  • 它应该由所有上市司共同资助,以保证其独立性和资金来源。
    To guarantee its independence and resources,it should be funded by every publicly listed company.
  • 中国法院对14周岁以上不满16周岁的未成年人犯罪案件,一律不开审理。
    All criminal cases of persons aged 14 and 15 are not tried publicly by the people's court;
  • 许多企业认识到了这一点,并且已开表示他们要当个好民。
    Many companies recognize this and have stated publicly that they will act as a good citizen.
  • 解释或者展现给众的行为;通过广播或者印刷品展现新闻或者其它信息。
    the act of making something publicly available; presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it.
  • 这个司出版儿童书籍。
    This company publishes children's books.
  • 那个将军突然死亡的消息有好几天没有布。
    News of the general's sudden death was not published for several days.
  • 耽搁多时之後,调查结果终於布了。
    After much delay, the result of the survey is publish.
  • 他们必须布自己竞选经费的来源。
    They are required to publish the source of their campaign fund.
  • 他们必须布自己竞选经费的来源。
    They is required to publish the source of their campaign fund.
  • 他们出版了厚厚的一叠报告来布其结论。
    They publish their conclusion in one fat volume of a report.
  • 因费用的关系,我们拒绝布这份报告。
    We refused to publish the report on the grounds of cost.
  • 一家美国出版商与该司商谈有关合并的事宜。
    The company is approached by an American publisher with the suggestion of a merger.
  • 海纳曼出版集团公司
    Heinemann Group of Publishers Ltd.
  • 一些较先进的印刷司和出版社已逐步采用数码彩色付印前及印刷系统。
    Some more sophisticated printing companies and publishers have already started using such equipment as digital colour pre-press and printing systems.
  • 争议的另一方是以互联网为基础的网络出版商、小的出版司和领导小的唱诗班和戏剧团的个人。
    On the other side of the dispute are Internet-based publishers, small publishing companies and individuals who lead local choirs and drama departments.
  • 英国广播司在播放那部电视连续剧以後,即将出版一部有关的书。
    As a follow-up to the television series the BBC is publishing a book.
  • 国际汤姆森出版公司
    International Thomson Publishing Ltd.
  • 与一出版公司面谈
    Interviewed with a publishing company.
  • 中国出版对外贸易总
    China National Publishing Industry Trading Corporation
  • 一辆共汽车从路旁一个大水坑上开过去,突然溅起一片水花,把我们身上的衣服都溅湿了。
    A passing but swept through a large puddle by the side of the road and soaked us to the skin.
  • 梅若道司对他们的尼古丁口香糖能帮助瘾君子戒烟极有把握,已展开耗资30万元的广告攻势,推广该项产品。
    Merrell Dow Inc. is so sure its Nicorette gum will help puffers kick the weed, it has launched a $300,000 ad campaign to promote it.
  • 马戏团计划明天上午离开城郊园。
    The circus is planning to pull out of the suburb park tomorrow morning.
  • 摧毁一幢旧办公大楼
    Pull down an old office building.
  • 为让众买他们的商品而作了充分的宣传。
    Enough attractive information was pumped in order to let the public buy the goods.
  • 司为新机器的生产投入大量资本。
    The company pumped a lot of money into the production of the new machines.
  • 昨天在路上行驶时,我的车轮胎被戳破了,我真是死里逃生,幸好我能控制住车直到停下。
    I had a narrow shave yesterday when I had a puncture on the motorway, but fortunately I was able to keep the car in control until I could pull over and stop.
  • 被褫夺民权的被严厉的手段,如死刑、长期监禁或剥夺民权所惩罚的
    Punishable by severe measures, such as death, long imprisonment, or loss of civil rights.
  • 一位正的法官要尽量依照罪行判处适当的刑罚/量罪课刑。
    A good judge will try to make the punishment fit the crime.
  • 共场合,那位女士喜欢把小狗带到人前。
    In public, that lady lies to thrust her puppy forward.
  • 多可爱的小狗哇!是的还是母的?
    What a sweet puppy! is it a he or a she?
  • 当用户买东西时,网站应用程序中的用入口界面(cgi)脚本将价格从隐藏的字段中提出来,并以购买物品的价格向客户收费。
    When a user purchases an item, the CGI script in the Web application pulls the price from the hidden field and charges the customer that price for the item purchased.
  • 我们向贵司买空买的录像机有一台有问题。
    We are having problems with one of the videotape players we purchased from you.