  • 没有人应该对劝告耳不闻的。
    No one should be deaf to advice.
  • 他对于一手要求金钱的事都耳不闻。
    He was deaf to all requests for money.
  • 道路规划设计中分考虑噪声扰民问题,在必要路段建设隔声屏障、降噪结构和低噪路面。
    The motorway planning will give full consideration of traffic noise, at the proper sections, noise-deafening wall, noise-deafening structure and low-noise road surface will be adopted.
  • 我们没有外债,储备裕,银行体系健全;
    We have no debt.
  • 他的心里满着那些资产阶级的颓废思想。
    His mind was lumbered with those decadent ideas of the bourgeosie.
  • 别让那些资产阶级的颓废思想斥你的头脑。
    Don't oum-ber up your mind with those decadent ideas of the bourgeoisie.
  • 二是西藏文化的内涵发生了深刻的变化,一些与封建农奴制相伴随的腐朽、落后的东西随着社会的进步与发展而被抛弃,藏族信教群众的宗教信仰得到分的尊重和保护,藏族传统优秀文化得到妥善保护和继承,并被赋予反映人民群众新生活和社会发展新需要的时代内容,在内容和形式上都得到了不断弘扬和发展;
    second, Tibetan culture has undergone deep changes--with social progress and development, decadent and backward things inherent in feudal serfdom have been abandoned, the religious beliefs of Tibetan religious followers enjoy full respect and protection, and the fine aspects of traditional Tibetan culture have been carefully preserved and carried forward. Improvement has been steadily made both in its contents and forms, adding some topical contents to reflect the new life of the people and the new needs of social development;
  • 那家饭馆很快就满了臭鱼的气味。
    The restaurant was soon stinking with the decayed fish.
  • 冰箱满了坏鸡蛋的臭味。
    The refrigerator stank with decayed eggs.
  • 冒名者;冒货;骗人的东西
    Rongly in order to deceive people
  • 女人为自己(老后)的体面作准备的唯一办法,是好好儿地对待一个有分能力体贴她的男人。
    The only way a woman can provide for herself decently is to be good to some man that can afford to be good to her.
  • 女人为自己(老后)的体面作准备的唯一办法,是好好儿地对待一个有分能力体贴她的男人。
    The only way a woman can provide for herself decently is to is good to some man that can afford to is good to her.
  • 万一出现问题时,这种卡车可以当消毒车辆。
    It's a decontamination vehicle in case something goes wrong.
  • 诱骗者,赌棍同伙当眼线的人,如在一场骗局中
    One who acts as a decoy, as in a confidence game.
  • 消灭,用光降低…的满度;用完或用光
    To decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out.
  • 新闻集团主席兼总裁鲁珀特·默多克说:“过去四十多年,李光耀把一个贫困衰弱的殖民地发展成富裕兴盛、光芒四射的现代大都会,期间满敌意的列强始终虎视耽耽。
    Billionaire media tycoon Rupert Murdoch of News Corp. says, "More than 40 years ago, Lee Kuan Yew transformed what was a poor, decrepit colony into a shining, rich and modern metropolis ?all the time surrounded by hostile powers.
  • 不完美的;有缺陷的或不分的。
    not perfect; defective or inadequate.
  • 辩护律师提出理由认为证据不分.
    The defence argue/argues that the evidence is weak.
  • 她极力掩盖她在此事中当的角色。
    She's very defensive about her part in the affair.
  • 给认为不分的东西加强。
    supplement what is thought to be deficient.
  • 表现欠佳证明不足或不够;活动受损或不
    To prove deficient or lacking; perform ineffectively or inadequately.
  • 缺点,缺陷不完善的性质或状况;不完整或不
    The quality or condition of being deficient; incompleteness or inadequacy.
  • 另外他补道,早在身体出现脱水现象以前,人就会有口渴的感觉了。
    Thirst kicks in long before dehydration starts,he added.
  • 交涉进行得很顺利,代表们也都满信心。
    Negotiation progress fair success likely confidence also feel among delegate
  • 交涉进行得很顺利,代表们也都满信心。
    Negotiation progress fair success likely confidence also felt among delegate
  • 他在这件事的计虑,分反映了他的老谋巨滑。
    it was the deliberation of his act that was insulting.
  • 宗教界人士享有分的参政议政权利。
    Religious personages enjoy full rights to participate in the deliberation and administration of state affairs.
  • 例如,党内讨论重大问题,不少时候发扬民主、分酝酿不够,由个人或少数人匆忙做出决定,很少按照少数服从多数的原则实行投票表决,这表明民主集中制还没有成为严格的制度。
    For example, when major issues are discussed inside the Party, very often there is insufficient democratic deliberation. Hasty decisions are made by one or a few individuals and votes are seldom taken, as they should be under the principle of majority rule. This shows that democratic centralism has not yet become a strictly applied system.
  • 她好似与琵琶达到了如此的默契和理解,以致于在演奏时人与乐器完全融为一体,所以音乐好象完全从这一"一体"中自然流了出来,就如同一单纯的戏剧通过演员如此完全地反映出来,使演员分地进入到艺术本身。
    She seems to have arrived at a tacit understanding with the pipa so that the music plays itself out from this union as does a pure drama project itself through an actor -- so completely that the player is fully consumed by the art. Liu Fang's music is indeed the soul of its drama, from the crescendos that rise to great heights to the most delicately laced melodic notes.
  • 充满欢喜的;快乐的
    Full of jubilant delight; joyful.
  • 狂喜的,神魂颠倒的满喜悦的或欣喜若狂的;着迷的
    Filled with or transported by delight; enraptured.
  • 使喜悦满欢乐或愉快;使喜悦
    To fill with mirth or pleasure; delight.