  • 公安、司法机关依法惩处了一批罪大恶极的犯罪子。
    In accordance with law, public security and judicial departments have punished a number of criminals guilty of the most heinous crimes.
  • 《中华人民共和国刑法》第四十三条规定:“死刑只适用于罪大恶极的犯罪子。
    Article 43 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that, "the death penalty is only applicable to criminals who have committed the most heinous of crimes.
  • 他的继承人在他们之间平遗产。
    His heir split the estate between them.
  • 她除了鼻子不像她母亲外,其它部都像。
    She falls heir to her mother in everything but her nose.
  • 律师给每一继承人应得的一份遗产。
    The lawyer set out to each heir his portion of the heritage.
  • 很低使海纶闷闷不乐。
    Low grades are get ting Helen down.
  • 海伦出身于一个知识子家庭。
    Helen comes from an intelligent family.
  • 还有20钟火箭就要发射了。
    The helicopter had off when we got here.
  • 大阳的能量不是来自燃烧过程,而是来自由氢到氦的核聚变,是部由一个涉及碳和氮的复杂过程引起的。
    The energy of the Sun arises not from any burning process but from nuclear fusion, the transformation of hydrogen into helium, in part by a complicated process involving carbon and nitrogen.
  • 一种含有双螺旋状大子的核酸,与基因信息传递有关。
    a nucleic acid consisting of large molecules shaped like a double helix; associated with the transmission of genetic information.
  • 人们发现dna作为基因的一部,为双螺旋结构,携带所有生物型板的编码。
    DNA, as a part of genes, was discovered to be a double helix that encodes the blueprints for all living things.
  • 含有人类基因的双螺旋结构子将数据储存在四种化学基数上,即通常人们所说的a,t,c、g,其存储能力非常之大,科学家也是刚开始予以关注。
    The double helix molecule that contains human genes stores data on four chemical bases -- known by the letters A, T, C and G -- giving it massive memory capability that scientists are only just beginning to tap into.
  • 希腊语印欧语系的希腊语,作为希腊语族的唯一成员,含有几组地方、社会和文学方面的古方言和现今方言,并被为几个历史时期
    The Indo-European language of the Greeks. Greek, the sole member of the Hellenic branch, consists of several groups of ancient and modern regional, social, and literary dialects and is divided into several historical periods.
  • 印度-欧洲语系的希腊支。
    the Hellenic branch of the Indo-European family of languages.
  • 胞族在希腊部落或宗族的原始结构中,构成中间类的亲属集团,包括几个父亲家族,在古典时期又存留下来,成为雅典城邦的政治合军事组织的领地亚
    A kinship group constituting an intermediate division in the primitive structure of the Hellenic tribe or phyle, consisting of several patrilinear clans, and surviving in classical times as a territorial subdivision in the political and military organization of the Athenian state.
  • 护鼻头盔上用以保护鼻子的部
    The nosepiece of a helmet.
  • 护鼻盔甲上保护鼻子的部
    A piece of armor that forms part of a helmet and protects the nose.
  • 寄生虫病蠕虫或像蠕虫的寄生虫对于大小肠或身体其他部的侵害;肠虫病
    Infestation of the intestines or other parts of the body with worms or wormlike parasites; helminthiasis.
  • 设址于莫斯科的赫尔辛基观察委员会(一个人权组织)创始人之一夏兰斯基对于苏联新闻发言人格拉西莫夫的评论提出异议。格氏声称想离开苏联的犹太人大部在70年代已经离开了。
    Natan Sharansky, one of the founders of the Helsinki Watch Committee in Moscow, a human rights group, took issue with the comments by Gennadi I. Gerasimov, the Soviet press spokesman, that most of the Jews who wanted to leave the Soviet Union left in the 1970's.
  • 袖子和裤腿的尾部翻起来的部
    the turned-back hem encircling the end of the sleeve or leg.
  • 随着画面渐渐隐没,男女主角手了。
    As the some fades out, the hem and the heroine walked away from each other.
  • 为了把侵入中国的敌人围困在少数的据点,即大城市和交通干线之内,各个根据地上的游击战争必须极力向其根据地的四周发展,迫近一切敌人的据点,威胁其生存,动摇其军心,同时即发展了游击战争的根据地,这是十必要的。
    In order to confine the enemy invaders to a few strongholds, that is, to the big cities and along the main communication lines, the guerrillas must do all they can to extend guerrilla warfare from their base areas as widely as possible and hem in all the enemy's strongholds, thus threatening his existence and shaking his morale while expanding the base areas. This is essential.
  • 北半球是地球赤道以北的部,南半球是赤道以南的部
    The Northern Hemisphere is the part of the world north of the equator, and the Southern Hemisphere is south of the equator.
  • (关于女装;常用作构词成)底边长至小腿肚的。
    (of women's clothing; often used in combination) with hemline at mid-calf.
  • (关于女装;常用作构词成)底边及脚踝的。
    (of women's clothing; often used in combination) with hemline at the ankle.
  • (关于女装;常用作构词成)底边很短在膝盖以上。
    (of women's clothing; often used in combination) very short with hemline above the knee.
  • 每一个血红蛋白子是由4个亚基组成的,即为四聚体。
    Each hemoglobin molecule consists of four sub units, known as tetramers.
  • 交联的血红蛋白子是稳定的,不容易解。
    The cross-linked hemoglobin molecules are stable and do not break down.
  • 基于血红蛋白的氧携带体是利用同样发现在血液中的载氧蛋白质子。
    Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) utilize the same oxygen-carrying protein molecule found in blood.
  • 所谓的双功能试剂,能够使血红蛋白子互相交联,形成多聚血红蛋白。
    So-called bifunctionalagents can cross-link the hemoglobin molecules to one another to form polyhemoglobin.
  • 一些双功能试剂也能使每个血红蛋白子内部交联,以防止解成二聚体。
    Some bifunctional agents can also cross-link each hemoglobin molecule internally to prevent its breakdown into dimers.
  • 当被注射到体内以后,每个血红蛋白子会解成有潜在毒性的半子,或二聚体。
    When infused into the body, a hemoglobin molecule breaks down into potentially toxic half molecules, or dimmers.