  • 那个贼向银行出纳员舞他的枪。
    The thief waved his gun at the bank teller.
  • 渐弱地速度和音量的逐渐减小。主要用于指
    With a gradual decrease in tempo and volume. Used chiefly as a direction.
  • 处于压力下的人容易发自己全部的潜力。
    People under stress tend to express their full range of potential.
  • 一位特别有前途的执行官很有可能会被列入我们的ceo名单当中,即使他的任期并不长——只要他在公司的成功发展中发了重要的角色。
    An especially promising executive could make the list even without a long tenure as CEO--so long as the candidate had already played a major role in a company's success.
  • 沙滩、阳光和尽情洒的快乐使芭堤雅海滩成为泰国最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。
    Sand, sun and fun make Pattaya one of the most popular destinations for visitors to Thailand.
  • 他是一个懒鬼,把天资埋没了。只要发出他的才干,再加上一点干劲,他可以干出一番惊天动地的大事来。
    He is a lazy devil and keeps his talent in a napkin, with his ability and a little energy he could set the Thames on fire.
  • 关于实践是检验真理唯一标准的讨论,关于党的历史特别是建国以来历史的科学总结,关于建设有中国特色的社会主义,关于经济和政治体制的改革,关于建设社会主义精神文明和加强共产主义、爱国主义思想教育,围绕这些,理论界做了许多研究、论证和宣传工作,发了积极的作用。
    Our theorists have contributed a great deal by studying, expounding and publicizing the theory that practice is the sole criterion for testing truth, the scientific analysis of the Party's history, especially in the period since the founding of the People's Republic, and the need to build socialism with Chinese characteristics, to reform the economic and political structures, build a socialist society advanced in ethics and culture and to educate people in communism and patriotism.
  • 汽油一种具有发性、可燃的烃类混合物液体,主要来自于原油,主要作燃料用,尤用于内燃机,也用作溶剂、照明物或稀释剂
    A volatile mixture of flammable liquid hydrocarbons derived chiefly from crude petroleum and used principally as a fuel for internal-combustion engines and as a solvent, an illuminant, and a thinner.
  • 看!伊恩?索普站起来向观众手了。
    Look, Ian Thorpe stands up and waves to the audience.
  • 动着手臂试图赶走虫子;鳄鱼沉重的尾巴。
    trying to drive insects away with his flailing arms; the aligator's thrashing tail.
  • (六)张、谭两师是“围剿”主力军,“围剿”军总司令江西主席鲁涤平的嫡系部队,张又是前线总指
    The two divisions under Chang Hui-tsan and Tan Tao-yuan, which made up the enemy's main force, were troops belonging to Lu Ti-ping, who was commander-in-chief of this "encirclement and suppression" campaign and governor of Kiangsi Province, and Chang Hui-tsan was the field commander.
  • 加强组织监督和民主监督,发舆论监督的作用。
    We should tighten organizational and democratic supervision and give play to the supervisory function of the media.
  • 蔡廷锴曾任国民党第十九路军总指兼第十九军军长,与蒋光鼐(前任总指)同为该路军的负责人。
    Tsai Ting-kai was deputy commander of the Kuomintang's 19h Route Army and commander of one of its corps, the two other leaders being Chen Ming-shu and Chiang Kuang-nai.
  • 金属指棒鼓手舞使用的,顶端是厚橡皮的中空的金属棒
    A hollow metal rod with a heavy rubber tip or tips that is wielded and twirled by a drum major or drum majorette.
  • 各位悉心栽培我们的青年,协助在学和已踏足社会的同学发有用的才能,这是我们推动/科技发展必不可少的成功因素。
    Your tireless effort to equip our students and graduates with the right qualities will be an integral part of our success in promoting technology development.
  • 为别人付出,努力让自己发点作用,已经使我精疲力竭。
    Giving out to others in an effort to make a difference had taken its toll.
  • 当新造的万吨轮驶近时,岸上的人们臂欢迎。
    People on shore greeted the new 10, 000 toner by waving their arms as she was getting up.
  • 小的地中海植物,包含有易发的油,曾经被用来减轻牙痛。
    small Mediterranean plant containing a volatile oil once used to relieve toothache.
  • 我给本地的报纸写文章只用半小时就可一而就。
    I can toss off my article for the local newspaper in half an hour.
  • 要全面整合北京旅游资源,充分发北京的优势,形成各具特色的旅游文化中心区域。
    These tourist resources of the city shall be fully integrated so as to enjoy the advantages that can be gained when all these resources are presented as a whole to potential tourists. Meanwhile, each tourist area must also have its own unique features.
  • 1981年,中国成立了中国环境管理干部学院,对全国环保系统的管理人员进行岗位培训、继续教育和学历教育,到1995年底结业学员5200多人,这些学员经培训后水平有了很大提高,为推动各地环保工作发了重要作用。
    In 1981 the Environmental Administrative Personnel Training College was established for the purpose of offering on-the-job training, continuing education and academic-level education to administrative personnel in the environmental protection departments throughout the country. By the end of 1995 over 5,200 trainees had completed courses there. These skill-enhanced trainees are playing an important role in promoting the nation's environmental protection work.
  • 他转过身来挥挥手。
    He turned and waved.
  • 如果消费者要对即将成立的委员会的推荐介绍发影响力,就应该尽早地发表意见。
    If the consumer is going to have any influence on the recommendations of a future committee, he had better get in his twopence worth early.
  • 党为了加强自己队伍的团结和统一,为了正确地发自己的领导作用和核心作用,曾经同在这一问题上的各种错误的倾向,进行了坚决的斗争。
    In order to strengthen solidarity and unity within its own ranks and correctly play its role as leader and nucleus, the Party has waged an uncompromising struggle against all sorts of erroneous deviations in this regard.
  • 在不断变化又充满各种精心推销的趋势和争议的音乐界,fabfour四人乐队是一支乐坛常青树,他们无可否认的影响力再一次发了作用。
    The undeniable force of the Fab Four, a musical constant in the everchanging sea of carefully marketed trends and controversy, is once again in play.
  • 好多人才没有被发现,他们的工作条件太差,待遇太低,他们的作用不能充分地发出来。
    The problem is that many of them go undiscovered, and that they cannot do what they are capable of because their working conditions are too poor and their incomes too low.
  • 政协在这一工作中无疑将继续发重要作用。
    The CPPCC will undoubtedly continue to perform a very useful role in this work.
  • 中华人民共和国中央军事委员会领导并统一指全国武装力量。
    The CMC of the PRC directs and assumes unified command of the nation's armed forces.
  • 这种用非所学的人是大量的,应当发他们的作用,不然对国家是最大的浪费。
    There are many people like him who are engaged in a profession unrelated to what they studied. We should be giving full play to their professional knowledge lest the country suffer a great loss.
  • 难驾驭的容易挑拨是非的;不听指
    Inclined to make trouble; unruly.
  • 目前,国有企业改革与脱困的各项政策措施已大多出台,基本配套,关键是要通过加强管理,把政策措施落到实处,发最大效应。
    At present, various policy measures on the reform and difficulty relief of the state-owned enterprises have been mostly unveiled and those measures have formed a complete set of system on the whole. The key problem now is to practically carry through the policy measures and bring those measures into play to the most extent through enhancing management.
  • 我认为,把我们地方的领导机关和军队的指机关搞得这样庞大、这样臃肿是不行啊!
    In my view, we simply can't have government organs and military commands that are so swollen and unwieldy.