Chinese English Sentence:
  •  2000年11月,周杰伦发行了第一张专辑"jay"。随着其后两张专辑《范特西》和《度空间》的推出,他的音乐逐渐统治了亚洲流行乐坛。
    Chou released his first album "Jay" in November 2000, and with two follow-up albums - "Fantasy" and "Eight Dimensions" - his music has come to rule the Asian pop world.
  • 一份七拼凑杂乱无章的报告
    a farraginous mass of disordered report
  • 该书生动地描写了亨利世的宫廷生活。
    The book contains a fascinating portrait of life at the court of Henry VIII.
  • 该书生动地描写了亨利世的宫廷生活。
    The book contained a fascinating portrait of life at the court of Henry VIII.
  • 一个从四面方穿过灌木丛过来的骑兵队发起了令人恐怖的猛攻。
    a sabre slammed fearsomely through the thicket in all directions.
  • 东南九龙发展可行性研究于一九九年完成。
    The South-East Kowloon Development Feasibility Study was completed in 1998.
  • 大屿山北岸发展可行性研究也已于一九九年七月展开。
    The Northshore Lantau Development Feasibility Study also started in July 1998.
  • 工程可行性研究已于一九九年三月展开,以确定房屋发展计划所需的工程基础设施。
    An engineering feasibility study to identify the engineering infrastructures required for the proposed housing development commenced in March 1998.
  • 一九九月完成的白石角发展区可行性研究,确定可兴建一个科学园及作住宅和康乐用途。
    A feasibility study for the Pak Shek Kok development completed in August 1998 identified the development of a Science Park, residential and recreation uses.
  • 在第一阶段,社会福利署会在一九九至九九年度先就服务对象资料系统及技术基本建设进行可行性研究,同时也开始发展和推行社会保障电脑系统。
    In the first phase, the department will proceed with two feasibility studies on a Client Information System and Technical Infrastructure and the development and implementation of CSSS during 1998/99.
  • 月十五日,圣母升天节
    August15, the day on which this feast is observed.
  • 151.区议会自一九二年成立以来,一直就地区以至全港事务向政府提供意见,反映市民心声,并致力推动市民叁与社区事务,成绩有目共睹。
    151. Since their establishment in 1982, the District Boards (DBs) have effectively given advice and feedback to the Administration on local and territory-wide matters and encouraged participation in community affairs.
  • 我儿子四年的学费达千元。
    My son's tuition fees for four years amounted to 8,000 yuan.
  • 他是外八字脚.
    He has splay feet.
  • 姿势击剑中一种轮流的闪避
    A rotating parry in fencing.
  • 一九五四年的一次台风刮沈了一艘渡轮,淹死一千二百十
    A typhoon in 1954 sink a ferry, drowne1, 218 people.
  • 港澳码头在一九五年启用,内有13个泊位和66个出入境检查柜台。
    The Macau Ferry Terminal, which commenced operation in 1985, has 13 berths and 66 immigration counters.
  • 截至一九九年底,共有家营办商经营前往澳门的渡轮服务,以及驶往内地24个港口的客运航线。
    At the end of 1998, eight operators provided ferry services to Macau and 24 ports in China.
  • 路军、新四军几十万人挡住了五分之二的敌人,和四十个日本师团中的十七个师团打,为什么要取消他们呢?
    The several hundred thousand troops of the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies are holding two-fifths of the enemy forces in check by engaging seventeen out of the forty Japanese divisions.Why should these armies be disbanded?
  • 几经耽搁,他终于在点钟出发了。
    After several delays, he finally set out at 8 o'clock.
  • 伯恩:根据我方融资的最后数目,你开一张一百十天的远期信用证。
    You'll open a 180-day since L/C, depending on the final figure of our financing.
  • 你知道攻梅花可以帮我摆脱红桃飞牌,而我就可以着手打满墩。
    You know a club lead can take my heart finesse for me and I can work on making an eight.
  • 至于新的五号灭火轮,已于十月建成,将于一九九年提供防护屯门第38区内河船货运码头的新服务。
    The new Fireboat No.5 was completed in October to provide a new service to protect the River Trade Terminal in Tuen Mun Area 38 in 1998.
  • 城市当代舞蹈团在一九九七年上演了多出本地舞蹈作品,包括"糊涂炮竹贺新年"、"革命京剧──九七封印"、"三七.三.三九"及"白胡公公和他的彩虹堡垒"。
    The City Contemporary Dance Company staged several performances by local choreographers in 1997, including The Firecracker, Revolutionary Pekinese Opera (Millennium Mix), Thirty something and Papa White-beard and his Rainbow Castle.
  • 一、集中一段时间(如现在所定六至周)学习汉语拼音是必要的。
    Firstly, it is necessary to set aside a certain period of time (currently, this ranges from six to eight weeks) to concentrate on learning pinyin.
  • 条 外国人、外国渔业船舶进入中华人民共和国管辖水域,从事渔业生产或者渔业资源调查活动,必须经国务院有关主管部门批准,并遵守本法和中华人民共和国其他有关法律、法规的规定;
    Article 8 Foreigners and foreign fishing vessels must obtain permission from the relevant department under the State Council before entering the territorial waters of the People's Republic of China to carry on fishery production or investigations of fishery resources, and must abide by this Law and other related laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.
  • 请你定在八点。
    Would you fix it at 8 o'clock?
  • 还可以看见度音奔驰穿过那些清脆而急速的音符,这些音符歪歪扭扭形成三、四条明亮的曲线,随即像闪电似地消失了。
    you see light and rapid notes running across it, executing three or four luminous zigzags, and vanishing like flashes of lightning.
  • 飞腾八法
    the method of Flight
  • 数种旧大陆和美洲栎树的任一种,每花有六至雄芯,槲果在一年内成熟,叶脉不超过边。
    any of numerous Old World and American oaks having 6 to 8 stamens in each floret, acorns that mature in one year and leaf veins that never extend beyond the margin of the leaf.
  • 短笛一种音调比普通笛子高度音的小笛子
    A small flute pitched an octave above a regular flute.
  • 一种小笛;定位于度音阶高于普通笛子。
    a small flute; pitched an octave above the standard flute.