  • 与前个季度相比,经费大削减10%。
    Expenditure is approximately 10% down on the previous quarter.
  • 是一个钟头的路程。
    It approximately is the jorney of a hour.
  • 夸特一种谷物容量单位,大等于八薄式耳
    A measure of grain equal to approximately eight bushels.
  • 本港有22110人直接从事渔农业。
    Approximately 22 110 people are employed directly in the industries.
  • 苏联重量单位等于磅。
    a Russian unit of weight equal to approximately 36 pounds.
  • 与前个季度相比,经费大削减10%。
    The expenditure is approximately 10% down on the previous quarter.
  • 这部的装船重量,大是七十公斤。
    The shipping weight of this one is approximately 70 kgs.
  • 年在其它历法中相当于一年的时间
    A period approximately equal to a year in other calendars.
  • 位于一个更大的区域的中心的一个地区。
    an area that is approximately central within some larger region.
  • 她通常大在这个时间里练琴。
    She usually approximately practices the musical instrument inside this time.
  • 一个美国人平均一年吃46块馅饼。
    The advantage American consumes approximately 46 slices of pizza a year.
  • 交易按金将为期货合价值的10%。
    The margin requirements will be approximately 10% of the contract value.
  • 水门的两杆之间大1米宽。
    The poles of a gate are approximately one meter apart.
  • 这三类疾病占所有死亡个案的六成。
    Together, they accounted for approximately 60 per cent of all deaths.
  • 10%的男人和5%的女人根本不结婚。
    And approximately 10% of men and 5% of women never marry at all.
  • 东亚重量单位等于(待查表)盎司。
    a unit of weight used in east Asia approximately equal to 1.3 ounces.
  • 叶子的形状;形状细长,两侧大平行。
    of a leaf shape; having a somewhat elongated form with approximately parallel sides.
  • 生活在同一时间或大同一时代的所有的人。
    all the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age.
  • 光在真空中一小时内走的距离;等于亿公里。
    the distance light travels in a vacuum in one hour; approximately one billion kilometers.
  • 每年3000名学生,这是个大的数字。
    3000 students each year would be an approximation.
  • 一种灌木状植物,花黄色到杏黄色、花的四个瓣排列成十字形;产于美国东南部;从纽到得克萨斯。
    shrubby plant having yellow to apricot flowers with four petals arranged in a cross; southeastern United States: New York to Texas.
  • 关于我们的午餐会,我不能去
    Apropos our date for lunch, I can't go.
  • [6]洛克、爱尔维休和狄德罗都相信所有的人都有相同的天赋,并且相信在束大智英才的活动的法则之下,有些人所能完成的,其他的人在相似的环境下,致力于相似的追求,也准是力所能及的。
    [6] Locke, Helvetius, and Diderot believed that all men have an equal aptitude for genius, and that what some are able to effect, under the laws which regulate the operations of the intellect, must also be within the reach of others who, under like circumstances, apply themselves to like pursuits.
  • 这项工程到一九九六年底已大致完成(机铁香港站合工程除外),较一九九七年中的预定竣工日期为早。
    The project (excluding works entrusted to the AR Hong Kong Station Contract) was substantially complete by end-1996, ahead of the target completion date of mid-1997.
  • 在建造工程进行期间,已为本港工人带来逾3万个就业机会,预期单是新机场和机铁,便可创造一万个新职位。
    More than 30 000 jobs have been generated for local workers during the construction period. It is estimated that the new airport and the AR alone will create around 10 000 new jobs.
  • 其余三成的资金,则透过当局批出新机场各项主要服务和西隧的专营权,并由负责机构就新机场和机铁工程向私营机构进行商业借贷而筹得。
    The remaining 30 per cent comes from private sector participation in the form of commercial lending for the new airport and the AR, key franchises at the new airport and the WHC franchise.
  • 侯赛因旦国王(1952年后)。自从1967年在阿以战争中丧失对西旦的控制权后,他在阿以冲突中一直尽量保持中立
    King of Jordan(since1952). Since he lost control of western Jordan in the Arab-Israeli War(1967), Hussein has attempted to remain neutral in Arab-Israeli conflicts.
  • 菲尔斯一种货币单位,用于巴林、伊拉克、旦、科威特、阿拉伯联合酋长国和也门
    A unit of currency in Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
  • 生于叙利亚和阿拉伯的一种荒漠灌木,开白色的小花;即旧全书中的杜松(罗腾树);有时归入染料木属。
    desert shrub of Syria and Arabia having small white flowers; constitutes the juniper of the Old Testament; sometimes placed in genus Genista.
  • 根据土地利用变更调查,2001年全国主要地类面积为:耕地12761.58万公顷,人均耕地面积0.10公顷,不足世界人均耕地面积的一半。
    According to the investigation on the alternative land use, the areas of the key land categories in the whole country in 2001 are as follows: 127.6158 million hectares of arable land, with the per capita arable land being about 0.10 hectare, less than one half of the per capita arable land area in the world;
  • 塔古姆任一种《旧》的亚拉姆文中的译文或解释
    Any of several Aramaic translations or paraphrasings of the Old Testament.
  • 这份墓志铭写在一个空的存放尸骨的石灰石盒子上,上面用亚拉姆语写道:"詹姆士,瑟夫之子,耶酥之兄。
    The inscription, in the Aramaic language, appears on an empty ossuary, or limestone burial box for bones. It reads: "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus."