农夫在农场里养了一只公羊,五只母羊。 The farmer keeps one ram and five ewes on his farm.
他只是偶尔一次公开自己的观点。 Only rarely does he let his own views become public.
他被公认为现代最杰出的作家之一。 He is generally rated as one of the best modern writers.
我愿意走路而不愿意坐公共汽车。 I'd rather walk than take a bus.
如果价钱公道, 我就把这辆车买下。 I'll buy the car if the price is reasonable.
那辆旧公共汽车格登格登地沿碎石路行驶. The old bus rattled along the stony road.
和这家大公司达成协议是很重要的。 It is very important to reach an agreement with this big company .
这辆公共汽车的发动机在后面。 The engine of this bus is in the rear.
琼斯先生将作为那个破产公司破产的清算管理人。 Mr. Jones will act as receiver for the company that has failed in business.
这家公司最近在波斯顿市中心买了一幢新的办公楼。 The company has recently acquired a new office building in central Boston.
不符标准的,不完美的表现或行为未达到公认的完美标准的 Not measuring up to recognized standards of excellence, as of behavior or conduct.
保险公司将赔偿他的损失。 The insurance company will recompense his loss.
这些歌曲是由广播公司录下的。 The songs were recorded by the radio company.
公园城镇内部或邻近区域的一块留作娱乐或美化之用的有很少或没有建筑的土地 A piece of land with few or no buildings within or adjoining a town, maintained for recreational and ornamental purposes.
你们公司的海关注册号码是多少? What's your company's registration number in customs?
公众已恢复对他的敬重。 He has been rehabilitated in public esteem.
他们和我们公司有生意来往。 They have business relations with our firm.
董事会决定将公司迁至英格兰。 The board decide to relocate the company in scotland.
那家公司承办搬运业务。 That company does removals.
我们的办公室已从北京迁到上海。 Our office has removed to Shanghai from Beijing.
我父亲在城里租了间办公室。 My father rents an office in the city.
这家公司不久就能偿还所借的银行贷款. The company will soon be able to repay its borrowings from the bank.
他们公布了船舶失踪之事。 They reported the disappearance of the ship.
我们在等待公布考试结果时气氛越来越紧张。 Tension mounted as we waited for the exam results to be published.
最近我那办公室里有几个人退休了。 There have been several retirements in my office lately.
他与对立公司竞争完全不讲道德。 He was utterly unscrupulous in his competition with rival firms.
我们是在公路旁吃的饭。 We ate our meal by the roadside.
浪漫的女主人公往往难以捉摸。 Romantic heroines are often capricious.
喂,先生。我是。我打电话来确认下周一11点在贵公司会面的约定。 Hello, Mr. Hammer. Jack Ross here. I am calling to confirm our appointment on Monday at ten o'clock in your office.