  • 架飛機的全體人員。
    the crew of an aircraft.
  • 你為什麽磨磨蹭蹭?你應該更快些。
    Why do you just mark time? You should be quicker.
  • 婚姻也與此相似!你即便不結婚,同樣可以又快又省地得到婚姻所能提供的切!
    You can get seemingly everything marriage offers quicker and cheaper too.
  • 要是你按第類郵件寄,這封信就會到得快些。
    If you send your letter first class it will get there quicker.
  • 我誤以為乘火車要快些。
    I had the mistaken idea that it would be quicker to take the train.
  • 哪一種最大快。
    Which is the quickest?
  • 他在一班遊泳最快。
    He swims the quickest in Class One.
  • 走陸路至海島的另端比從海路走快捷
    The journey to the far side of the island is quicker by land than by sea
  • "你不能因為些我們沒有做的事情老是責難世界小姐競賽。我想,越快認識到這點,人們就能越快地發現尼日利亞是個美麗的國度。
    "You cannot keep blaming Miss World for something we did not do and I think the quicker that is recognized,the quicker everyone can realize that Nigeria is a beautiful country.
  • 不過要是上菜的速度再快點,那就更好了。
    But if you served the courses a little bit quicker, it would have been better.
  • 機翼上結了一層冰.
    The wings of the aircraft had iced up.
  • 架大型民航班機將降落在這個飛機場。
    A large passenger aircraft will land on the airfield.
  • 個跳舞者要到個地點時,不走最便捷的直路,卻作個圓形的旋舞。
    Instead of going straight to a point,which is the quickest road, a dancer waltzes and goes in a circle.
  • 最簡潔而又最迅速的改進方法之就是有意識地擴大你的詞彙知識。
    That one of the easiest and quickest ways to get ahead is by consciously building up your knowledge of words.
  • 實則有多次死亡的經過比肢之受刑其痛苦尚輕:因為人體最生死攸關的器官並不是最敏於感受的器官也。
    when many times, death passeth with less pain, then the torture of a limb: for the most vital parts are not the quickest of sense.
  • "你立即祝賀他,同時絲疑慮閃過你的腦海,你籌劃的新公司需要他,他是你見過的技術最好的傢夥。
    You congratulate him, but the doubt once more flickers across your mind. The start-up you're planning needs Lowrey. He's the quickest technical guy you've ever met.
  • 生産關係究竟以什麽形式為最好,恐怕要采取這樣種態度,就是哪種形式在哪個地方能夠比較容易比較快地恢復和發展農業生産,就采取哪種形式;
    As to what kind of relations of production is the best mode, I'm afraid we shall have to leave the matter to the discretion of local authorities, allowing them to adopt whatever mode of production that can facilitate quickest recovery and growth of agricultural production.
  • 上述各件,打算明日付郵,查前寄兩批貨,快的半個月,慢的個多月,方可抵澳,那末,明日寄出的批,至遲六月中便可收到。
    I am going to post the foregoing items tomorrow. According to our experience with the two previous parcels, it takes half a month at the quickest and one month or more at the latest for the parcels to be delivered to Australia. In that case the parcel we will post tomorrow will be received by you in mid June at the latest.
  • 個星期很快地過去了。
    A week passed quickly.
  • 位技術人員曾經告訴她說:"我們在公佈這類照片之前歷來都要修去有關ufo的背景。
    “ We always airbrush them out before we release them to the public,” one technician told her.
  • 大廳迅即空無一人。
    The hall emptied quickly.
  • 空軍實行空防合的體製,由航空兵、地空導彈兵、高射炮兵、空降兵以及通信、雷達、電子對抗、防化、技術偵察等專業部(分)隊組成。
    Adopting a system of combining aviation with ground-to-air defense forces, the Air Force consists of the aviation, surface-to-air missile, anti-aircraft artillery and airborne units, as well as communications, radar, ECM, chemical defense, technical reconnaissance and other specialized units.
  • 38歲的都勒是美軍駐阿第82空降師的代理外科醫生。他說:"我每天都要跑步鍛煉身體。當我第次看到空氣中的大量塵土時就想,上帝啊,我會得病的。
    "I go running every day. The first time I saw the dust in the air, I thought 'Oh my God, I'm going to get so sick,'" said Doyle, 38, acting surgeon for the 82nd Airborne Division in Afghanistan.
  • 他雖然已經變得白發蒼蒼、瘦骨嶙峋,卻仍保持着個神童的熱情和機靈,誰也不能懷疑他給指揮臺帶來的對樂麯理解的深度,尤其是近幾年他對樂麯的演釋能力比以往更強了。
    Though he had become white-haired and craggy, he retained the passion and the quickness of a underkind, and no one could dispute his depth of understanding he brought to the podium, particularly in recent years, when his interpretive powers were sharper than ever.
  • 她比她姐姐的觀察力來得敏銳,脾氣她沒有姐姐那麽好惹,因此提到彬傢姐妹,她衹要想想她們在跳舞場裏的那種舉止,就知道她們並不打算要討般人的好。而且她胸有城府,决不因為人傢等待她好就改變主張,她不會對她們發生多大好感的。
    Their behaviour at the assembly had not been calculated to please in general; and with more quickness of observation and less pliancy of temper than her sister, and with a judgment, too, unassailed by any attention to herself, she was very little disposed to approve them.
  • 所需要的物品常常幾乎完全由先進社會的商人來供應,但常常也會在這個國傢自身內興起個工匠階級。這些人對物品的性質沒有太多的瞭解,全靠敏銳的感覺、耐心的觀察和靈巧的雙手做出某些非常精緻的物品,如印度的某些棉織品就是這樣。
    This demand is often supplied almost exclusively by the merchants of more advanced communities, but often also raises up in the country itself a class of artificers, by whom certain fabrics are carried to as high excellence as can be given by patience,quickness of perception and observation, and manual dexterity,without any considerable knowledge of the properties of objects:such as some of the cotton fabrics of India.
  • 反復無常的行為;易變的天氣;反復無常的性情;反復無常的性格,會兒冷漠、任性,會兒又徹底的脆弱。
    erratic behavior; fickle weather; mercurial twists of temperament; a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next.
  • 方面,我們期望學校管理當局有更高的透明度,並嚮傢長、教師和學生有更大的責任承擔。
    As a quid pro quo, we expect greater transparency and accountability from the school management to parents, teachers and students.
  • 美國應在阿拉伯與以色列之間,提出項互相交換的安排:如果方采取項明確的建立和平信心的步驟,另方必須同時采取相當的步驟。
    …the United States should propose a quid pro quo arrangement between the Arabs and the Israelis: If a specific confidence-building measure for peace is taken by one side, there would have to be a simultaneous and comparable action by the other side.
  • 復發重新爆發或重新進入活動狀態,如在段平靜之後的再發作
    To break out anew or come into renewed activity, as after a period of quiescence.
  • 靜止的靜止的。尤指種疾病
    Quiescent. Used especially of a disease.
  • “過了會兒,他躺在那裏不動了”(赫爾曼·麥爾維爾)
    Nor a time, he [the whale] lay quiescent(Herman Melville).