  • 就说宣传工作吧。
    Take propaganda work for instance.
  • 理事会的专题网络着重于卫生传、环境卫生、机构和管理改革和各项基于社区的办法,包括道德守则和将性别观点纳入主流。
    The Council’s thematic networks focus on hygiene promotion, environmental sanitation, institutional and management reform and community-based approaches,including a code of ethics and gender mainstreaming.
  • 康塔塔,清唱曲一段声音和器乐的乐段,由合唱、独唱和叙调组成
    A vocal and instrumental piece composed of choruses, solos, and recitatives.
  • ibm长久以来一直是科研领域中的领先者,最近它布了处理器制造技术中的两项重大改进:该公司已开始在构成处理器的晶体管之间用铜线代替铝线连接,它还将用硅作为这些晶体管的绝缘器。
    IBM, long a leader in the research and development area, recently announced two major changes in processor manufacturing technology: The company has begun using copper rather than aluminum wiring between the transistors that make up the processor, and it will use silicon as an insulator for those transistors.
  • 1911年辛亥革命爆发后第二年,革命党人在伊犁策动起义成功,成立新伊大都督府,告了清朝在伊犁地区政治统治的结束。
    In the year following the Revolution of 1911, insurrectionary revolutionaries in Xinjiang set up the New Ili Grand Military Government, marking the end of the political rule of the Qing Dynasty in the Ili region.
  • 为了让市民认识强积金制度,积金局准备在二零零零年加强传和推扩工作。
    In respect of public education and publicity for instilling public awareness and understanding, the MPFA will intensify its publicity and promotion efforts in year 2000.
  • 第九条 各级人民政府应当加强水土保持的传教育工作,普及水土保持科学知识。
    Article 9 The people's government at various levels shall intensify the publicity of and education in water and soil conservation, and popularize scientific knowledge concerning water and soil conservation.
  • 体育活动的形式要不断创新,注重体育文化内涵,注重推广和传,有重点地在国内外举办有影响力的大型体育文化和体育学术交流活动。
    Attach more importance to the intension of sports culture and to the spread of and publicity to the sports culture. Give priority to the organization of large and influential sports culture and sports academic exchange activities at home and abroad.
  • 学习传邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想活动深入开展。
    We made more intensive efforts to study and publicize Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents.
  • 增加税收是他们公开称的意图。
    It's their declared intention to increase taxes.
  • 舞蹈不应只是歌曲间的穿插表演而应成为独立的艺术形式这一主张,首先由英国人约翰·韦弗提出。几十年后,让·乔治·诺弗尔——芭蕾史上最重要的人物之——在其著名的《关于舞蹈和芭蕾舞论》(1760年)里,传厂不少同样的想法。
    The idea that dance should not be just an interlude between songs but should be self-sufficient was first Put forward by the Englishman John Weaver, Jean-Georges Noverre, one of the most important figures in the history of ballet, propagated much the same idea a few decades later in his famous Letters on Dancing arid Ballet(1760).
  • 在这个地球上表现出的所有的国际主义当中,我毫不犹豫地告,奥林匹克精神是最明智、最富有成效的。
    Of all the internationalism manifesting themselves on this planet, I do not hesitate to proclaim Olympism as the wisest and the most effective.
  • 《消除基于宗教或信仰原因的一切形式的不容忍和歧视言》中提出:“有表明自己选择宗教或信仰的自由,其所受限制只能在法律规定以及为保障公共安全、秩序、卫生或道德、或他人基本权利和自由所必要的范围之内。”
    The Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief states: “Freedom to manifest one's religion or belief may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health or morals or the fundamental rights and freedom of others.''
  • 大乘佛教的流派,称教化能胜于信念从冥想和直觉中传出;中国和日本。
    school of Mahayana Buddhism asserting that enlightenment can come through meditation and intuition rather than faith; China and Japan.
  •  (五)专利权的无效告;
    any invalidation of the patent right;
  • 第四章专利申请的复审与专利权的无效
    Chapter IV Reexamination of Patent Application and Invalidation of Patent Right
  • 无效告请求人在专利复审委员会作出决定之前撤回其请求的,无效告请求审查程序终止。
    Where the person requesting invalidation withdraws his request before the Patent Reexamination Board makes a decision on it, the examination of the request for invalidation is terminated.
