  • 在电话技术中,电话作员使用的一种信号,用来获得另一次注意,或由作员保持的用户发送的一种信号,用以获得随后的注意。
    In telephony, a signal used by a telephone operator to gain the attention of another, or a signal sent by a subscriber held by an operator to gain the latter's attention.
  • 这架飞机操纵自如.
    The plane answered smoothly to the controls.
  • 紧身连衣裤一种覆盖人体躯干的带袖或无袖的服装,其特点为紧贴合身、伸缩性的衣裤相连,尤指舞蹈演员、体运动员、杂技演员以及那些从事体育锻炼者穿的那种
    A snugly fitting, stretchable one-piece garment with or without sleeves that covers the torso, worn especially by dancers, gymnasts, acrobats, and those engaging in exercise workouts.
  • 指由手工或非自动化设备实现的作(如人工数据输入、人工分类)。
    Performed by hand or with non-automatic equipment("manualdata entry";"manual sorting").
  • 人们推推,在台阶上跑上跑下,乱扔果皮纸屑,有的还带走一块小石子留作纪念。
    people push, run up and down the steps, drop bits of litter, and perhaps take a small stone as a souvenir.
  • 在电报通信技术中,一种用手指纵的器件,通过按下、松开使电路一会儿通、一会儿断,形成点、划、空的信号,从而发送出字符(信息)。
    In telegraphy communications, a device with a finger-operated lever with contacts that make and break a circuit to send characters by means of dots and dashes or spaced clicks.
  • 您可以指定的作包括标准acl,如读、写和执行
    The operations you can specify include the standard ACL such as reading, writing, and execution
  • 指令字的一部分,它规定了要执行的作。
    The portion of an instruction word specifying the operation to be performed.
  • 规定在一个基本机器周期中执行某种基本机器作的一种命令。
    A command specifying an elementary machine operation to be performed within a basic machine cycle.
  • 通过一定速度范围变速驱动器可以作。
    a variable speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds.
  • 我想,体运动员要求有钢铁般的意志和百折不挠的精神。
    I suppose gymnasts require iron will and unswerving spirts.
  • 停止某种作。例如,假脱机取消命令可以停止假脱机的作。
    To stop an operation, for example, a spool kill command to stop a spooling operation.
  • 一种玩具,上有沟槽,可使之嵌入细索,以手纵该索,此玩具即沿索上下移动。
    a toy consisting of a spool that is reeled up and down on a string by motions of the hand.
  • 在ibmsystem/38中,作系统cpf(控制程序设施)里的一种程序,用于将假脱机输出文件从输出队列中写入到某一外部设备(如打印机)中去。
    In System/38, a Control Program Facility program that writes spooled output files from an output queue to an external device, such as a printer.
  • 杉下小姐,键盘作员阿江小姐今天没来,所以我希望你把这些销售资料打进电脑上的盈利报表。
    Miss Sugishita, the regular keyboard operator, Mrs. Ae, is absent today. So I want you to type this sales data into the profits spreadsheet on the computer.
  • 升降舵一个可动控制台,通常安装在飞机的尾翼上,用来纵飞机升降
    A movable control surface, usually attached to the horizontal stabilizer of an aircraft, that is used to produce motion up or down.
  • 这些行为表明他是极有节的人。
    These actions stamped him as a man of high principles.
  • 窗户的标准宽度;标准型号;标准的固定物;权威商标;标准作程序。
    windows of standard width; standard sizes; the standard fixtures; standard brands; standard operating procedure.
  • 行,行为一个人行为的方式,尤指从道德和伦理的角度来看
    The way a person acts, especially from the standpoint of morality and ethics.
  • 程序管理器是所有windows作的中枢。当你启动windows时,它就自动启动,在使用windows的过程中它也始终在运行着。
    Program Manager is the central to the operation of Windows. It starts automatically whenever you start Windows and continues to run as long as you are using Windows.
  • 维护状态和/或执行作的能力都可以作为刻画ap的特征。
    The AP is characterized by its maintenance state and/or its ability to perform operations. AP Maintenance States
  • 在ibmsystem/32中,为完成一特定任务的有关ocl(作控制语言)语句及可能有的控制语句之集合。
    In System/32, a named collection of related OCL statement, and possibly control statements, that perform a particular task.
  • 这条船容易操舵。
    The ship went with easy steerage.
  • 纵船只的动作行为。
    the act of steering a ship.
  • 机动的刹车;机动的作。
    power brakes; power-assisted steering.
  • 舵柄,舵轮船的舵装置,尤指舵柄或舵轮
    The steering gear of a ship, especially the tiller or wheel.
  • 连接纵装置和前轮的两根杆子之一。
    either of two rods that link the steering gear to the front wheels.
  • 把手一种曲形的金属纵把手,比如说在自行车上的。经常用复数表示
    A curved metal steering bar, as on a bicycle. Often used in the plural.
  • 体操促进血液流动。
    Exercise stimulates the flow of blood.
  • 由专业的股票经纪人作的安全的股票买卖。
    an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers.
  • 集合基金为了投机或纵证券价格而由一群证券持有人建立起来的共同基金
    A mutual fund established by a group of stockholders for speculating in or manipulating prices of securities.
  • 木偶是用线来纵的。
    Puppets are worked by strings.