  • 小鸟在树间呜啭。
    The birds were trilling in the trees.
  • 打印子系统中特定隔上的一条细沟,用它可以准确地确定送纸器、修整部件、引导部件或纸宽杆的位置。
    In a printing system, a depression or groove at specific intervals that determines exact placement of the tractor, trimming assembly, steering assembly, or paper width lever.
  • 它的总贸易量的三分之一是在三者之进行的,为中国在15年前开始经济改革时的三倍。
    One third of the trio’s total trade is now among themselves, triple the level 15 years ago when China embarked on its economic reforms.
  • 会议形成的《北京倡议》,确立了政府、教育学术界、工商界之的三方伙伴关系。
    The meeting adopted the Beijing Initiative, advocating a tripartite partnership among governments, educational and academic circles and business communities.
  • 我想要一向山的三人房。
    I want a triple room with mountain view.
  • 他每天都要踏着这条林的小路去上学。
    Every day he trod the same path through the woods to school.
  • (希腊神话)希腊和特洛伊之的伟大战争;希腊航行到特洛伊收回了特洛伊的海伦,希腊国王美丽的妻子斯巴达王被巴黎绑架;十年以后希腊取得了最终的。
    (Greek mythology) a great war fought between Greece and Troy; the Greeks sailed to Troy to recover Helen of Troy, the beautiful wife of the Greek King Menelaus who had been abducted by Paris; after ten years the Greeks (via the Trojan Horse) achieved final victory and burned Troy to the ground.
  • 孩子们成群结队地走进房
    They children trooped into the room.
  • 位于北极圈和北回归线之
    between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer.
  • 南北回归线之的热带地区之或之内的
    Between or within the tropics.
  • 使ap退出服务ap、ap-ds1、rcs、ap-ds0用户为了日常性的维护,想要在某个过程或在故障检修期将ap及其被管理对象从active状态变为out-of-service-manual(oos-man)状态。
    Remove AP from serviceAP, AP-DS1, RCS, AP-DS0User wants to move an AP and it's managed object from the ACTIVE state to OUT-OF-SERVICE-MANUAL (OOS-MAN) during a procedure, for routine maintenance, or during troubleshooting.
  • 可是,对很多人来说,极富者与其他人之的差距非常令人担忧。
    To many people, however, the gap between the very rich and everyone else is deeply troubling.
  • 如果要问能钓到海鳟鱼的最佳的时和地点,那么我们中的钓鱼者就会进入他们的钓鱼的记忆,这记忆是建立在以往的经验上的,去寻找发现鳟鱼。
    If asked to name the best times and places to fish for sea trout, the anglers among us go to their fishing memories built up over past experience, and find sea trout among the linkages as a basis for responding to the question.
  • 但有个男孩却使他们都相形见绌,他在逃学期,旅行了一千六百英里。
    They have all been put to shame by a boy who, while playing truant, travelled 1600 miles.
  • 10.我们促请会员国从今以后个别及集体遵守奥林匹克休战,并支持国际奥林匹克委员会努力通过体育和奥林匹克理想促进和平及人与人之的相互谅解。
    10. We urge Member States to observe the Olympic Truce, individually and collectively, now and in the future, and to support the International Olympic Committee in its efforts to promote peace and human understanding through sport and the Olympic Ideal.
  • 吞没掩埋卡车的流沙、卡车工人的罢工、汽油的缺乏耗去了我们宝贵的时
    Truck-engulfing sand, a trucker strike, and gas shortages cost precious time.
  • 那部小汽车被夹在两辆卡车中
    The car was caught between two trucks.
  • 我们的汽车被两辆卡车夹在中
    Our car was sandwiched in between two trucks.
  • 我的兄弟有将近10年的时听小号的课了。
    My brother take lesson on the trumpet for nearly ten years.
  • 我的兄弟有将近10年的时听小号的课了
    My brother has taken lesson on the trumpet for nearly ten years
  • 对呀,要确认一位贸易伙伴是否可靠要花时
    Right, it takes time to find out whether a business partner is trustworthy.
  • 不要浪费你的时去作无谓的尝试。
    Do not waste your time trying.
  • 电子管收音机中的很大空就是被这些电子管占领着的,它们产生大量的热,因此部分电能被浪费掉了。
    In the vacuum tube radio, a lot of space is taken up by these vacuum tubes and a large quantity of beat is produced so that part of the electric power is wasted.
  • 行。星期二这个时不错。
    Yes, Tuesday is a good time.
  • 直觉,是使女人能够在一霎那的误会中了解其情况的东西。
    In tuition is what enables a woman to size up a situation in a flash of misunderstanding.
  • 她用了很长时才明白了我的意思
    It is a long time before she tumble to what I mean
  • 但是涂了优质纯橄榄油的老鼠又经过6周时才显示出有癌变的迹象,而且产生的肿块少且小,对皮肤细胞造成的损害也较小。
    But the mice treated with extra virgin took an extra six weeks to show any sign of cancer. The tumours they did develop were smaller and less frequent. There was also less genetic damage to skin cells.
  • 但是涂了优质纯橄榄油的老鼠又经过6周时才显示出有癌变的迹象,而且产生的肿块少且小,对皮肤细胞造成的损害也较小。
    But the mice treated with extra virgin took an extra six weeks to show any sign of cancer. The tumours they did develop were smaller and less frequent. There was also less genetic damage to skin cells.
  • 倏忽腾起的片云,接着是又刮风又下雨。
    It soon covers the entire vault of heaven, producing a tumult of wind and rain.
  • 在这场长达十余年的惨烈的战争期,由于故宫博物院的工作人员不畏艰难险阻,尽职尽责,南迁文物数量虽巨,却没有一件丢失和损伤,故宫人员的精神、事迹,可歌可泣。
    During this tumultuous decade of war and revolution, not one item of the treasures was lost or damaged even though the sheer volume involved was so enormous. This was largely due to the dedicated energy of the Palace Museum staff, whose achievement in preserving these treasures was nothing short of heroic.
  • 鲭亚目中的多种鱼,体型和特征介于鲭鱼和金枪鱼之
    any of various scombroid fishes intermediate in size and characteristics between mackerels and tunas.
  • 我们的假日时安排必须与你的一致。
    Our holidays must be tuned to fit in with yours.