  • 要做到这一点,当然首先必须对所有权和资产阶级生产关系实行强制性的干涉,也就是采取这样一些措施,这些措施在经济上似乎是不够充分的和没有力量的,但是在运动进程中它们会越本身,而且作为变革全部生产方式的手段是必不可少的。
    Of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property, and on the conditions of bourgeois production; by means of measures, therefore, which appear economically insufficient and untenable, but which, in the course of the movement, outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionising the mode of production.
  • 他们的发点是资产阶级专制主义,在文化上就是资产阶级的文化专制主义。
    Their starting point is bourgeois despotism, which in culture becomes the cultural despotism of the bourgeoisie.
  • 一个结论;到达他们的目的地
    Reached a conclusion; reached their destination.
  • 注定要发生;一座注定要被拆毁的老房子;他注定要名。
    bound to happen; an old house destined to be demolished; he is destined to be famous.
  • 香港制造的产品以口为主。
    A predominant proportion of Hong Kong's manufacturing output is destined for export.
  • 一种向通信接收点发信息、控制信号或其它信号的设备。
    A device which generates information, control, or other signals destined for communications sinks.
  • 身皇室,所以你的一言一行注定要受到公众的注意。
    You were born to the purple, so you are destined to live in the public eye.
  • 她命里注定出名。
    It was her destiny to become famous.
  • 不受情感的影响、丧失了情感或者没有表现情感。
    unsusceptible to or destitute of or showing no emotion.
  • 然而,这种社会状况并不妨碍商人阶级的现。
    This state of society,however, is not destitute of a mercantile class;
  • 虽然这样穷困,但我这副硬骨头始终不屈服,不向有钱的人低头,更不像别人认为女人的路是找个有钱的丈夫。
    Destitute as I am, I can bear my privation with great fortitude. I never yield, never bow to the rich, never think that a woman's way out is to marry a wealthy man.
  • 全然无业,即既无土地,又无资期金,完全失去生活依据,不得不外当兵,或去做工,或打流当乞丐的,都是“赤贫”,占百分之二十。
    The utterly destitute, comprising 20 per cent, are the completely dispossessed, that is, people who have neither land nor money, are without any means of livelihood, and are forced to leave home and become mercenaries or hired labourers or wandering beggars.
  • 针对城市贫困无业人员、大龄下岗职工及失业人员的就业困难,政府建立就业服务制度,通过资扶植社区公益性就业组织,开展环境保洁、社区保安、社区服务等项目,安置特困人员就业,以及组织开展免费就业服务,取得了较好的效果。
    In addition, the government has established an employment service system for badly-off jobless urban residents, and for older laid-off and unemployed persons. It seeks to arrange jobs for destitute persons by providing funds to support community welfare-type employment organizations, developing community environmental protection, hygiene, security and other services, and providing free employment services. All these measures have achieved the desired effects.
  • 不足部分,可以种杂粮、捞鱼虾、饲鸡豕,或卖一部分劳动力,勉强维持生活,于艰难竭蹶之中,存聊以卒岁之想。
    To make up their deficit they cultivate side crops, catch fish or shrimps, raise poultry or pigs, or sell part of their labour power, and thus eke out a living, hoping in the midst of hardship and destitution to tide over the year.
  • 对松木的破坏蒸馏提炼的黑色粘性物质。
    a dark viscous substance obtained from the destructive distillation of pine wood.
  • 把小牛从母牛身边带走;她退团体
    Detach a calf from its mother; detached herself from the group.
  • 但是,台湾分裂势力仍在企图以所谓“制宪”、“修宪”、“解释宪法”或“立法”等多种形式,用所谓“法律”形式实现在“中华民国”名义下把台湾从中国分割去的图谋。
    Nevertheless, separatists in Taiwan are still attempting to detach Taiwan "de jure" from China in the name of the "Republic of China" by various forms, including "formulating a new constitution," "amending the constitution," and "explaining the constitution" or through "legislation."
  • 米姬是作为"幸福家庭"系列中的成员售的。她戴着一枚小小的结婚戒指,腹部可以解开,里面还蜷缩着一个婴儿。
    Midge is sold as part of the "Happy Family" set, wearing a tiny wedding ring and a detachable stomach with a curled-up baby inside.
  • 从舰队中分离来有特殊任务的海军单位。
    a naval unit that is detached from the fleet for a particular task.
  • 他表现独到的见解。
    He showed detachment in his judgements.
  • 小分队提前出动。
    The detachment set off ahead of schedule.
  • 真正精致的石头虽则应该暗示雄伟或尘超俗的感觉,然而线条正确倒是更重要之一点。
    While really good pieces of rock should suggest majesty or detachment from life, it is even more important that the lines be correct.
  • 杜修经表扬第二十九团的错误意见,军委亦未能加以阻止,大队遂于七月十七日由酃县发,向郴州前进。
    As Tu Hsiu-ching encouraged the 29th Regiment in their mistaken ideas and the Army Committee failed to dissuade them, the major detachment set out from Linghsien for Chenchow on July 17.
  • 发货清单;发票关于发送的货物或提供的服务的一份详细的清单,带有所有费用的记录;逐项列的票单
    A detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs; an itemized bill.
  • 我从他那里打听了详情。
    I had extracted a detailed account from him.
  • 我已写报告的梗概,但我必须补充细节。
    I've written the skeleton of my report, but I have to fill in the details.
  • 阐明或解释;给细节。
    elaborate or expatiate upon; give details.
  • 被捕者曾供他们的目标是英国。
    The detainee who helped piece this together says the plot also targeted Britain.
  • 我似乎在他的声音中听一些怒气。
    I seemed to detect some anger in his voice.
  • 我听那话里有点儿忌妒之意吧?
    Do I detect a touch of jaundice (ie a slight hint of jealousy, etc) in that remark?
  • 牙医在她的牙齿上找不腐蚀的迹象。
    The dentist could detect no sign of decay in her teeth.
  • 警察侦察出罪犯。
    A policeman detects criminals.