  • 多种多样含有多种成的性质或状态
    The quality or state of being heterogeneous.
  • (六)国民党是一个由复杂成组成的党,其中有顽固派,也有中间派,也有进步派,整个国民党并不就等于顽固派。
    6. The Kuomintang is a heterogeneous party which includes die-hards, middle elements and progressives;taken as a whole, it must not be equated with the die-hards.
  • 取食者一种在食物链中摄食其它有机体或部有机物质的异养有机体
    A heterotrophic organism that ingests other organisms or organic matter in a food chain.
  • 在不太明显的情况下,工作流系统将在对企业中人们以前所干过的工作进行启发式析的基础上,建议最合适的人来回答问题。
    In a less explicit situation, the workflow system would suggest the most appropriate individual to answer a question based on heuristic analysis of previous work performances by people in the organization.
  • 已聚糖子式(c6h10o5)n,并在水解作用下形成已糖的几种多糖之一
    Any of several polysaccharides that have the general formula(C6H10O5)n and form a hexose on hydrolysis.
  • 大多数巧克力表面上都浇有诸如木槿或茶叶的图案,别跟它们的口味相对应。
    Most are topped with a clue to their contents -- hibiscus or tea leaves, for example.
  • 他身体的一部藏在灌木丛里。
    he was half hidden by the bushes.
  • 在这有点墨守成规的“环境”中注入些新鲜血液是十重要的。
    Into this somewhat hidebound "atmosphere" it was vital to inject new blood.
  • 他从躲藏的地方出来,使在场的人都十吃惊。
    He emerged from his hiding place and surprised everyone present.
  • 层结构中,一个项的从属级别。
    The degree of subordination of an item in an hierarchic arrangement.
  • 拥有土地的权利;古代等级制度中保有土地的一部
    the right to hold property; part of an ancient hierarchical system of holding lands.
  • 有人说只有在阶级社会中的上流有闲阶级才能创作出艺术作品;在她等级的价值观念中诚实是第一位的。
    it has been said that only a hierarchical society with a leisure class at the top can produce works of art; in her hierarchical set of values honesty comes first.
  • 主张独裁层政府(与民主主义和自由主义敌对)的政治理论。
    a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism).
  • 而java按对象的层数据结构来存储信息,对象的层数据结构能够映像出实际业务或真实世界实体。
    On the other hand, Java stores information in object-hierarchical data structures that map to business or real-world entities.
  • 狼两种犬科食肉哺乳动物中的一种,尤指北方地区的灰狼,它们主要在区等级的群体中生存和猎食家禽和野生动物
    Either of two carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae, especially the gray wolf of northern regions, that typically live and hunt in hierarchical packs and prey on livestock and game animals.
  • 将程序设计成为层结构类型的一种方法,这种类型描述可与其它对象交互作用的对象的数据和各种操作。
    A method for structuring programs as hierarchically organized classes describing the data and operations of objects that may interact with other objects.
  • 政府是个官阶明的统治集团。
    The government is a hierarchy.
  • 在各个社会等级之间有许多细微的身区别
    There are many fine shadings of status through the social hierarchy
  • 在各个社会等级之间有许多细微的身区别。
    There is many fine shading of status through the social hierarchy.
  • 布式处理程序的执行程序(dppx)中,一种防止请求封锁的各线程之间发生死锁的保护措施。这些锁根据它们所处的层次位置被授予从低到高的次序。
    In DPPX, a protective measure to prevent deadlocks between threads requesting locks. The locks are granted in lowest to highest order, based on their location in the hierarchy.
  • 跳台3米、5米、7.5米和10米高的跳台。
    The highboard are 3 metres, 5 metres 7.5 metres, and 10 metres high.
  • 继高敏和伏明霞别女子跳板和高台跳水项目中摘取金牌后,孙淑伟在男子跳板中又为中国增添一块金牌。在男子跳板中,谭良德屈居第二。
    After Gao Min and fu Mingxia had captured the women's springboard and highboard titles respectively, Sun Shuwei claimed a third gold for china with his win in the men's highboard event. In the men's springboard, Tan Liande had to settle for silver.
  • 知识子知识子,自以为有大学问的人
    An intellectual; a highbrow.
  • 我们老师不公正, 总是给他喜欢的学生高数.
    Our teacher isn't fair: he always gives the highest marks to his favourites.
  • hps表示满分。
    HPS means highest possible score.
  • 高音部在唱部乐曲时音调最高的部
    The highest part sung in part music.
  • 一年之内,中国两位最高领导人出访同一地区,甚属少见,也充说明中国领导人对东南亚的高度重视。
    The unusual visits by China's top leaders within merely a year highlight the importance Beijing accords to the region.
  • 你可以感觉出他们以前从未看过马戏表演,今晚看来会成为他们幼小生命中的一段精彩时
    One could sense they had never been to the circus before.It promised to be a highlight of their young lives.
  • 活动最精彩的部,是举行一个盛大晚宴,期间进行一个特别的仪式,向加拿大皇家骑警一支队告别;这支队伍曾应邀来港参加农历新年(牛年)的贺岁巡游。
    The highlight was a gala dinner during which a special ceremony was held to farewell a contingent of Royal Canadian Mounted Police who had been invited to take part in a Lunar New Year (Year of the Bull) parade in Hong Kong.
  • 避车道,停车道高速路上可以错车或停的宽大空间
    A widening in a highway to allow vehicles to pass or park.
  • 当他们拿来更多葡萄酒後聚会变得十热闹起来。
    The party get quite hilarious after they bring more wine.
  • 内盖夫以色列南部的山丘沙漠地区。1948年巴勒斯坦被割后划给以色列,它有无数矿产资源
    A hilly desert region of southern Israel. Assigned to Israel after the partition of Palestine in1948, it has various mineral resources.