  • 她在图书馆内花了几周时,从所有的书中查找有关这些课题的参考资料。
    She spent weeks in the library tracking down the reference in all their books on the subjects.
  • 她在图书馆花了几个星期的时,在所有有关这方面的书中查找参考资料。
    She spent weeks in the library tracking the reference down in all their books on the subject.
  • 所有这些特性都表明,液态水中分于之的吸引力较大。
    All these properties indicate that in liquid water, the force of at traction between the molecules is high.
  • 在同工会的谈判中,资方以每周增加工资5英镑换取了每次饮茶休息时从20分钟缩至10分钟。
    In negotiations with the trade union, the management traded off an extra five pounds a week in wages for a reduction in the length of tea breaks from twenty to ten minutes each.
  • 一些小人正受到一些大的联公司的排挤。
    Some of the smaller traders are being frozen out by big combines.
  • 而引起公众注意的是那个夜晚的人悲剧。
    But what captured the public's attention was that night's human tragedy.
  • 而引起公众注意的是那个夜晚的人悲剧。
    But what captured the public's attention was that night's human tragedy.
  • 许多夫妇经历过一个悲惨的瞬,这一瞬使他们学会珍惜两人相伴的时光。
    Many couples have experienced a tragic moment that taught them to value their time together.
  • 在营业高峰期我们饭馆雇用一些实习服务员。
    We employ trainee waiter to help in the restaurant at peak period.
  • 该公司经常在各部门内部和部门之对受训人员进行工作调动,让他们尽早体验一下这项职业的各个方面。
    The company often switches its young trainees round within departments and between departments in order to give them early experience of all sides of the business.
  • 锻炼者一边练,一边还可以看到自己的心率、热量、节拍、时速、时、距离等多项指标。
    The trainers can see his heartbeats, quantity of heat, rhythm, speed, time and distance etc many index.
  • 该中心于年内继续推展不同的工作,包括制作管理培训教材、为管理人员及培训导师开办训练课程,并向数千机构推广管理培训及发展。
    During the year, it continued to develop management learning materials, deliver training programmes to managers and trainers and promote management training and development to thousands of organisations.
  • 你在训练期要尽最大努力。
    You'll be on your mettle during the training course.
  • 我们用了一下午的时逛商店, 疲惫不堪地逛了一家又一家.
    We spent the afternoon traipsing from one shop to another.
  • 我们用了一下午的时逛商店,疲惫不堪地逛了一家又一家
    We spent the afternoon traipsing from one shop to another
  • 她想去乡间远足。
    She want to go for a tramp in the country.
  • 他喜欢在山间徜徉。
    He enjoys tramping the hills.
  • 她喜欢在山间步行。
    She loves tramping over the hills.
  • "他打断了我的思绪,说道:"你想看看房吗?
    " he said, coaxing me out of my trance." Would you like to see the room?"
  • 两个团体的交易活动(如从事商业活动)。
    the act of transacting within or between groups (as carrying on commercial activities).
  • 营业额,成交量在给定的时期成交的总额
    The amount of business transacted during a given period of time.
  • 他们之的交易告吹了。
    The transaction between them was dismissed.
  • 如果需要,我可寄去我在本科和研究生学习期的成绩单。
    Transcripts of my undergraduate and graduate records can be arranged.
  • 她把她的衣服从一屋子里拿出来放到了另一屋子。
    She transferred her clothes from one room to another.
  • 杰夫:第21后奥运会传递“圣火”的方式不同寻常,用的是卫星传递,把原来花几周跨国越洲、长途跋涉的传递活动,缩短为两天时
    Jeff: The transfer of the flame in the 21st Olympic Games was very special. It was carried by a satellite, which effectively shortened the transferring activities, which would originally last for several weeks and crossing countries and continents in two days.
  • 经过网络在用户传送信息的一种方式,在此方式中无须建立逻辑连接或虚电路。
    A mode of transferring information across a network, between users, without establishing a logical connection or a virtual circuit.
  • 她油漆了房使它为之一新。
    She transformed the room by painting it.
  • 重新粉刷一遍可大为改观.
    A fresh coat of paint can transform a room.
  • 由于任何这些替代物都不会在体内存在很长时,它们对那些需要长期输血的病人用处不大。
    And since none of the substitutes lasts long in the body, they would not help patients who need chronic transfusions.
  • 临时旅客过路人,尤指只呆很短一段时的旅馆住宿者
    One that is transient, especially a hotel guest or boarder who stays for only a brief time.
  • 然而,在近10秒的切换期,也会有一些瞬时呼叫掉线。
    However, for approximately 10 seconds during the switchover, some transient calls may be lost.
  • 但由于战争只有程度颇低和时颇暂的确实性,战争的计划性就很难完全和固定,它随战争的运动(或流动,或推移)而运动,且依战争范围的大小而有程度的不同。
    However, complete or stable planning is difficult because there is only very limited and transient certainty in war; Such planning must change with the movement (flow or change) of the war and vary in degree according to the scale of the war.