  • 我不能在他的眼里看胜利的喜悦。
    I could detect no triumph in his eye.
  • ,察觉用眼看见,或用智慧察觉:查
    To perceive with the eyes or intellect; detect.
  • 使用嗅觉认或者察觉。
    recognize or detect by or as if by smelling.
  • 能够作或者察觉到非常细微的影响;敏锐的。
    able to make or detect effects of great subtlety; sensitive.
  • 试用的香水太多,你的鼻子很难闻它们之间的区别。
    Beyond that your nose is less able to detect the difference.
  • 你能察觉这个屋角有煤气漏来吗?
    Can you detect an escape of gas in this corner of the room?
  • 一种计算机软件,用于监视计算机系统,以便检测、记录并尽可能地校正现的差错。
    Software that monitors a computer system to detect, record and possibly to correct errors.
  • 对计算机程序或硬件部件中可检查来的错误进行检测和判定的过程。
    The process of locating and explaining detectable errors in a computer routine or hardware component.
  • 当一个人进行病毒检验时,呈现来的正是这些人体所产生的、能够检查来的抗体。
    It is these antibodies which are manufactured by the body which are the detectable units which appear when one is tested for the virus.
  • 我觉察他的话里微带恶意。
    I detected a suggestion of malice in his remarks.
  • 她训练有素的耳朵听了这些弱点。
    Her trained ear detected the weaknesses.
  • 已检测有可能错的一种指示信息。对照errormessage。
    An indication that a possible error has been detected.
  • 刚刚听见的电磁辐射已过四位加拿大科学家测了。
    The subaudible electron-magnetic radiation has been detected by four Canadian scientists.
  • 被感染的伤口和组织会发能被电子鼻探测到的特有气味。
    Infected wounds and tissues emit distinctive odors that can be detected by an electronic nose.
  • 通过分子检测,病症的诊断时间将大大提前,甚至早于症状的现。治疗将更有效也更易获得。
    Illnesses would be detected much earlier by molecular surveillance, even before symptoms appeared, and therapies would be more effective -- and more available.
  • 入境事务人员在各管制站向旅客执行入境检查,审核签证申请,查各类不受欢迎人物,如国际罪犯及恐怖分子,并拒绝让他们入境。
    Through examination at control points and the vetting of visa applications, undesirable persons including international criminals and terrorists, are detected and denied entry.
  • 发现早期肿瘤;刚现的个人问题
    Detecting incipient tumors; an incipient personnel problem.
  • 科学家们已经证明了可以依靠每份样本中的五到10个粒子进行鉴定,霍利斯认为即使致命生物制剂的粒子数量再少,也能够测来。
    Identification based on five to 10 particles per sample has been demonstrated, and Hollis expects no problems detecting deadly bioagent particles in even the smallest numbers.
  • 连全世界的地震实验室里摆放着的精密的震动监测仪都无法测的地震前震,似乎也不会被动物所察觉。
    It seems unlikely that these animals could have detected seismic"pre-shocks" that were missed by the sensitive vibration-detecting equipment that clutters the world's earthquake laboratories.
  • 入境处在海、陆、空各个管制站执行有效率的入境管制工作,并经常与警队、劳工处通力合作,打击非法入境及非法从事雇佣工作的活动。
    While exercising effective immigration control at our land, sea and air entry points, the Department works closely with the Police and the Labour Department in detecting illegal immigration and illegal employment.
  • 梅利莎事件引了一个清晰的想法,即为什么人们需要基于网关的病毒检测产品,由于不能及时地更新台式机上所有病毒检测软件以捕捉病毒,所以需要把病毒完全挡在企业的外面。
    Melissa presented a clear idea of why people need a gateway-based virus-detection product, Viruses need to be kept out of the enterprise altogether because you just can't update all virus-detection software on desktops in time to catch them.
  • 那位侦探把犯人搜来了。
    The detective ferrets out the criminal.
  • 她把这部侦探小说写得很色。
    She did the detective story up right.
  • 他提要借给我一本侦探小说。
    He offered to lend me a detective story.
  • 当激光束打到平台的时候,被反射回一个检测器,再被凹坑从这个探测器发散去。
    The laser beam is reflected back to a detector when it hits the lands, and it is scattered away from the detector by the pits.
  • 然后你得取口袋中的金属物,走过金属探测器。
    Then you should remove metal objects from your pockets and walk through a metal detector.
  • 一旦探测器发音频信号,潜水员就用软木浮标作上标记,待稍后进行挖掘。
    Whenever the audio tone of the detector sounded , a diver would mark the spot with a white cork float and return later to excavate it.
  • 关于音量,蝙蝠发的叫声低至50分贝,高达120分贝,这比距离你耳朵10厘米处的烟雾探测器所发的声音还要响。
    In terms of loudness, bats emit calls as low as 50 dB and as high as 120 dB, which is louder than a smoke detector 10 centimeters from your ear.
  • 为了扩大搜寻,特别是搜索失踪船只的残骸,一艘海军水道测量船采用了质子地磁仪,一种功率强大的金属探测器和侧扫描声纳。侧扫描声纳可以给三维读数。
    To extend the search, especially for the wreck of the missing boat, a naw hydrographic vessel employed a proton magnetometer -- a powerful metal detector -- and side-scan sonar, which gives three-dimensional readings.
  • 共有十位先生和十位女士参加了这项实验。心理学家将参加实验者分别系在一台名为"心理检流计"的机器上,这台"心理检流计"的工作原理和测谎仪基本相同。参加实验者不断收到不同的礼物,同时将微弱的电流通过他们身体。他们对不同礼物的感兴趣程度会影响皮肤对微弱电流的抵抗,从而反应他们收到不同礼物时的兴奋程度。
    Psychologists wired men and women up to a machine called a "psycho-galvanometer" for tests. Like a lie detector, the machine measures arousal levels by how the skin resists a small electrical current.Ten men and ten women were tested by showing them various gadgets, the newspaper said.
  • 把罪犯从拘禁状态中解放来并有条件释放。
    release a criminal from detention and place him on parole.
  • 人民法院对证据不足,不能认定被告人有罪的,应当作指控犯罪不能成立的无罪判决。
    The law has abolished the system of detention for interrogation as a mandatory administrative measure, and further standardized mandatory measures such as summons, summons for detention and holding in custody.