  • 我不介意调整一下我的时表以与你的相适应。
    I don't mind fitting my timetable round yours.
  • 我将改动我的时表以适应你的。
    I'll change my timetable to fit in with yours.
  • 我将尽力把我的作息时与她的作息时协调起来。
    I'll try to work my timetable in with hers.
  • 我将努力把我的作息时与你的协调起来。
    I'll try to work my timetable in with yours.
  • 我劝你没有特殊原因不要改换时表。
    I wouldn't suggest changing the timetable without any particular reason.
  • 我坚决反对改动时表。
    I shall set my face against any change in our timetable.
  • 我劝你没有特殊原因不要改换时表。
    I will not suggest changing the timetable without any particular reason.
  • 如果您索要公共汽车时表的话,司机会给您一份的。
    The bus driver will give you a bus timetable on request.
  • 根据时表,10点22分应该有一列去伦敦的火车。
    According to the timetable, there shall be a train to London at 10:22.
  • 表可以完全告诉你火车什么时候开。
    You can depend on the timetable to tell you when train leave.
  • 已采用了[大体上]相同的时表,只是早上休息时缩短了。
    A similar timetable has been adopted, save that the morning break is shorter.
  • 他弄到一份列车运行时刻表,查阅了所有去伦敦车次的时
    He got hold of a railway timetable and looked up all the trains to London.
  • 我这星期的时安排很紧.
    I've got a very busy timetable this week, ie a lot of appointments, etc.
  • 中国盼望已久的加入世界贸易组织的最后时表已确定。
    The final timetable for China's long awaited entry to the World Trade Organization has been completed.
  • 她想在已经挤得满满的时表里再加进课程,实在太蠢了。
    It would be foolish for her to try to pack any more courses in her already busy timetable.
  • 时间正合适!
    What beautiful timing!
  • 我不同意你认为时安排是不重要的观点,我认为时安排很有关系。
    I disagree with you view that the schedule it unimportant. I think that timing is very much to the point.
  • 在商业中,时就是最重要
    In business, timing is everything.
  • 回顾时,我觉得我们在时的掌握上也非常幸运。
    Looking back, I think the timing was very fortunate also.
  • 巴里笑言:"上帝的确够幽默,可却不太会安排时
    "God has a great sense of humor, but a poor sense of timing."
  • 要想当个好演员就要学会掌握道白的时分寸.
    A good actor must learn the art of timing, ie when to deliver a line most effectively.
  • 关于这种政策改变的客观原因和时性,我们曾经毫不含糊地说明了自己的观点。
    We have unequivocally explained our position on the causes of these changes in policy and their timing.
  • 当我还是小孩子的时候,我们家过传统节日时总是把精心准备的节日餐安排在足球赛时
    The traditional holidays in our house when I was a child were spent timing elaborate meals around football games.
  • 计算机科学中,指非数据信息所需的磁盘空,用来储存地址和进行缓冲。
    (computer science) the disk space required for non-data information (used for location and timing).
  • 当马坎德太太在蒂摩家里用晚饭时,她的谈话就带上了一般福尔赛中所流行较广泛的社会名流的口吻;她在蒂摩家所以这样被看重,无疑就是由于这一缘故。
    When Mrs. Macander dined at Timothy's, the conversation took that wider an-of-the-world tone current among Forsytes at large, and this no doubt, was what put her at a premium there.
  • 别在同那些女孩子瞎混了,你可再不能浪费时了。
    Stop playing about with those girls, you can't afford to waste any more tine.
  • 占了你这么多时,抱歉,抱歉。
    A thousand pardon for take up so much of your tine.
  • 如果同蔡廷锴握手的话,那必须在握手的瞬骂他一句反革命。
    If we shake hands with Tsai Ting-kai, we must call him a counter-revolutionary at the same moment.
  • 第一天乘夜通过了蒋鼎文师和蒋、蔡、韩军之四十华里空隙地带,转到莲塘。
    That same night, under cover of darkness, we passed through the forty-li gap between Chiang Ting-wen's division and the forces of Chiang Kuang-nai, Tsai Ting-kai and Han Teh-chin, and swung to Lientang.
  • 当打王金钰时,处于蔡廷锴、郭华宗两敌之,距郭十余里,距蔡四十余里,有人谓我们“钻牛角”,但终究钻通了。
    When fighting Wang Chin-yu, we were between the two enemy forces under Tsai Ting-kai and Kuo Hua-tsung, some ten li from the latter and forty li from the former, and some people said we were "getting into a blind alley", but we got through all the same.
  • 他在休假,所以参加各种宴会以消磨时
    He was on holiday, he tinkered about with attending various parties.
  • 细点腐蚀制板法一种蚀刻法,通过改变铜版不同区域的蚀刻时可产生多种色度,以致使印迹类似于墨水画或淡彩画的无明暗之分的色度
    A process of etching capable of producing several tones by varying the etching time of different areas of a copper plate so that the resulting print resembles the flat tints of an ink or wash drawing.