  •  第六十四条依照专利法第四十五条的规定,请求告专利权无效或者部分无效的,应当向专利复审委员会提交专利权无效告请求书和必要的证据一式两份。
    Rule 64 Anyone requesting invalidation or part invalidation of a patent right in accordance with the provisions of Article 45 of the Patent Law shall submit a request and the necessary evidence in two copies.
  •  在专利复审委员会就无效告请求作出决定之后,又以同样的理由和证据请求无效告的,专利复审委员会不予受理。
    Where, after a decision on any request for invalidation of the patent right is made, invalidation based on the same facts and evidence is requested once again, the Patent Reexamination Board shall not accept it.
  •  第六十六条在专利复审委员会受理无效告请求后,请求人可以在提出无效告请求之日起1个月内增加理由或者补充证据。
    Rule 66 After a request for invalidation is accepted by the Patent Reexamination Board, the person making the request may add reasons or supplement evidence within one month from the date when the request for invalidation is filed.
  •  第七十一条专利复审委员会对无效告的请求作出决定前,无效告请求人可以撤回其请求。
    Rule 71 The person requesting invalidation may withdraw his request before the Patent Reexamination Board makes a decision on it.
  •  第七十条在无效告请求审查程序中,专利复审委员会指定的期限不得延长。
    Rule 70 In the course of the examination of a request for invalidation, the time limit specified by the Patent Reexamination Board shall not be extended.
  • 专利权人和无效告请求人应当在指定期限内答复专利复审委员会发出的转送文件通知书或者无效告请求审查通知书;
    The patentee and the person making request for invalidation shall, within the specified time limit, make responses to the notification concerning transmitted documents or the notification concerning the examination of the request for invalidation sent by the Patent Reexamination Board.
  •  无效告请求人对专利复审委员会发出的口头审理通知书在指定的期限内未作答复,并且不参加口头审理的,其无效告请求视为撤回;
    Where the person requesting invalidation fails to make response to the notification of the oral procedure sent by the Patent Reexamination Board within the specified time limit, and fails to take part in the oral procedure, the request for invalidation shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.
  •  第六十五条专利权无效告请求书不符合本细则第六十四条规定的,专利复审委员会不予受理。
    Rule 65 Where the request for invalidation does not comply with the provisions of Rule 64 of these Implementing Regulations, the Patent Reexamination Board shall not accept it.
  • 人民法院应当通知无效告请求程序的对方当事人作为第三人参加诉讼。
    The people's court shall notify the person that is the opponent party of that party in the invalidation procedure to appear as a third party in the legal proceedings.
  •  第四十六条专利复审委员会对告专利权无效的请求应当及时审查和作出决定,并通知请求人和专利权人。
    Article 46. The Patent Reexamination Board shall examine the request for invalidation of the patent right promptly, make a decision on it and notify the person who made the request and the patentee.
  • 无效告请求书应当结合提交的所有证据,具体说明无效告请求的理由,并指明每项理由所依据的证据。
    The request for invalidation shall state in detail the grounds for filing the request, making reference to all the evidence as submitted, and indicate the piece of evidence on which each ground is based.
  •  第六十九条专利复审委员会根据当事人的请求或者案情需要,可以决定对无效告请求进行口头审理。
    Rule 69 The Patent Reexamination Board may, at the request of the parties concerned or in accordance with the needs of the case, decide to hold an oral procedure in respect of a request for invalidation.
  •  专利复审委员会决定对无效告请求进行口头审理的,应当向当事人发出口头审理通知书,告知举行口头审理的日期和地点。
    Where the Patent Reexamination Board decides to hold an oral procedure in respect of a request for invalidation, it shall send notifications to the parties concerned, indicating the date and place of the oral procedure to be held.
  •  第六十七条专利复审委员会应当将专利权无效告请求书和有关文件的副本送交专利权人,要求其在指定的期限内陈述意见。
    Rule 67 The Patent Reexamination Board shall send a copy of the request for invalidation of the patent right and copies of the relevant documents to the patentee and invite it or him to present its or his observations within a specified time limit.
  •  第八十二条在处理专利侵权纠纷过程中,被请求人提出无效告请求并被专利复审委员会受理的,可以请求管理专利工作的部门中止处理。
    Rule 82 Where, in the course of handling a patent infringement dispute, the defendant requests invalidation of the patent right and his request is accepted by the Patent Reexamination Board, he may request the administrative authority for patent affairs concerned to suspend the handling of the matter.