  • 他判断敌情准确,计划战斗周密,长于奇制胜,就连敌人也不得不佩服他的神机妙算。
    He would size up the enemy's situation correctly, make meticulous plans and carefully deploy his forces. As a result, his troops often defeated the enemy by a surprise move, and even the enemy admired his wonderful foresight in directing battles.
  • 驱逐(不好的外国人)境驱逐的行为或举止
    The act or an instance of deporting.
  • 即使他们不把她关入监狱,他们也会把她驱逐境。
    Even if they do not put her in jail, they will deport her.
  • 这样,对外国留学生的追踪工作、拒签工作更容易进行,而且更能把那些中途退学的留学生递解境。
    This would make it easier to track students, revoke their visas and presumably deport them if they drop out.
  • 政府命令将所有外国侨民驱逐国。
    The government ordered the deportation of all foreign nationals.
  • 对于那些来自视离婚为耻辱的国度的妇女来说,被驱逐境对她们尤其艰难。
    Deportation is especially hard on women from societies that stigmatize divorce.
  •  (一)在申请日前或者最迟在申请日(有优先权的,指优先权日),将该生物材料的样品提交国务院专利行政部门认可的保藏单位保藏,并在申请时或者最迟自申请日起4个月内提交保藏单位具的保藏证明和存活证明;
    depositing a sample of the biological material with a depositary institution designated by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council before, or at the latest, on the date of filing (or the priority date where priority is claimed), and submit at the time of filing or at the latest, within four months from the filing date, a receipt of deposit and the viability proof from the depository institution;
  • 宣誓证明宣誓后给证词;证明
    To give a deposition; testify.
  • 中欧森林反应的酸沉积就是一个这样链式反应的很好例子。
    The chain of events through which central European forests have responded to acid deposition is a ready example.
  • 不要轻视我做的努力。
    Don't depreciate what I have done.
  • 为免货币贬值的危机进一步恶化,香港和中国内地已作重大牺牲,大家对此都应深信不疑。
    No one should doubt the tremendous sacrifice that both Hong Kong and the mainland of China are bearing to prevent the problems of currency depreciation from escalating.
  • 你往下压琴键,就能奏一个音符。
    When you depress a key of an organ , a note is sounded.
  • 被拘留者还包括十几岁的青少年,如贾森·e,患有狂躁性抑郁症,他的暴力行为使得他的父亲必须在送他进监狱或危及家人安全之间做选择。
    They include teenagers like Jason E., a manic-depressive whose violence gives his father the choice of having him jailed or endangering his family.
  • 贫穷、不幸的,家庭靠救济生活的童年;来自贫穷的环境的孩子,他们身上显示忽略,道德堕落和漠视法律的家庭生活模式。
    a childhood that was unhappy and deprived, the family living off charity; boys from a deprived environment, wherein the family life revealed a pattern of neglect, moral degradation, and disregard for law.
  • 她表现的强烈感情让我们吃惊。
    She show a depth of feeling which surprised us.
  • 表现有洞察力或有情感深度;来自你自身的深度。
    showing intellectual penetration or emotional depths; from the depths of your being.
  • 新戏实在讨厌极了。
    This new play really plumbs the depths of unpleasantness.
  • 航海图标海岸线、水深或供航海者使用的其他信息的地图
    A map showing coastlines, water depths, or other information of use to navigators.
  • 这些东西深深地烙进了我们的性格,拨动着我们的心弦,并伴随着我们的生命年复一年地从我们心灵的最深入发一个益发深沉的和声。
    These things strike down into the very depths of our nature, and tou ch chords that with every year of our life sound a deeper note in our innermost being.
  • 从她的话中,我得这样的结论,她宁愿管理自己的小组,而不愿代理大组的领导。
    From what she said, I drew the inference that she would rather run her own small team than deputize for the leader of a large one.
  • 经理不能席, 派了个副手代表他.
    The manager was unable to attend but sent his deputy as a substitute.
  • 这个代理经理为了个人荣誉而卖了公司的利益。
    The deputy manager exchanged the company's interest for his personal honour.
  • 他一辞职引了一个问题,即我们目前是否需要有人代理领导职务。
    His resignation pose the question of whether we now need a deputy leader.
  • 经理不能席,派了个副手代表他。
    The manager is unable to attend but send his deputy as a substitute.
  • 有一棵树横在铁轨上, 造成机车轨.
    The engine was derailed by a tree lying across the line.
  • 车头出轨了。
    The engine was derailed.
  • 然而如要成功,它需抛弃关于纳米机器人可以使冷冻的尸体复活过来等错误百的说法而且还要抛掉那些虚张声势的宣传辞令,它们会于抗争取基金的努力。
    But to succeed, it will need to discard not only fluff about nanorobots that bring cadavers back from a deep freeze but also the overheated rhetoric that can derail any big new funding effort.
  • 有一棵树横在铁轨上,造成机车轨。
    The engine is derailed by a tree lying across the line.
  • 你知道吗,我刚听说火车昨晚轨了。
    Do you know, I've just been told(that) the train got derailed last night?
  • 你知道吗,我刚听说火车昨晚轨了。
    Do you know, I have just been fold( that) the train get derailed last night.
  • 你知道吗,我刚听说火车昨晚轨了。
    Do you know, I have just been told that the train got derailed last night.
  • 今天的火车混乱不堪,因为前面有一列火车轨了。
    The trains are all to today because of a derailment farther down the line.