  • 減小或減數量或可用性使在價值或價格上下降。
    reduce or cut back the amount or availability of, creating a decline in value or prices.
  • 我的汽車的汽油耗量平均每星期為50升。
    My car's petrol consumption averaged out at 50 litres a week.
  • 費額中,居民費額為8100億元,按可比價格計算,相當於1952年增長98.9%,中國居民1990年的人均費額為714元,按可比價格計算,仍比1952年提高了2.7倍。
    Of the total volume of consumption, 810 billion yuan was spent by individual consumers, which was an increase of 98.9 percent over 1952 according to constant prices. The per-capita volume of consumption for the Chinese residents averaged 714 yuan in 1990, 2.7 times more than in 1952 according to constant prices.
  • 費額中,居民費額為8100億元,按可比價格計算,相當於1952年增長98.9%,中國居民1990年的人均費額為714元,按可比價格計算,仍比1952年提高了2.7倍。
    Of the total volume of consumption, 810 billion yuan was spent by individual consumers, which was 7.3 times the 43.4 billion yuan in 1952 according to constant prices. The per-capita volume of consumption for the Chinese residents averaged 714 yuan in 1990, 3.7 times more than in 1952 according to constant prices, despite a 98.9 percent population increase in the intervening years.
  • 費物價方面,綜合費物價指數在二零零一年持續下跌,平均下跌1.6%,但跌幅已小於二零零零年的3.8%。
    On consumer prices, there was a continued fall in the Composite Consumer Price Index (Composite CPI), averaging at 1.6 per cent in 2001, although this was smaller than the 3.8 per cent drop in 2000.
  • 這種相互的交流將有助於除危險。
    And that kind of communication will help to avert that.
  •  (五)人工影響天氣,是指為避免或者減輕氣象災害,合理利用氣候資源,在適當條件下通過科技手段對局部大氣的物理、化學過程進行人工影響,實現增雨雪、防雹、雨、霧、防霜等目的的活動。
    Weather modification refers to efforts aimed at rain or snow enhancement, hail suppression, rain suppression, fog dispersal, frost prevention by exerting, under appropriate conditions, artificial influence on local atmospheric physical and chemical processes through scientific and technological means, in order to avert or mitigate meteorological disasters and rationally exploit climatic resources.
  • 副業尤指以此來耗時間的一項活動;兼差
    An activity engaged in especially as a means of passing time; an avocation.
  • 毫無疑問,第三次世界大戰是可以避免的,但是,在可預見的將來地區衝突失是非常不可能的。
    There's little doubt that a third World War is avoidable , but it is highly unlikely that regional conflicts will disappear in the foreseeable future.
  • 你聽到我獲奬的好息了嗎?
    Have you heard the good news about my award?
  • 提升市民生態文明素養,倡導公衆自覺選擇緑色費。
    Improving ecological awareness of the citizens?
  • 他們的腳步聲逐漸失了。
    The sound of their footsteps died away.
  • 昏昏沉沉地磨掉一個上午
    Drowse away the morning
  • 法的消亡
    withering away of law
  • 一切疑慮都已煙雲散。
    All doubt fell away.
  • 白晝在逐漸消失.
    Daylight was ebbing away.
  • 她的希望漸漸失了。
    Her hopes withered away.
  • 聽到這個壞息,我難過之極。
    I'm awfully/dreadfully sorry to hear the bad news.
  • 防隊員用斧子劈開了鎖着的房門。
    The firemen splintered the locked door with an ax.
  • 這次,人們聽到島國將設立"演說角落"的息,各界議論紛紛。
    That is why people were excited with a babble of comments when they were told recently that there would be a Speakers' Corner in Singapore.
  • “食物標簽的巴比塔已倒塌,這是費者之福,”健康服務部長沙利文在記者招待會上興高采烈地說。他宣佈說布什已打破該部與農林部這間為期數月的僵局。
    "The Tower of Babel in food labels has come down, and American consumers are the winners," a jubilant Healthe and Human Services Secretary Louis Sullivan said at a news conference to announce that Bush had broken a months-long deadlock between his agency and the Department of Agriculturn.
  • 這些改革的總目標是一致的,都是為了使我國滅貧窮,走嚮富強,滅落後,走嚮現代化,建設有中國特色的社會主義。
    The general objectives of these measures are the same -- they are all designed to enable our country to eliminate poverty, become strong and prosperous, overcome backwardness, modernize and build a socialism suited to Chinese conditions.
  • 我們纔知道原來這首詩裏,還隱藏了另外更加深奧的雙重暗喻,不但指責大陸當局摧殘了中國文化的豐富傳統,使之滅無蹤,還指責因“工業大躍進”、“傢傢土法冶鋼”所耗,浪費了無數森林,以致廣泛地破壞了寶貴的園林生態之結果。
    We then realized that there was yet another set of double meaning. Firstly, the rich literary heritage of China was being destroyed and would become no more worth than the paper they are printed on. Secondly, the attempt to industrialize through the proliferation of backyard foundries to produce iron caused forests to be cut down as fuel for the furnaces and this led to widespread deforestation.
  • 滅或抑製細菌生長。
    destroying bacteria or inhibiting their growth.
  • 抗菌的滅或抑製細菌生長的
    Destroying or inhibiting the growth of bacteria.
  • 因為天氣不好,他們的旅行計劃取了。
    Their travel plan was cancelled because of the bad weather.
  • 飯後立刻飲水不利於化。
    Drinking water immediately after a meal is bad for the digestion.
  • 壞消息傳得快。
    Bad mews has wings.
  • 壞消息使報紙暢銷。
    Bad news sells newspapers.
  • 對這則壞息輕描淡寫
    Downplayed the bad news.
  • 我的消化不良。
    I have bad digestion.
  • 我有壞消息。
    I have bad news.