  • 在大森林里开拓一条道路。
    Clear a path through the dense forest.
  • 他们在密林里开辟一条路。
    They hewed their way through dense jungle.
  • 开拓者们在浓密的森林中开辟一条路来。
    The pioneers hewed their ways through the dense forest.
  • 马来西亚羽状叶棕榈,基部包裹纤维,;其产用于酿酒的甜美树汁,树干的木髓产西谷米。
    Malaysian feather palm with base densely clothed with fibers; yields a sweet sap used in wine and trunk pith yields sago.
  • 请在(防护板的)金属上敲凹痕。
    Please strike up a dent in the medal(of a fender).
  • “你现在在这个方向外工作吗,邓特小姐?”
    “Are you living out in this direction now, Miss Dent?
  • 请在(防护板的)金属上敲凹痕。
    Please strike up a dent in the medal (of a fender).
  • 我丈夫昨天心情一定很好,当我告诉他我把汽车弄了凹痕时,他态度极为泰然。
    My husband must have been in a good mood yesterday, he didn't bat an eyelid when I told him I'd dented the car.
  • 医疗环境卫生的事故,以及新机场启用后现的问题,都打击了市民的信心,影响了香港的声誉。
    Unfortunate incidents in our environmental and health care sector and the difficulties which marred the opening of the new airport have dealt a blow to Hong Kong s reputation overseas and have dented our citizens confidence.
  • 牙医把我的一颗牙猛地拔了来。
    The dentist yanked my tooth out.
  • 牙医终于把牙拔了来。
    The dentist managed to get the tooth out.
  • 牙钻发很大的噪音。
    The dentist's drill made a lot of noise.
  • 把挡板上的凹洞敲平;制定双方都能接受的合约
    Hammered out the dents in the fender; hammered out a contract acceptable to both sides.
  • 大声发大声地发(如谴责)
    To issue(a denunciation, for example) thunderously.
  • 该项退也构成退本公约以前的一切议定书。退仅对通知退的国家发生效力,本公约对本联盟其他国家仍完全有效。
    Such denunciation shall constitute also denunciation of all earlier Acts and shall affect only the country making it, the Convention remaining in full force and effect as regards the other countries of the Union.
  • 废除应于发通知当年年底起三年后生效。
    Denunciation shall take effect three years after the end of the year in which it has been notified.
  •  (3)自总干事收到退通知之日起一年后,退发生效力。
    Denunciation shall take effect one year after the day on which the Director General has received the notification.
  •  (4)任何国家在成为本联盟成员国之日起五年届满以前,不得行使本条所规定的退权利。
    The right of denunciation provided by this Article shall not be exercised by any country before the expiration of five years from the date upon which it becomes a member of the Union.
  • 这件由《海峡时报》记者“发掘”来的新闻,只不过不成比例也不科学地挑起一种假设,却造成舆论群起声讨,也让人民重新思考社会道义的问题。
    "Played up" out of proportion by some Straits Times journalists, those scholars' answer to a hypothetical query has aroused waves of criticism and denunciation. Moreover, it has set people re-thinking about the issue of moral principles and obligations.
  • 卡德鲁斯喊道,他凭着最后一点清醒已听到了那封信的内容,知道如果这样一去告密,会现什么样的后果,“不错,一切都解决了,只是这样做太可耻了,太不名誉了!”
    exclaimed Caderousse, who, by a last effort of intellect, had followed the reading of the letter, and instinctively comprehended all the misery which such a denunciation must entail. "Yes, and that's all settled; only it will be an infamous shame;"
  • 腾格拉尔继续说,“但是假如我们决定采取我现在所说的这个办法,那就好得多了,只要这支笔,蘸着这瓶墨水,用左手(那样笔迹就不会被人认来)写一封告密信就得了。”
    "if we resolve on such a step, it would be much better to take, as I now do, this pen, dip it into this ink, and write with the left hand (that the writing may not be recognized) the denunciation we propose."
  • 腋下汗;腋下除臭剂
    Underarm perspiration; underarm deodorant.
  • ·除臭剂,因为美国人不仅比欧洲人汗多(美国很热),他们还更担心气味。
    · Deodorant, because Americans not only sweat more than Europeans (it's hot in America), they worry more about the odour.
  • 开往北京的火车将于半小时后从三站台开
    The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour.
  • 出发前一周。
    One week before you depart.
  • 他们准备好要发了。
    They were poised to depart.
  • 那球飞了球门的外边。
    That ball depart outside the goal.
  • 从…撤或撤离;使空
    To withdraw or depart from; vacate.
  • 我们将从伦敦发去中国。
    Our team will depart from London for China.
  • 航离开,如口岸或港口;
    To leave, as a port or harbor; depart.
  • 开往北京的火车将于半小时后从三站台开
    The train to Beijing will depart from platform3 in half an hour.
  • 运动越来越快时原子就开始从它们的轨道里飞去。
    The atom when motion is more and more quicker just starts the depart inside their track.