  • 吉姆身于一个贵族家庭。
    Jim is descended from a noble family.
  • 他出自名门。
    He(is) descended from a good family.
  • 她出身于名门。
    She(is) descended from a noble family.
  • 他系出名门。
    He is descended from a distinguished family.
  • 翼状突从蝶骨主干上长的两块突起中的任何一块
    Either of two processes descending from the body of the sphenoid bone.
  • 良种,有记载的纯种
    Recorded descent from purebred stock.
  • 描述某事物的特点来。
    describe the qualities or peculiarities of.
  • 形成(几何图形)用画曲线或面来作(一个几何图形)
    To form(a geometric figure) by describing a curve or surface.
  • 的美景难以描述。
    The beauty of the sunrise is beyond description.
  • 版她的游记;关于这场比赛的生动描述
    Published a description of her travels; gave a vivid description of the game.
  • 一览表名单或逐条列记的陈列,如题目、课程或者供展览或售的物品,通常包括描述性的信息或插图
    A list or itemized display, as of titles, course offerings, or articles for exhibition or sale, usually including descriptive information or illustrations.
  • 程序末尾调用了两个方法:pbinint()和pbinlong()。它们分别操作一个int和long值,并用一种二进制格式输,同时附有简要的说明文字。
    The two methods at the end, pBinInt( ) and pBinLong( ) take an int or a long, respectively, and print it out in binary format along with a descriptive string.
  • 一个空白字段描述符是在输中形成空格的描述符。
    A null field descriptor is the descriptor that forms the blank division in export.
  • 专门用于定义一个程序元素的特征的计算机字。例如,用描述符来描述一个数据记录、一段程序或一个输入输操作。
    A computer word used specifically to define characteristics of a program element. For example, descriptors are used for describing a data record, a segment of a program, or an input/output operation.
  • 你提的一些建议是值得认真考虑的。
    The proposals that you have put forward deserve serious consideration.
  • 你为他们忠诚和聪明地服务了这么多年,任新经理自然是当之无愧的。
    You have given them so many years of devoted, intelligent service that you have certainly deserved this.
  • 标出或指定成区
    To designate or mark off into zones.
  • 你能说你想要的花吗?
    Will you designate the flowers you wish?
  • 给贴标签;用标签指
    assign a label to; designate with a label.
  • 以木栓标以一个或几个桩的方式指明或标
    To designate or mark by means of a peg or pegs.
  • 最后定约叫牌打桥牌时通过一手牌的最后的定约叫牌指(一组王牌或无王牌)
    To designate(a trump suit or no-trump) with the final bid of a hand in bridge.
  • 《郊野公园条例》就宝贵的郊野地区如郊野公园和特别地区等的指定、管制及管理事宜,作规定,并使这些地区得以发展作户外康乐、教育及自然护理用途。
    The Country Parks Ordinance provides for the designation, control and management of the valuable countryside as country parks and special areas, and enables them to be developed for outdoor recreational, education and nature conservation purposes.
  • 交通审裁处根据《道路交通条例》而设立,主席及成员全部由当局委任公众人士任。审裁处提供一个途径,让市民在不满运输署署长就车辆登记与发牌、签发租汽车许可证和客运营业证,以及指定车辆测试中心等方面所作的决定时,可向交通审裁处上诉。
    A Transport Tribunal, set up under the Road Traffic Ordinance with a chairman and members appointed from among the public, provides a channel of appeal against decisions made by the Commissioner for Transport in respect of the registration and licensing of vehicles, the issue of hire car permits and passenger service licences, and the designation of car-testing centres.
  • 歌剧剧院主要为歌剧演而设计的剧院
    A theater designed primarily for operas.
  • 阿拉喀涅则故意地在自己的图案中织了显示神祗们的缺点和错误的主题。
    Arachne filled her web with subjects designedly chosen to exhibit the failings and errors of the gods.
  • 她穿着纽约杰设计师设计的服装。
    She was dressed by a leading New York designer.
  • 他是为色的设计家,收入很高。
    He is such a fine designer that his earning power is very large.
  • 敏锐的室内装饰设计师;对颜色的敏锐感觉;在辩论中敏锐的指(问题)。
    a discriminating interior designer; a nice sense of color; a nice point in the argument.
  • 广告业为版或广播而设计和创作广告的行业
    The business of designing and writing advertisements for publication or broadcast.
  • 毫无疑问,我们能把这项工程设计来。
    There is no doubt that we will succeed in designing the project.
  • 预算是不值得的。
    It is not desirable to overbalance the budget.
  • 在明确说的或者暗示的限制下最合意的可能性。
    most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied.