  • 像在印度西亚一样,在马来西亚给小费也仅限于那些价格较高的西式场所。在那里,一般在就餐或旅馆房的费用之外附加10%的服务费。
    Like Indonesia, tipping in Malaysia is confined to the pricier Westernized joints, which often add a 10% service charge to your meal or hotel room.
  • 由于长时的紧张工作而导致的眼睛疲劳。
    a tiredness of the eyes caused by prolonged close work by a person with an uncorrected vision problem.
  • 长时旅行非常疲倦。不过睡一宿好觉就可以恢复了。
    Rathar long and tiring, but a good night's sleep will soon put me right again. …
  • 当然这还需要许多年的时才能变成现实,但是一旦成为现实,道路的安全将会得到巨大的改善。
    It will be many years before these changes bring results but when they do, there will be a titanic improvement in road safety.
  • 让我们为两国的友谊干杯。
    Let's toast the friendship between two countries.
  • 这房间有烟草味。
    The room smells of tobacco smoke.
  • 一条具有警觉意识的政策;小镇看守人的警醒的眼睛;房里有一种警醒的威严;和一个学步的孩子在一起的警惕的父亲(或母亲)。
    a policy of open-eyed awareness; the vigilant eye of the town watch; there was a watchful dignity in the room; a watchful parent with a toddler in tow.
  • 艰难地跋涉于山岭之
    Toiling over the mountains.
  • 艰难地跋涉于山岭之
    Toiling over the mountains.
  • 厕所通常装有清洗和厕所设施的房;盥洗室
    A room equipped with washing and often toilet facilities; a bathroom.
  • 我必须买些卫生必需品。
    I must buy some toilet requisites.
  • 请问卫生间在哪儿?
    Where is the toilet, please?
  • 洗手尤指船上的厕所
    A toilet, especially on a ship.
  • (指孩子)被训练过如何使用洗手
    (of children) trained to use the toilet.
  • 洗手在过道的尽头。
    The toilet is at the end of the passage.
  • 现在东京时三点整。
    it's three o'clock in Tokyo now.
  • 东京时5月6日早上00。
    Arrival time Tokyo is 00 a.m. of May 6.
  • 复仇中最可原谅的一种就是为了报没有法律纠正的那一种仇的;可是在这种情形里那报仇的人也应当留神,他那报复的行为要没有法律惩罚才好;否则他底仇人仍然要占先的,因为二人之吃亏底比例乃是二比一也。
    The most tolerable sort of revenge, is for those wrongs which there is no law to remedy: but then, let a man take heed the revenge be such as there is no law to punish: else,a man's enemy is still before hand, and it is two for one.
  • 他的房相当大,在恶劣的季节里相当难于保暖。
    His bedroom was tolerably large, and rather difficult to warm in bad weather.
  • 这一方法适用于很多物品,特别是适用于农产品,因为农民在某些季节有一定的空闲时
    and this plan answers tolerably well for many articles, especially agricultural produce, agriculturists having at some seasons a certain quantity of spare time on their hands.
  • 我们过去很友好,但我们之的政治冲突似乎已大大损伤了我们的友谊。
    We used to be very friendly, but it seems now that our political conflicts have taken their toll of our friendship.
  • 许通美教授以《亚洲与美国价值观之的不同》为题,发表他的看法。以下是他讲演的第二部分。
    Prof Tommy Koh spoke on "Differences in Asian and American values". The following is the second part of his paper.
  • 亚欧基金总干事许通美教授于昨日在北京举行的第二届亚欧基金非正式人权研讨会上,以《亚洲与欧洲价值观之的不同》为题,发表专题论文。本文是论文第一部分的摘要。
    Professor Tommy Koh is the Executive Director of Asia-Europe Foundation. He presented a paper at the Second Informal ASEM Seminar on Human Rights held in Beijing yesterday. The following are excerpts from his paper entitled, "Differences in Asian and European values".
  • 在他们离婚前,我就知道离婚只不过时的问题,因为他们老是争吵不休。
    I knew it was only a matter of time before they got divorced because they were always arguing like hammer and tongs.
  • 干很长时并且很多的活。
    the act working too much or too long.
  • 托尼开了溜,为的是不打扫房
    Tony took to the woods so he would not have to clean the house.
  • 他用了7天时间。
    It took him seven days.
  • 那件事花了很少的时
    It took very little time.
  • 存放工具的房是工具
    The room in which tools are placed is a tool room.
  • 弗雷德是我们中最能干的人。
    Fred is our top man.
  • 价格上涨乎已达最高点,近期一段时里物价应该会稳定不变。
    The rise in prices seems to have toped out, so goods should cost the same for a longer time now.
  • 越野赛,车手是在封闭线路上进行多圈竞赛,需要越过天然障碍的复杂地形,包括上下陡坡、左右转弯、起伏路、石子路、沙地、土坎、林路、沼泽地、泥泞路等天然地貌。
    In a cross-country race, the driver contests the multi-circle race in a close in track. He needs to get over a complicated topography of natural barrier including steep slopes, turns, rough roads, roads covered with stones,sands, earth steps, roads in the woods, marshes and muddy roads etc.natural landforms.