  • 他的臉皮厚得叫人難以相信,她那些冷嘲熱諷的話傷不了他一汗毛。
    Those barbed remarks of hers just seemed to glance off his incredibly tough hide.
  • 好的。據這項合同,我們將嚮你們出售1,000打t恤衫,大、中、小號平均搭配,每打80美元,成本加運費巴塞羅那價。
    OK. Under this contract, we will supply you1, 000 dozen T-shirts, S, M and L equally assorted at US $80 per dozen, CFR Barcelona.
  • 我用一駁船撐桿也夠不到它。
    I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.
  • 指找錯了門或錯怪了人heyman,ifyouthinkiwastheguywhorobbedthatbanktoday,you'rebarkingupthewrongtree!iwasnowhereneartheplace.喂,要是你認為我是今天搶銀行的那個人,那你就錯怪我了。我本就沒上那兒去。
    To bark up the wrong tree
  • 古物諮詢委員會也檢查位於屯門的戰前華人廟宇和寺院、昂船洲和前域多利兵房的軍事結構物,前whitfield兵房,以及macintoshforts,據它們的歷史價值及建築優點評定等級。
    The Antiquities Advisory Board also examined and graded pre-war Chinese temples and monasteries in Tuen Mun; the military structures on Stonecutters Island; the former Victoria Barracks; the former Whitfield Barracks and the MacIntosh Forts according to their historical significance and architectural merit.
  • 用桶包裝,每容量60加侖。
    packed in barrel of 60 gallon each
  • 請巴裏來幫忙修車本沒有用,他對扳鉗之類的東西一竅不通。
    It's no use asking Barry to help mend a car; he doesn't know one end of a spanner from the other.
  • 屢次麯解[對方]詞意和不擇手段的攻擊,似乎使得布什日益領先,但在重要問題上布什先生非常直截了當——他和他的黨所代表,並引以為榮的,是由戈德華特與裏一脈相承的新保守策略。
    Many distortions and punches below the belt have contributed to George Bush's apparently growing lead, but on one important point Mr.Bush has been forthright—he and his party stand for and are proud of the new conservative approach born of Barry Goldwater and Ronal Reagan.
  • 南美洲的秋海棠,有纖維性,基生葉上有突出的裂片、像天使的翅膀,總狀花序、花珊瑚紅色。
    South American fibrous-rooted begonias having prominent basal leaf lobes suggesting angels' wings and racemes of coral-red flowers.
  • 北美西部的一種植物,具有木質莖、成簇的、挺直的草狀基生葉,穗狀、乳白色的花。
    plant of western North America having woody rhizomes and tufts of stiff grasslike basal leaves and spikes of creamy white flowers.
  • 一種十字花科的粗糙植物(辣屬),産於歐亞大陸,其很厚實,略帶白色,有刺鼻氣味,葉子底部大,白色花呈圓錐形花序
    A coarse Eurasian plant(Armoracia rusticana) in the mustard family, having a thick, whitish, pungent root, large basal leaves, and white flowers in a terminal panicle.
  • 這部影片是D.H.勞倫斯的小說改編的。
    This film is based on a novel by D.H.Lawrence.
  • 據這些情況擬定的廣告詞登載在報紙和雜志上,但是效果不大。
    Advertisements based on these facts have been printed in newspapers and magazines but have not helped much.
  • 這篇新聞報導是完全據實際情況寫成的。
    This news report is based entirely on fact.
  • 意見應以事實為據。
    One should always base one's opinions on facts.
  • 中央革命根據地
    Central Revolutionary Base Area
  • 瓊崖革命根據地
    Qiongya Revolutionary Base Area
  • 革命根據地財政
    finance of revolutionary base areas
  • 井岡山革命根據地
    Jinggang Shan Revolutionary Base Area
  • 海陸豐革命根據地
    Haifeng-Lufeng Revolutionary Base Area
  • 陝甘革命根據地
    Shanxi-Gansu Revolutionary Base Area
  • 川陝革命根據地
    Sichuan-Shanxi Revolutionary Base Area
  • 第三節建立據地的條件
  • 第二節遊擊區和據地
  • 川陝革命據地博物館
    Museum of Sichuan-Shanxi Revolutionary Base
  • 第一節幾種根據地
  • 這部小說是以歷史事實為據的.
    This novel is based on historical facts.
  • 據經驗的;全憑觀察和實驗的
    Based on experience; empirical.
  • 據法律的在法律係統基礎之上的
    Based on a system of law.
  • 屬於詞源學的或據詞源學的。
    based on or belonging to etymology.
  • 據的恐慌、謠言、懷疑
    Baseless fears, rumours, suspicions
  • 據的閑談;斷言被證明是無據的;無謂的恐懼;無據的懷疑;無據的嫉妒。
    baseless gossip; the allegations proved groundless; idle fears; unfounded suspicions; unwarranted jealousy.