  • 即使在第二代血液替代品中,血红蛋白子也没有血红细胞膜来保护。
    Even in those second-generation substitutes, the hemoglobin molecules will not be protected by a red blood cell membrane.
  • 这只母鸡整天大部时间都在抱窝。
    The hen sits for most of the day.
  • 因此才有fy97ndaa第3137部:?
    Hence, section 3137 of the FY 97 NDAA:
  • 贫富贵贱生前,百年之后化为尘。
    It will all the same a hundred years hence.
  • 清朝皇帝于1653年、1713年别册封五世达赖喇嘛和五世班禅喇嘛,自此正式确定了达赖喇嘛和班禅额尔德尼的封号,以及他们在西藏的政治和宗教地位。
    In 1653 and 1713, the Qing emperors granted honorific titles to the 5th Dalai Lama and the 5th Bainqen Lama, henceforth officially establishing the titles of the Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Erdeni and their political and religious status in Tibet.
  • 十分抱歉,亨利。
    I'm very sorry, henry.
  • 北温带地区的一个多年生草本小属,早春开花,具有叶状基生叶,不完全的常绿,花较小,呈白、粉红、蓝、或浅紫色。
    any of several plants of the genus Hepatica having 3-lobed leaves and white or pinkish flowers in early spring; of moist and mossy subalpine woodland areas of north temperate regions.
  • (五)这是共产党的抗战主张和现时国民党的抗战主张的原则歧。
    5. Herein lies the difference in principle between the stand of the Communist Party and the present stand of the Kuomintang with regard to resistance.
  • 这件事是同时代进步到二十世纪的三四十年代一事不开的,是同共产党和红军的存在不开的,这乃是问题的焦点所在。
    This is bound up with the fact that we are now in the Nineteen Thirties and Nineteen Forties and that we now have the Communist Party and the Red Army. Herein lies the heart of the matter.
  • 教育的过程应该是资源的重新配,起到社会平衡的作用,以让人民在公平的起跑线上追求生命的立足点,还是延续子靠父荫的传承过程,继承上一代的优势以强化下一代的竞争能力?对此,我们应该有清楚的思考。
    Herein is much for the public to chew on. Should education enable people to begin their life's race on a level field from a common starting line by granting each a fair share of the resources available, or should it allow some of them to benefit from their parents' power and influence to win the competition?
  •     (c)尽管有(b)项的规定,如任何一次会议出席的国家不足大会成员国的半数,但达到三之一或三之一以上时,大会可以作出决议,但是,除有关其本身的议事程序的决议外,所有其他决议只有符合下述条件才能生效。
    Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (b), if, in any session, the number of countries represented is less than one half but equal to or more than one third of the countries members of the Assembly, the Assembly may make decisions but, with the exception of decisions concerning its own procedure, all such decisions shall take effect only if the conditions set forth hereinafter are fulfilled.
  • 这些美丽的古老宫殿是我们民族遗产的一部
    These beautiful old palaces are part of our national heritage.
  • 苏格兰高地游戏是苏格兰文化遗产的一部
    The highland game is part of scotland's cultural heritage.
  • 缺乏有利于文化传承的大气候,传统文化失去了它赖以维系的土壤、空气、水、养料和阳光,讲继承文化传统就会变成一句空话。
    The preservation of our heritage should not be reduced to just empty talk.
  • 咽突出,咽囊肿通过咽壁的粘膜上的突出;咽的突出部
    Protrusion of mucous membrane through the wall of the pharynx; hernia of the pharynx.
  • 因没法弥补自身缺陷的人总要干方百计给别人也造成缺陷,除非有上述缺陷者具有勇敢无畏的英雄气概,有志把自身的固有缺陷变成其荣誉之一部
    For he that cannot possibly mend his own case, will do what he can, to impair another's; Except these defects light upon a very brave, and heroical nature, which thinketh to make his natural wants part of his honor;
  • 随着画面渐渐隐没,男女主角手各向一方。
    As the scene fades out, the hero and the heroine walk away from each other.
  • 这将是自由的写作,因为它不是为饱食终日的贵妇人服务,不是为百无聊赖、胖得发愁的‘一万个上层子’服务,而是为千千万万劳动人民,为这些国家的精华、国家的力量、国家的未来服务。
    It will be a free literature, because it will serve, not some satiated heroine, not the bored "upper ten thousand" suffering from fatty degeneration, but the millions and tens of millions of working people -- the flower of the country, its strengh and its future.
  • 这20钟充显示出人民解放军的英雄气慨。
    Those20 minutes fully displayed the heroism of the People's Liberation Army.
  • 面对俄罗斯上空的残酷空战,死亡已没有性别之,一次夜晚,德国人15钟内击落我们4架po-2s飞机,八位女驾驶员阵亡。
    In the merciless air war over Russia, sex was no barrier to death, suffering of heroism. One night the Germans shot down four PO-2s within 15 minutes, killing eight women.
  • 这种倾向,表现在红军改编后某些个别子不愿意严格地接受共产党的领导、发展个人英雄主义、以受国民党委任为荣耀(以做官为荣耀)等等现象上面。
    This tendency is manifest in certain individuals who, since the redesignation of the Red Army, have become unwilling to submit strictly to Communist Party leadership, have developed individualistic heroism, taken pride in being given appointments by the Kuomintang (i.e., in becoming officials), and so forth.
  • 现代风格的附加部和原先的维多利亚式建筑物的结合是不伦不类的。
    The combination of the modern style extension and the original Victorian building is neither flesh, nor fowl nor good red herring.
  • 她的经历十分悲惨.
    Hers is a tragic story.
  • 其中有些租车公司,如赫兹公司和阿维丝公司,其公司遍及国内外。
    Some of them, like Hertz and Avis, are nationwide and have branches abroad as well.
  • 响度单位等于赫的纯音声压级在闻阈上贝时的响度。
    a unit of perceived loudness equal to the loudness of a 1000-hertz tone at 40 dB above threshold.
  • 方(响度级的单位)一种表现声音的单位,在数量的上等于把1000赫兹声音作测星音时的贝强度
    A unit of apparent loudness, equal in number to the intensity in decibels of a1, 000-hertz tone judged to be as loud as the sound being measured.
  • 有些地方对于应该杀的汉奸破坏子不敢杀,是不正确的。
    Some local authorities have been hesitant over executing traitors and saboteurs who deserve the death penalty; this is incorrect.
  • 这就需要我们和全国人民更大地发展抗日和民主的运动,进一步地批评、推动和督促国民党,团结国民党内的主张和平、民主、抗日的子,推动动摇犹豫子,排除亲日子,才能达到目的。
    In order to attain this goal our Party and the people throughout the country must develop the movement for resistance to Japan and for democracy still more extensively, must go a step further in criticizing the Kuomintang, pushing it into action and keeping up the pressure, must unite with all those within the Kuomintang who stand for peace, democracy and resistance to Japan, and must help the hesitant waverers forward and throw out the pro-Japanese elements.
  • 有一部同志遇事手软,下不了手。
    Some comrades are soft and hesitate to take action against offenders.
  • 我们十乐意接受你非常慷慨的帮助。
    We have no hesitation about accepting your most generous offer.
  • 我们十乐意接受最慷慨的捐赠。
    We have no hesitation in accepting your most generous offer.
  • 我认为亚洲虽是多元化的地区,居住在东北亚和东南亚的亚洲人确实共同享一些个人的和社会的价值观。
    I believe that in spite of its heterogeneity, Asians who live in Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia, do share certain personal and societal values.