  • 使得听力微或者完全听不见。
    caused to hear poorly or not at all.
  • 在当前的便携式电子产品中,电源是一个薄环节。
    The power source is the weak link in today's portable electronics.
  • 她装出一副有病体的样子,但实际上身体强壮。
    She strikes a pose of being an invalid when really she is well and strong.
  • 他在演说中不断抨击政府外交政策中的点。
    In his campaign speeches, he kept pounding away at the weakness of the government's foreign policy.
  • 他在竞选演说中不断抨击政府外交政策的软
    In his campaign speeches , he kept pounding away at the weakness of the government 's foreign policy.
  • 弱弱强强
    So weak, yet so powerful
  • 她开始意识到向她逼近即将征服她的是什么,她尽力用自己的意志去击退它——但她的意志像她白嫩纤巧的双手一样软无力。
    She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been.
  • 约翰利用了她的点。
    John practised on her weakness.
  • 从前的军事理论家和实际家也无不承认这是军对强军作战时在战争开始阶段必须采取的方针。
    No previous theorist or practitioner of war has ever denied that this is the policy a weak army fighting a strong army must adopt in the initial stage of a war.
  • 但是这种主动,已随其本身带着许多不利因素及其在战争中也犯了些主观错误(详论见后),与乎我方具备着许多有利因素,而开始了部分的减。敌之在台儿庄失败和山西困处,就是显证。
    But her initiative is beginning to wane to some extent because of her many inherent disadvantages and of the subjective errors she too has committed in the course of the war (of which more later) and also because of our many advantages The enemy's defeat at Taierhchuang and his predicament in Shansi prove this clearly.
  • 他的肺很虚,使他易于感染疾病。
    His weak chest predisposes him to illness.
  • 热带鸟产于温暖地区的鹲属几种主要为白色的,飞行速度较快的海鸟,其腿细小瘦,长有一对细长的中央尾羽
    Any of several predominantly white, swift-flying sea birds of the genus Phaethon, of warm regions, having small weak legs and a pair of long, slender, central tail feathers.
  • 不要因打败者而自傲。
    Do not preen yourself on defeating so weak a person.
  • 他们只提强对比一点,是他们的片面性;他们将此片面的东西夸大起来看成全体,又是他们的主观性。
    Their preoccupation with the contrast in strength shows their one-sidedness, and their exaggeration of this one side of the matter into the whole shows their subjectivism.
  • 23.此外,儿童基金会各国家和区域办事处正在建设自己应付紧急状况准备工作方面的能力,对满足灾害和冲突中势人口的饮水和卫生需要做出回应。
    23. Moreover, UNICEF country and regional offices are building their capacities for emergency preparedness and response to meet the water and sanitation needs of vulnerable populations in disasters and conflicts.
  • 我知道你总是虎视眈眈以强凌
    I know you always prey on weak people.
  • 罪犯的辩护软无力。
    The prisoner's defence was rather weak.
  • 而由于苏联的强大,由于除美国以外的一切帝国主义国家在战争中或被推翻或被削,更由于中国革命的胜利使帝国主义阵线在中国被突破,因而使整个帝国主义制度已在世界上发生很大的动遥
    Moreover, the imperialist system all over the world was profoundly shaken because the Soviet Union had become strong, because all the imperialist powers, except the United States, had either been overthrown or weakened in the war, and finally because the imperialist front was breached in China by the victorious Chinese revolution.
  • 的孩子在冬天易患感冒。
    Children of poor health are very prone to colds in winter.
  • 他因生病极为虚弱。
    He was prostrated by illness.
  • 由于虚而平躺;放在一种水平位置。
    be lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position.
  • 长期的焦虑导致她的神经衰
    A long period of worrying led to her nervous prostration.
  • 但是研究者们在本周《科学》周刊中发表的报告中说,这种新型病毒有一个点,那就是蛋白酶。
    But this new virus has a weak point called a protease, the researchers report in this week's issue of the journal Science.
  • 他们日常饮食中蛋白质含量不足,因而身体虚
    They are weakened by a diet that is low in protein
  • 在实时小组设置环境中,人们不能访问和分享pc机上的信息,这业已证明是台式计算机的一大点。
    The inability to access and share PC-resident information in a real-time group setting has proven to be a major weakness of desktop computers.
  • 政府还决定从1995年到2000年由中央财政投入39亿元专款,加上地方各级财政配套拨款,资金投入总量预计100亿元,重点投向《国家八七扶贫攻坚计划》中确定的贫困县,部分投向经济确有困难、基础教育发展薄的省定贫困县,优先投向少数民族地区。
    The government has decided to allocate a special fund of 3.9 billion yuan from the central budget between 1995 and 2000 to focus on poor counties recognized by the “National Plan for Poverty Relief”.Also, supplementary government allocations will come from local budgets at various levels. An estimated 10 billion yuan in total will be poured into the program. The fund will be mainly given to poor counties recognized by the Plan and part of the money will go to provincially recognized counties with economic difficulties and poor development of primary education.The priority will be given to ethnic minority regions in using the fund.
  • 在外部空间,地球重力减,如果有一火箭在运行,那么它将继续运转,直到另有一物推它或拉它为止。
    In outer space, where the pull of the earth's gravity is weakened, if a rocket is moving, it will continue to move until something else pushes against it or pulls it back.
  • 他说了下面的一句双关语'七天没有水使人虚'/'七天没有水也成一星期。'
    "He made the following pun, 'Seven days without water make one weak'."
  • 他说了下面的一句双关语'七天没有水使人虚'/'七天没有水也成一星期。'
    "He made the following pun,'Seven days without water make one weak'."
  • 虽然他看上去小,但却十分勇敢。
    Puny though he looked, he was as brave as a lion.
  • 由于信息是通过公共网上多个不同isp传输的,所以信息的安全性仅仅与最的isp一样,这个isp可能是买方的,也可以是卖方的。
    Because information travels over many different ISPs in the public network, the security of the information is only as strong as the weakest ISP, which can be the purchaser's provider or the vendor's provider.
  • 风力已减弱了。
    The wind blast has relented.