学者杜维明教授在对话会上谈到了他在阅读中文的《联合早报》及英文的《海峡时报》的一种观察。他说,他看到的是个不同的世界。这是由于新加坡华族中有华语源流与英语源流两种社
    Prof Tu Wei Ming, Harvard Confucianist scholar, highlighted that contents of the Chinese and English dailies point to the fact that Chinese-speaking and English speaking groups, which made up the Singapore ethnic Chinese, are of two different worlds.
  • 排成一列跳康茄舞的一人。
    a line of people in single file performing the conga dance.
  • "这种情形犹如人拥挤的地方传染感冒或流感的危险性更大一样。
    "It's the same as in congested places for humans that there's then greater risk of passing on colds or influenza.
  • 的人迅速地在演说者周围聚集起来。
    A crowd quickly congregated round the speaker.
  • 聚集在城内广场上听总统讲话。
    The crowds congregated in the town square to hear the President.
  • 集成或成堆地聚集或行进
    To congregate or travel in a flock or crowd.
  • 一大鸟从头上飞过。
    A great congregation of birds flew overhead.
  • 这一大人你估计有多少人?
    How large do you make the congregation?
  • 在宗教仪式上众的捐献物。
    the offerings of the congregation at a religious service.
  • 海上聚会鲸或老捕鲸者之间的集会,尤指在海上
    A herd of whales or a social congregation of whalers, especially at sea.
  • 本堂牧师对圣会或其它体进行精神引导的基督教主持人或牧师
    A Christian minister or priest having spiritual charge over a congregation or other group.
  • 奉献盘在一人中传递的用于收集捐献物的盘子
    A dish passed among the members of a group or congregation for the collection of offerings.
  • 可是,国会中的民主党人士感到处于领导真空(龙无首),乃强调由于布什不闻不问令经济一撅不振,以便增加他们自己的政治筹码。
    But congressional Democrats, sensing a leadership void, have made political hay by contending the economy is in the doldrums because Bush refuses to do anything about it.
  • 这意味着网络管理人员可以依据逻辑体建立与物理连接无关的网络。
    This means network managers can create networks based on logical groupings independent of physical connections.