  • 你已经有多长时没有请汽车修理工调整这台引擎了?
    How long has it been since you have had a mechanic tuned this engine?
  • 东涌新市镇位处大屿山东涌和大蚝两个山谷,以及两个山谷之沿岸填拓的狭长土地。按照计划,到二零一一年,东涌新市镇的人口将达32万人。
    Tung Chung new town, which is planned to house 320 000 people by 2011, will ultimately occupy two valleys at Tung Chung and Tai Ho at Lantau, plus a coastal strip of reclamation in between.
  • 钨受热后,还会发亮,放射出耀眼的光芒,并且能持续很长时而不损坏。
    When the tungsten gets hot, it also gets bright. It shines and gives a good tight. It also lasts a long time without breaking.
  • 她突然之被晴空乱流吓死了。
    Suddenly she was scared to death of clear air turbulence.
  • 一战期(1915)英国和法国为援助俄国而开辟通道的一次失败的战役;被土耳其打败。
    the unsuccessful campaign in World War I (1915) by the English and French to open a passage for aid to Russia; defeated by the Turks.
  • 一战期(1915)英国和法国为援助俄国而开辟通道的一次失败的战役;被土耳其打败。
    the unsuccessful campaign in World War I (1915) by the English and French to open a passage for aid to Russia; defeated by the Turks.
  • 该城镇在选举期陷入混乱。
    The town was in a turmoil during the election.
  • 奥西耶克南斯拉夫北部城市,位于札格勒布东南偏东,濒德拉瓦河。由一处古罗马殖民地兼要塞发展而来,1526至1687年处于土耳其人统治下。人口103,600
    A city of northern Yugoslavia on the Drava River east-southeast of Zagreb. The city grew on the site of a Roman colony and fortress and was under Turkish rule from1526 to1687. Population,103, 600.
  • 从积极的角度看,时表明我们即将面临转机到来。
    On the positive side, the calendar suggests we're due for a turnaround.
  • 警察把整房子翻了个遍,却没找到被盗的珠宝。
    The policemen turned the whole room topsy-turning, but they didn't find the stolen jewels.
  • 在一九九七年一月至九月期,辅警每日的平均出勤人数为644名。
    Between January and September, the average daily turnout was 644officers.
  • 在她长期卧病期,她父亲为她请了位家庭教师。
    Her father employed a tutor for her during her long illness.
  • 看电视不要看太长时
    Don't spend too much time watching TV.
  • 我想不得已时我们能在12点到12:30之见你。
    I suppose that at a push we could see you between twelve and twelve thirty.
  • 但是,同志们回想一下,我们中许多人当大干部、做大事,开始的时候还不是二三十岁?
    But if you think back, many of us were in our twenties or thirties when we became higher cadres and were given rather important tasks.
  • 有时候办公室里无事可做,他们就坐着无聊地打发时
    Sometimes they have nothing to do in the office and just sit twiddle their thumb.
  • 老人暮年的大部分时都在写他的自传。
    The old man spent most of his twilight year work on his autobiography.
  • 这是一个介乎东西方之不受任何一方控制的边缘地带。
    It is a kind of twilight zone between the East and the West, an area which declines to be dominated by either.
  • 我想要一朝花园的备有两张单人床的房
    I'd like a twin-bedded room facing the garden.
  • 有住一夜的两个单铺的房吗?
    Have you got a twin-bedded room for one night?
  • 我想要朝花园的备有两张单人床的房
    I'd like a twin bedded room facing the garden.
  • 我想要朝花园的备有两张单人床的房
    I 'd like a twin - bedded room facing the garden.
  • 新年期,街道上灯火辉煌。
    The streets twinkle with lights all through the New Year.
  • 她转眼就把他父母找来了。
    She fetched her parents in the twinkling of an eye.
  • 事故发生在转眼之,我没有看到。
    I did not see the accident. It was all over in the twinkling of an eye.
  • 因此,那种以为中国革命力量瞬就可以组成,中国革命斗争顷刻就可以胜利的观点,是不正确的。
    It is therefore wrong to think that the forces of the Chinese revolution can be built up in the twinkling of an eye, or that China's revolutionary struggle can triumph overnight.
  • "约翰,不见怪吧?"约翰笑了起来。"战友之没有什么见怪的,"他一边回答,一边退了出去,沿着顶层的走廊避开了一个他认为随时都有可能做蠢事的粗鲁家伙。
    "No offence, John? " And John laughed. "Not between old comrades in arms, " he said, and backed out and along the top corridor away form a tyke you couldn't trust as far as you could throw him.
  • “约翰,不见怪吧?”约翰笑了起来。“战友之没有什么见怪的,”他一边回答,一边退了出去,沿着顶层的走廊避开了一个他认为随时都有可能做蠢事的粗鲁家伙。
    "No offence, John?" And John laughed. "Not between old comrades in arms," he said, and backed out and along the top corridor away form a tyke you couldn't trust as far as you could throw him.
  • 轮廓纸为调整印刷压力而覆在调压滚筒上的纸,产生明暗相的色度
    A piece of paper used on a press tympan to vary the pressure that produces light and dark tones.
  • 字谷铅字笔划的凹陷部分
    The depression between the raised lines of a typeface.
  • 雌雄体的具有典型男性和女性特征的特征的
    Having sexual characteristics intermediate between those of a typical male and a typical female.
  • 一位好打字员可在短短时内完成这一长长的文章。
    A good typist can finish typing the long article in a short while.