  • 爸爸生气了,而他没有骂我。
    Father got angry, but he did not scold me.
  • 为什么,如果你们不交流,如果每次你的孩子告诉你他心里的真实信念和心底深处的想法,你就立刻责骂他们,那他们当就不再和你谈了,也就不会跟你说实话了。
    Why,if you don't communicate,if every time your children tell you something they truly believe and their innermost truthful thoughts,you immediately scold them,then of course they stop talking to you and won't tell you the truth.
  • 而,当证据日趋增多时,该动物园的专家们感到有必要进行调查。
    However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate.
  • 我偶听到琼斯太太对女佣人厉声说话,实际上,是在斥责她。
    I overheard Mrs Jones talking vigorously to her servant: in plain terms, scolding her.
  • 那孩子的恶作剧与其说让他责骂,倒不如说让他啼笑皆非,而,他还是起来进行了必要的惩戒。
    He felt more like laughing at the child's escapade than scolding him, but, solemn as an owl, he got through the necessary reprimand.
  • 蜥蜴的舌头突伸出来把苍蝇卷入口中。
    The lizard's tongue shot out and scooped up the fly.
  • 当一个公司的借款费用过高时,新的投资收益开始在牺牲新投资人利益的情况下自增生到旧的债权人手中,导致投资量降低。
    When a company's borrowing cost is high, the benefits of new investments begin to accrue to old creditors at the expense of new investors, causing investment to drop.
  • 利息从月初开始自增殖。
    Interest accrue from the begin of the month.
  • 利息逐月自然增加。
    The interest accrued over the months.
  • 如你将钱存于银行, 则自生息。
    If you put money in the bank, interest accrues.
  • 有了良好的学习习惯,思考能力就自会有所提高。
    Ability to think will accrue to you from good habits of study.
  • 人工植被尽快向大面积天植被过度,也许是根治沙害的终极途径。
    It is probably the ultimate channel for bringing the scourge of sand under permanent control to change from artificial vegetation to natural vegetation as soon as possible.
  • 而,当一个黑洞穿过一片星云,或者靠近另一个正常恒星时,黑洞将会使它自身的物质增加。
    However, if a black hole passes through a cloud of interstellar matter, or is close to another “normal” star, the black hole can accrete matter into itself.
  • 一个著名的戏班子,宫廷大臣剧团,正在公藐视高雅文学的合格作者大学人士的厂搞了。
    A well-known actors company, the Lord Chamberlains, was snapping their fingers at the manuscripts of the university men, the accredited producers of fine literature.
  • 后,这位身高4英尺10英寸、重110磅的童子军开始操作。稳稳地将一条腿放在比尔双足之间,后用双臂紧紧抱住他。
    Then the 4′10″,110-pound Scout planted her leg between Bill's feet and locked her arms around him.
  • 渔农自护理署和蔬菜统营处自一九九四年起合办信誉农场计划,由农友自发参与,供应优质安全蔬菜。
    The voluntary Accredited Farm Scheme implemented by the AFCD and the Vegetable Marketing Organisation since 1994 aims to supply clean and safe vegetables.
  • 侦察兵先涉过浅滩,战士们跟着安渡过。
    The soldier rode out of the ford with the scouts in advance.
  • 不顾强烈反对而采访并发布的新闻突使得这个城市猛烈而彻底地进行早就该进行的市政大改革。
    Scrappy journalism had catapulted the city into and energetic, thouroughgoing and long overdue civil housecleaning.
  • 我预定的旅馆就隐藏在这缤纷杂乱的城市里的某处,而我事先潦草地勾勒的路线图,突间变得字迹模糊,难以辨认了。
    Somewhere in this confusing city my hotel was hidden, but the directions I had scrawled suddenly weren't legible.
  • 六名当成员包括香港教育学院校长、香港学术评审局总干事及政府人员。
    The six ex officio members include the Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Education and the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation, and government officials.
  • 成员包括本港所有师资培训机构的代表、香港学术评审局总干事及政府人员。
    The ex officio members include representatives of all the local teacher training institutes, the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation, and government officials.
  • 他们正要离开时,突听到警报器在背後尖叫起来。
    They is about to leave when they hear a siren screaming behind them.
  • 他们正要离开时,突听到警报器在背后尖叫起来。
    They were about to leave when they heard a siren screaming behind them.
  • 怪异的尖叫;三个怪异的姐姐;树桩……有怪兽似的怪诞形状-约翰·高尔斯华绥;神秘的光;他能够听到一些喧嚣的鸟令人毛骨悚的尖叫声-亨利·汀思勒。
    an eldritch screech; the three weird sisters; stumps...had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures- John Galsworthy; an unearthly light; he could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din- Henry Kingsley.
  • 火车嘎刹住了,格特跳了下来,伸手抱住马吉。
    The train screeched to a halt and Getter jumped off.Getter reached Marki.
  • 英国广播公司先要把原稿审阅一遍,后才允许对某一节目进行制作。
    The BBC read the script over before allowing the programme to be made.
  • "切斯特"在学校篮球队的士气动员会上突出现,还带来了一纸声明,宣布约翰逊为奇多脆奶酪口味的"荣誉代言人"。
    Chester appeared at a pep rally for the basketball team, and presented Johnson with a scrolled declaration proclaiming him an "honorary deputy of cheese."
  • ,透过画面向岩石钻孔一定要慎之又慎。
    Of course, one should be scrupulous when drilling through the surface of a mural.
  • 她仔细地审查了他的作品,后才允许他寄出去。
    She scrutinized his work carefully before allowing him to send it out.
  • 早晨三点钟,在布朗克斯四号地铁线木坪站里十分无聊。可是对做了二十一年售票员的罗尔斯来说,恐惧是时刻不离的。虽乘客稀疏,她对每一个人都仔细观察。
    At 3 a.m., at the Woodlawn subway station on the No. 4 line in the Bronx, tedium has set in. Yet for Barbara E. Rawls, a token clerk for 21 years, fear is always there too. Customers are few and far between, but she scrutinizes each one.
  • 内韦尔松,路易丝1899-1988俄裔美国雕刻家,其大量作品常用木头、铸造金属和自物体制作,以复杂且有韵律的抽象形状为特征
    Russian-born American sculptor whose massive works, often of wood, cast metal, and found objects, are characterized by complex and rhythmic abstract shapes.
  • 当时钟楼尤其还没有那四只直至今日仍蹲坐在屋顶四角的怪兽,这四只怪兽看上去像是四个狮身人面像,要人看见新巴黎时非去解开旧巴黎的谜不可①。雕刻家罗尔只是到了一五二六年才把它们安放上去。他一番呕心沥血只挣得二十法朗。再则,就是朝向河滩广场的柱子阁,我们在前面已向看官略做介绍了。
    (It lacked, in particular, the four monsters, which, still perched to-day on the corners of its roof, have the air of so many sphinxes who are propounding to new Paris the riddle of the ancient Paris. Rault, the sculptor,only placed them in position in 1526, and received twenty francs for his pains.) There was the Maison-aux-Piliers, the Pillar House, opening upon that Place de Gr鑦e of which we have given the reader some idea;