  • 结果,贫农的目的完全达到,谷米阻得水泄不通,谷价大减,囤积居的绝迹。
    As a result, the poor peasants have fully achieved their objective;the ban on the outflow of grain is watertight, grain prices have fallen considerably, and hoarding and cornering have disappeared.
  • 从去年十月至现在,贫农把地主富农的谷米阻止出境,并禁止高抬谷价和囤积居
    Since last October the poor peasants have prevented the outflow of the grain of the landlords and rich peasants and have banned the forcing up of grain prices and hoarding and cornering.
  • 目前,美国食品和药物管理局已批准使用至少两种单克隆抗体:herceptn,用于治疗患转移性乳腺癌的妇女。她们的肿瘤中含有太多的her2蛋白质;rituxan,用于治疗一种非霍金淋巴癌。
    So far, the FDA has approved at least two monoclonals: Herception, for women with metastatic breast cancer whose tumor cells have too much I-IER2 protein, and Rituxan, for treating a type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
  • 老话!并非新奇!
    The Dutch have taken Holland.
  • 第二种子彼得·桑普拉斯在那晚比赛中以3,1,6,3战胜了温布尔登赛1991年冠军史迪
    Stich, the Wimbledom winner in 1991, feel to Henrik Holm of Sweden, ranked No. 23, 3, 6, 6, 3.
  • 刘少奇故居
    Home of Liu Shaoqi
  • 荷马的与荷马及其作品或他笔下那个时代的传有关的;或以此为特点的
    Of, relating to, or characteristic of Homer, his works, or the legends and age of which he wrote.
  • 洪都拉斯也正尝试用各种方式将由大西洋沿岸的土著美洲人--加里福那人(加勒比印第安和非洲人的后裔)、生活在丛林中的墨斯陶印第安人等--所组成的居住区连接起来。
    Honduras is developing a means of connecting the native American communities in the Atlantic coast from the Garifuna, descendents of the Carribean Indians and Africans, to the Miskito Indians in the jungle.
  • 上帝时或会制造一些迹;看啊,身为一名律师,居然还是老实人!
    God work wonders now and then; Behold, a lawyer an hone man.
  • 蹄目的带蹄哺乳动物
    A hoofed mammal of the order Perissodactyla.
  • 属于或关于某种带蹄哺乳动物的,如马和犀牛,有数个脚趾的
    Of or relating to certain hoofed mammals, such as horses and rhinoceroses, of the order Perissodactyla, that have an uneven number of toes.
  • 在以前的分类中是哺乳动物的一个主要分支,包括所有有蹄的哺乳动物;现被分为蹄类动物和偶蹄类动物。
    in former classifications a major division of Mammalia comprising all hoofed mammals; now divided into the orders Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates) and Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates).
  • 有蹄类动物的有关或属于以前称作有蹄类哺乳动物的,现在分成蹄目和偶蹄目,由有蹄动物组成,例如马、牛、鹿、猪和象
    Of or belonging to the former order Ungulata, now divided into the orders Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla and composed of the hoofed mammals such as horses, cattle, deer, swine, and elephants.
  • 有蹄有胎盘的哺乳动物,每只脚上有数个脚趾。
    placental mammals having hooves with an odd number of toes on each foot.
  • 虽作过修正,但仍是一塌糊涂,如商店可以卖酒,但不许卖婴儿奶粉;可以卖明信片,但不许卖生日卡片;更怪的是,店主如果在这个基督教日子(星期日)卖了圣经,可能会被起诉。
    They have been amended, but even so they are hopelessly muddled. For example, a shop can sell alcohol but not powdered milk for babies, postcards but not birthday cards, and oddly enough, if a shop-keeper sells a Bible on this Christian day he could face prosecution.
  • (华盛顿)才队可能对好时坏,一个晚上好得不错,第二个晚上就会很糟糕,因此会惹他们的带头人乔丹生气,抑或使他勃然大怒,甚至怒发冲冠。
    The Wizards will probably play well one night, horribly the next, frequently earning their leader, Michael Jordan's anger, then his wrath, then maybe his rage.
  • 以大笔钱投资于鞋袜上的人决不会像女人那样留恋家庭,是不足为的。
    No wonder nobody that's get as much money invest in shoes and hose as a woman want to stick around home.
  • 以一大笔钱投资于鞋袜上的人决不会像女人那样留恋家庭,是不足为的。
    No wonder nobody that's got as much money invested in shoes and hose as a woman wants to stick around home.
  • 她公开的敌意破坏了气氛;明显好的注视。
    her unconcealed hostility poisoned the atmosphere; watched with unconcealed curiosity.
  • 根据俄国国家档案局提供的资料记载,卡尔·费伯在1885年到1916年间共先后为沙皇亚历山大二世和尼古拉二世制作过50枚复活节彩蛋,其中以这枚thewinteregg最为珍贵。
    Faberge, jeweler to the Russian Imperial family, produced 50 eggs between 1885 and 1916 for Czars Alexander II and Nicholas II, with the Winter Egg the most precious, according to documents housed in the Russian State Archives.
  • 明亮的前灯;幕布怪的开始升了起来,但是观众席上的灯光却没有暗下去。
    undimmed headlights; surprisingly the curtain started to rise while the houselights were still undimmed.
  • “它把我当成它的女仆了,”她边跑边对自己说,“它以后发现我是谁,会多么惊啊!
    `He took me for his housemaid,' she said to herself as she ran. `How surprised he'll be when he finds out who I am!
  • 在本世纪,许多新的交通工具已被研制出来.其中,最稀的也许是气垫船。
    Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century,the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft.
  • 克林顿总统也这样认为,称此图谱为“人类所创制的最妙的图谱。”
    President Clinton certainly thinks so, calling the draft "the most wondrous map ever produced by humankind."
  • 潘多拉作为对普罗米修斯盗火的惩罚送给人类的第一个女人。将装有会给人们带来灾难的所有邪恶的盒子托付给她,她出于好打开了盒子因而使人世间有了所有邪恶
    The first woman, bestowed upon humankind as a punishment for Prometheus's theft of fire. Entrusted with a box containing all the ills that could plague people, she opened it out of curiosity and thereby released all the evils of human life.
  • 他有着离的幽默感。
    He has a whimsical sense of humor.
  • 雷克雅未克是冰岛的首府,夜半不落的太阳或冰与火交织而成的神景观成为冰岛特色的一部分。
    Reykiavík, the capital of Iceland, is just a part of the Icelandic experience with its midnight sun or the magical landscapes forged by ice and fire.
  • 嘿,牧师先生,真怪,您是在修路吧;但看来这不象是登上天堂的大道嘛。
    Well, doctor, I wonder you id mending the way; but it seem it is not the way to heaven.
  • 艾达用惊而敏锐的眼光望了一下面前的那群人。
    Ida cast a keen glance of surprise at the group before her.
  • 他有一些很怪的政治信念。
    He has some pretty strange political ideas.
  • 堂吉珂德式的沉湎于传故事中崇高业绩并追求无法实现的目标的;不考虑到实际的观念的
    Caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals; idealistic without regard to practicality.
  • 他在塔希提岛牧歌式的生活;美国黄金时代的牧歌式的传
    his idyllic life in Tahiti; the pastoral legends of America's Golden Age.