  • 市立园每天从早到晚对众开放。
    The town gardens are open to the public from sunrise to the sunset daily.
  • 她决定把自己的观点开。
    She decided to make her views public.
  • 公园对公众开放。
    The gardens are open to the public.
  • "但是到目前为止,众已经用书信向新闻界对大学生们表示感激。"
    "But so far, the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in letters to the Press."
  • 共服务的精神素质;
    * Ethos of public service
  • 共利益;共图书馆;共基金;园;开的丑闻;园;艺人和王室成员是众人物。
    the public good; public libraries; public funds; public parks; a public scandal; public gardens; performers and members of royal families are public figures.
  • 公共建筑技术经济
    techno-economy of public building
  • 第一次印刷版在未开发行以前就预售一空。
    The first printing was swallowed up before publication.
  • 影片《偶然相遇》中,艾尔-帕西诺主演一位关先生,影片中有这样的镜头:帕西诺每次前往金融区去买毒品的途中,电影中都会出现世贸中心大楼的镜头。
    People stars Pacino as a New York City publicist, and features the World Trade Center in scenes in which he heads to the financial district to buy drugs.
  • 她寻求过众的注意。
    She sought out publicity.
  • 她的全部共促销产品。
    All her publicity sold the products.
  • 对某事物做开宣传;努力卖出去某事物。
    make publicity for; try to sell.
  • 噢,你在公关部吗?
    Oh, are you in the Publicity Department?
  • 出版社将把事实真相诸于世。
    The press will give publicity to the fact.
  • 那位影星的婚礼引起了众的广泛注意。
    The film star's marriage got a lot of publicity.
  • 我觉得他的开言论与私下行为并无二致.
    I find no contradiction between his publicly expressed opinions and his private actions.
  • 他们表现得极为克制, 未在电视上开吵起来.
    They showed a remarkable degree of moderation in not quarrelling publicly on television.
  • 他私下的行为跟开的言论完全是两码事.
    His private actions are in direct contradiction to/with (ie directly contradict) his publicly expressed opinions.
  • 众提供的医疗;众赞助支持的学校。
    publicly provided medical care; publicly financed schools.
  • 宣布,宣布使开知道的行为
    The act of making known publicly.
  • 额外的普通股份将开出售。
    Extra shares of common will be sold publicly.
  • 他们不敢开承认这些疑虑。
    They dare not publicly admit to these doubts.
  • 恶行众所知的极坏或有罪的行为
    An evil or criminal act that is publicly known.
  • 开招标日期:1989年9月6日暮途穷5:30。
    Bid will be publicly opened at 15: 30 Sept 6, 1989.
  • ——开鼓吹“西藏是独立国家”。
    -- Publicly advocating that "Tibet is an independent state."
  • 司打算秘密开标还是开开标?
    Will the tender-opening be conduct secretly or publicly?
  • 每年春季,获奖者名单在正式的仪式上开宣布。
    The winners are publicly announced at a formal ceremony each spring.
  • 判决当着众宣布的正式的意见或判决,如陪审团的判决
    A publicly expressed opinion or judgment, such as the verdict of a jury.
  • 不用说,我们有权开驳斥他们。
    It goes without saying that we have the right to refute them publicly.
  • 占为私有将有的司收为私有,如通过杠杆作用收购全部控股权
    To take a publicly owned company into private ownership, as by a leveraged buyout.
  • 从windows2000开始,微软已开拥护一种无netbios的体系结构。
    Starting with Windows 2000, Microsoft has publicly embraced an architecture that is NetBIOS-free.
  • 对16周岁以上不满18周岁的未成年人犯罪案件,一般也不开审理。
    and in general, criminal cases of persons aged 16 and 17 are not tried publicly.