  • 他佩帶的徽記是長矛和燃燒的火炬;他的愛畜是兀鷹和獵犬---兩種戰場上的常客。
    His emblems are the spear and the burning torch; His chosen animals are haunters of the battle field,-- the vulture and the dog.
  • "傢傢戶戶都挂特製的燈籠,以幫助死者認路。"
    Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way.
  • 2002年5月,國務院學位委員會審議通過了《軍事學碩士專業學位設置方案》,决定設置和試辦軍事學碩士專業學位,標志軍隊高層次應用型專門人才的培養邁上一個新的臺階。
    In May 2002, the Academic Degree Commission under the State Council examined and approved the Plan of Setting Up Specialties for the Master Degree of Military Science, and decided on the setting up of specialties for the master degree of military science as an experiment, marking a new stage in the training of high-level professionals for the armed forces.
  • 立場,就發生我們對於各種具體事物所采取的具體態度。
    From one's stand there follow specific attitudes towards specific matters.
  • 婚姻所包含的長期承諾看來有某種特殊的保護意義。
    There appears to be something specifically protective about the long-term commitment that marriage entails.
  • 眼中綫狀物視野中常被視作移動的斑點或小的綫狀物,由眼睛玻璃狀液中的細胞或蛋白質的聚合引起
    Specks or small threads in the visual field, usually perceived to be moving, that are caused by minute aggregations of cells or proteins in the vitreous humor of the eye.
  • 這幅油畫僅僅是一個帶一些紅色斑點的灰色的帳篷。
    this painting was nothing more but an unexcitingly grey canvas with a few red speckles.
  • 孩子們張嘴註視精彩表演。
    The children took in the spectacle open-mouthed.
  • 她站在那兒,看這壯觀的景象。
    She stand there and survey the spectacle.
  • 他站在前排審視演出。
    He stood at the head of the stair and surveyed the spectacle.
  • 我不知道,當你們註視這一部劇,一場電影,或任何奇觀時,你們中間有多少人意識到並感激使你們享受到它的色彩、優雅和動作的視力奇跡?
    How many of you, I wonder, when you gaze at a play, a movie, or any spectacle, realize and give thanks for the miracle of sight which enables you to enjoy its color, grace, and movement?
  • 我在黑暗中摸索試找我的眼鏡。
    I fumbled about trying to find my spectacles in the dark.
  • 他總是戴着眼鏡。
    He always has on spectacles.
  • 他從眼鏡上方盯我看。
    He peered at me over his Spectacles.
  • 觀光者們僅僅參觀了該城市有吸引人或富裕的地方。他們衹是戴有色眼鏡看這個城市。
    Tourists who visit only the attractive or wealthy parts of a city tend to see the city through rose-coloured spectacles.
  • “保羅認為事態的確非常嚴重。”—“哦,可千萬別信他的話,難道你不知道他一嚮是戴有色眼鏡來觀察事物的嗎?”
    “Paul regards the position of affairs as very serious indeed.” —“Oh, for Heaven’s sake, don’t believe him! Don’t you know that he always sees everything through colored spectacles?”
  • 轉現全景畫描述一個連續景色的畫或一係列畫,轉動通過觀衆面前,一次衹能看到一部分
    A picture or series of pictures representing a continuous scene, often exhibited a part at a time by being unrolled and passed before the spectator.
  • 一些觀衆在四周站;四處轉轉;在附近等下一班飛機。
    a few spectators standing about; hanging around; waited around for the next flight.
  • 我們看那衹悄悄跟蹤的老虎接近了它的獵物;一個半夜潛行在城堡的城墻上的幽靈。
    we watched the stalking tiger approach his prey; a stalking specter on the castle walls at midnight.
  • 他若有所思的看她。
    he looked at her speculatively.
  • "也許我們能提供些幫助,"總統試探提議道。
    “ Perhaps we can help,” the president offered speculatively.
  • 烏雲預示雨的來臨。
    Those dark clouds spell rain.
  • 老人在講他的事跡時,孩子們象入了迷似的坐聽。
    The children sat spellbound as the old man told his story.
  • “我一直都在替我們想,”我說道,盡量把“我們”一詞發得特別重。
    "I've been thinking of us," I said trying to make it sound as if "us" was spelt with a capital U.
  • 盡着五十元花。
    Don't spend more than fifty yuan.
  • 我有一點點零用錢就可以湊合過日子了。
    I can do with very little spending money.
  • 這老人鬍說八道了一道,然後睡了。
    The old man spewed up a lot of nonsense and then fell asleep.
  • 範圍的擴大,電波變得愈弱。
    As the sphere becomes larger, the waves become weaker.
  • 有一次,他想自己嘗試從冰箱裏拿一瓶牛奶。可是瓶子太滑了,他沒有抓住,牛奶瓶子掉在了地上,牛奶濺得滿地都是--看上去簡直是一片牛奶的海洋。
    He had been trying to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he lost his grip on the slippery bottle and it fell, spilling its contents all over the kitchen floor -- a veritable sea of milk!
  • 幾乎每個月我都必須省點花錢。
    Almost every month I have to spin out money.
  • 旋轉的標志牌在風中打旋兒。
    The revolving sign is spinning round and round in the wind.
  • 多種長帶刺的大頭和寬嘴通常無鱗的鮋科魚。
    any of numerous spiny large-headed broad-bouthed usually scaleless scorpaenoid fishes.