  • 这家司控制了这一部分市场。
    The company dominates this segment of the market.
  • 征用强征人服役或扣留财产为用的行为或政策
    The act or policy of seizing people or property for public service or use.
  • 他把他在司中的股份脱手后退休了。
    He sold out his share of the business and retired.
  • 牛奶司,乳品店一种加工或出售牛奶和奶制品的商业机构
    A commercial establishment for processing or selling milk and milk products.
  • "而且,参议员在参加选举时必须是在美国居住了九年的美国民。"
    And a Senator must have been a citizen of the United States for nine years at the time of his election.
  • 她在司里的地位比其他人都高。
    She is senior to everyone else in the company.
  • 一心为公
    set one's heart on the common good
  • 两家司在法院外了结了争端。
    The two companies settled out of court.
  • 和解的条件似乎还道。
    The terms of the settlement seem just.
  • 共卫生方面的严重问题与该城低效率的污水处理系统有关。
    The grave problem of public hygiene is connected with the inefficient sewage system of the city.
  • 那样对待你真是太不平了!
    What a shame to treat you like that!
  • 优于其他公司的记录
    a record which shames other companies
  • 他站在共汽车站的候车亭里。
    He stood in the shelter at the bus stop.
  • 老师照管着一群孩子上共汽车。
    The teacher was shepherding the group of children into the bus.
  • 造船厂布削减二百名工人.
    Two hundred redundancies were announced in the shipyards.
  • 预审,预看在映或开展览之前的预先放映或开放,如电影或艺术展览,只有少数经过挑选的观众被邀请
    An advance showing, as of a movie or an art exhibition, to which a selected audience is invited before public presentation begins.
  • 经济状况不佳的公司
    a firm with a poor financial showing
  • 车辆在高速路上穿梭行驶。
    Trucks shuttled to and fro on the high ways.
  • 她在共汽车上觉得很恶心。
    She feels sick in buses.
  • 我看到共汽车的后面有一个空座位。
    I caught sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus.
  • 我知道西蒙只是在猜测,他说司可能陷入经济困难,而这一点他却说得令人吃惊地近乎正确。
    I know he was only guessing, but Simon was surprisingly near the mark when he suggested the company might be in financial difficulties.
  • 路和铁路是国家的命脉.
    A country's sinews are its roads and railways.
  • 这块地正在由伦敦的一家地产司开发利用.
    The site is being developed by a London property company.
  • 司想把总部设在北方.
    The company wants to situate its headquarters in the north.
  • 司经济状况艰难。
    The company is in a poor financial situation.
  • 由于她发表了关于司安全记录的言论,该司正以诽谤罪起诉她。
    Her company is suing her for slander because of her remarks about their safety record.
  • 这辆共汽车开得非常慢。
    The bus is very slow.
  • 我不知道把书丢在哪儿了。不是落在学校,就是丢到共汽车上了。
    I don't know where I left my book -- either at school or on the bus.
  • "快走,否则你要赶不上共汽车了。"
    "Go quick, or else you'll miss the bus."
  • 那些破坏物的人把门撞瘪了.
    Vandals smashed the door in.
  • 这位世界冠军在抓举中举起了162.5斤,然后在稳拿金牌的情况下又在挺举中举起了195斤,创下了合计357.5斤的新记录。
    The world champion hoisted 162.5 kilograms in the snatch, then with gold already his, lifted a record 195 kg in the clean and-jerk, setting a new combined mark of 357.5kg.
  • 英特尔司甚至长途跋涉为它的芯片生产厂广招工人。
    And Intel travels far and wide to snatch up workers for its chip-making plants;