Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他表情严肃地望她。
    He looked at her with a solemn expression.
  • 他答道,接用某种夸张的口气又添了一句:“小姐,本人就是剧作者。”
    then added with a certain solemnity, “Mesdemoiselles, I am myself the author of it.
  • 一支孤烛照亮黑暗的地窖。
    A solitary candle lightened the darkness of the cellar.
  • 因为水有很强的溶解力,很多不同的成分都溶于了海水中。
    As water is a universal solvent many different compounds are dissolved in it.
  • 他们中肯定有人有一天也会站到我现在站的地方来。
    Among them is already that one who will someday stand here where I am standing.
  • 急,我们总会有办法的。
    Do not worry . we will manage somehow.
  • 他们不知道怎么就应付过去了;他指望不知怎么地就发现有爱他的女人;他试图用某种方法使它变得可以被接受。
    they managed somehow; he expected somehow to discover a woman who would love him; he tried to make is someway acceptable.
  • 急。我们总会有办法的。
    Don't worry. We'll manage somehow.
  • 老实说,我没有任何事瞒你。
    In sooth, I'm not concealing anything from you.
  • 使入睡使睡或安静,安慰或使镇定下来
    To cause to sleep or rest; soothe or calm.
  • 于是他们工作又工作,以为钱能使他们那被恐惧和欲望折磨的灵魂平静下来,但实际上钱无法满足他们的欲望。”
    So they keep working, thinking money will soothe their souls that is troubled by fear and desire. But money cannot do that."
  • “也许不,”爱丽丝抚慰说,“别生我的气了。
    `Well, perhaps not,' said Alice in a soothing tone: `don't be angry about it.
  • 对于想上大学的学生来说,倘若在本该高中毕业的时候已经上了两年大学,这将意味节约了两年时间。
    For college-bound students, graduating from high school after sophomore year would mean a two-year jump.
  • 她假装悲伤的样子。
    She assumed a look of sorrow.
  • 那时候他过愁苦艰难的生活。
    In those days he led a sorrowful and difficult existence.
  • 我把有那种动物的一幅画给他们看,他们对画直摇头,遗憾地说从来没有看到过这种动物。我的心不由直往下沉。
    I show them a drawing of the animal, and everyone shook their heads, over it and said sorrowfully that they had never seen it. My heart sank.
  • 整个公司都需要清理,因此他从最艰难的方面手,从管理机构开始清理。
    The whole company needed sorting out so he dived in at the deep end and started with the management structure.
  • 杰克随身带各种各样稀奇古怪的东西。
    Jack had all sorts of strange objects on his person.
  • 过道里横七竖八地放各种东西。
    The passage was cluttered up with all sorts of things.
  • 塞擦音由闭塞音伴随摩擦音而形成的复杂的语音;例如child和joy的第一个音
    A complex speech sound consisting of a stop consonant followed by a fricative; for example, the initial sounds of child and joy.
  • 琴马某些弦乐器上的细而直的木片,支撑共鸣板上的琴弦
    A thin, upright piece of wood in some stringed instruments that supports the strings above the soundboard.
  • 纠缠几个小缺点而不提计划的总的合理性是不公正的。
    To concentrate on the few minor faults and not mention the overall soundness of the plan would not be doing it justice.
  • 她敌视地盯着我。
    She looked me sourly.
  • 我们是朝西南方向走吧?
    Are we going in the southwestern direction?
  • 这张照片的每个细节都将完美无缺:祖父穿朴素的工作服,阳光从后面照射他的白发,孩子的躯体裹在白床单里,那个黑色的金属支锅架和挂窗户两侧墙上的那些在世界博览会上买的装饰盘烘托出了这间简朴的房间里的气氛。
    Every element of the picture was perfect: the grandfather in his plain work clothes, his white hair backlighted by sunshine, the child's form wrapped in the sheet, the atmosphere of the simple home suggested by black iron trivets and World's Fair souvenir plates on the walls flanking the window.
  • 这个抽屉装我们所收到的全部纪念品。
    This drawer holds all the souvenirs we received.
  • 一个政府首要的印章,代表主权和威信。
    the principal seal of a government, symbolizing authority or sovereignty.
  • 希腊人在9月1日欢庆新年,因为这一天标志希腊播种季节的开始,这是一个充满希望和期待的季节。
    The people of Greece hail September 1 as their New Year's Day because it marks the start of the Greek sowing season,a time of hope and promise.
  • 这一结果并不意外:大豆有丰富的异黄酮雌激素———一种对大脑的作用效果类似于雌激素的抗氧化化学物质———以前的研究显示正是雌激素提高了记忆力。
    The results were not unexpected:Soy is rich in isoflavone hytoestrogens--an tioxidant chemicals that mimic estrogen's effects on the brain--and previous studies have shown that estrogen improves memory.
  • 然而这里一直保持一种轻松的气氛,仿佛它是一个沙漠矿泉疗养地或者旅游胜地。
    Yet the site retains a somewhat light feeling, almost as if it were a desert spa or re sort.
  • 他们注视天空寻找太空船。
    They scanned the sky for the spacecraft.
  • 陆区域宇航飞船的预定陆点
    An area within which a spacecraft is supposed to land.