  • 假如我方建议的时不合适的话,我们欣然同意将行期改在更为方便的时
    If the suggested timing of our visit is not suitable, we shall be glad to change it to a more convenient time.
  • lg电视:左右你的时
    Time your time.
  • 左右你的时间!
    Time your time!
  • fddi采用了一种被称作定时令牌概念的变形:每台机器以它加入fddi环时谈判达成的时长度向下一台机器发送数据。
    FDDI uses a variation on the idea called a Timed Token: Each machine sends data to the next for a period of time negotiated when it joined the FDDI ring.
  • 周转变,周转次数在给定时期某一特定商品出售后又进货的次数
    The number of times a particular stock of goods is sold and restocked during a given period of time.
  • 情况到了这种时候,丝毫也不应留恋,这是以土地换时的正确的政策。
    At such times we should not feel the slightest regret, for this policy of trading space for time is correct.
  • 计时员一个记录时的人;计时员
    One who keeps track of time; a timekeeper.
  • 工厂出勤时计时员记录工作的时
    The factory timekeeper keep account of the hour of work do.
  • 工厂出勤时计时员记录工作的时
    The factory timekeeper keeps account of the hours of work done
  • 老板喋喋不休地抱怨有人不守时,真让人心烦。
    The boss gets on my wick with his everlasting complaints about timekeeping.
  • 没有时限制的;永恒的
    Having no limits in time; timeless.
  • 这些品质可以跨越时的长河,是终生受用的精神资源。如果你们拥有它们,你们定能成为优秀的领袖。
    These qualities are timeless, and if you embrace them, you will become better leaders.
  • 新闻报导的时性强。
    News reports must be timely.
  • 定时器一种计时器,尤指控制时隔并指示隔结束的那种计时器,如炉子上的计时器
    A timepiece, especially one used for measuring and signaling the end of time intervals, as on a stove.
  • 显示一天时的钟表。
    a timepiece that shows the time of day.
  • 时钟的正面;能够告诉人们时
    the face of a timepiece; graduated to show the hours.
  • 如果没有钟表,就很难估计时
    Without a timepiece, the measurement of time is not easy.
  • 以原子或分子的振动确定其时比例的时钟。
    a timepiece that derives its time scale from the vibration of atoms or molecules.
  • 测量时隔并在时结束时发出信号的时钟;用于烹饪。
    a timepiece that measures a time interval and signals its end; used in cooking.
  • 变慢变慢了(一定时)。用于计时器
    To become slow by(a specified amount of time). Used of a timepiece.
  • 在赛跑中能够精确记录起止时的钟表。
    a timepiece that can be started or stopped for exact timing (as of a race).
  • 时度,小时时针上将一圈60分钟分割成十二或二十四个连续的时段的点,从午夜至正午再从正午至午夜或从午夜至午夜
    One of the points on a timepiece marking off12 or24 successive intervals of60 minutes, from midnight to noon and noon to midnight or from midnight to midnight.
  • (用来指时钟)显示的时比正确的时慢。
    (used of timepieces) indicating a time earlier than the correct time.
  • (用来指时钟)显示的时在正确的时之前或者比正确的时快。
    (used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time.
  • 布什总统承认,当他在白宫的录像机上设定时以便录下电视节目时,笨手笨脚。其实何止他一人中此。
    President Bush admits he's all thumbs when it comes to setting the timer to tape a TV show on the White House VCR, and he's not alone.
  • 查一下火车时刻表中下一趟车的时
    Look up the time of the next train in the timetable.
  • 这里有份时间表。
    Here is the timetable.
  • 伯恩:你看这个倒数时表。
    Look at this reverse timetable.
  • 我可以看一下那张时表吗?
    Can I have a read of that timetable?
  • 你看我该怎样改时表?
    How do you think e shall change the timetable?
  • 你看我该怎样改时表?
    How do you think I should change the timetable?
  • 我们作息一定要按照时表。
    We must work and rest according to the timetable.