  • 要什么时间的机票?
    When's the ticket for?
  • 随着钟表的滴答声而流逝。
    The hours ticked by.
  • 整洁的人;整洁的房;清楚的头脑。
    a tidy person; a tidy house; a tidy mind.
  • 请保持我们的房整洁。
    Please keep our room tidy.
  • 她的房保持得井然有序。
    She keeps her room tidy.
  • baker太太:晚上好,能稍微打扫一下卫生吗?
    Mrs. Good evening, how about tidying up a bit in the bathroom?
  • 在学期的最后一天,孩子们总要花一部分时清理自己的书桌。
    The boys spend part of the last day of term tidying out their desks.
  • 那个房这星期得腾出打扫好。
    That room will have to be cleared out and tidied up this week.
  • 把你房整理好,否则你将承担一切后果。
    Tidy up your room, or else.
  • 他想有一个干净整洁的房
    He wants to have a clean, tidy room.
  • 竟然这样整洁,真出乎所料
    It is unnatural for the room to be so tidy
  • 很干净,昨天我打扫过了。
    The room's tidy – I did it out yesterday.
  • 竟然这样整洁,真出乎所料。
    It be unnatural for the room to be so tidy.
  • 如果我们认真干,很快就会把房整理好。
    If we set to, we shall soon have the room tidy.
  • 要是你不整理好你的房,我会责骂你的。
    I'll give you what for if you don't tidy your room.
  • 她总是捞叨不休,让孩子们保持房整洁。
    She's always getting at her childen to keep their rooms tidy.
  • 香港和英国一直保持特别密切的联系,我期望步入新纪元后,香港和英国之的关系会更为密切。
    Hong Kong and the UK have had a special tie. We, in Hong Kong look forward to even closer ties with the UK as we enter into a new era.
  • 该团体的成员之有牢固的友情.
    There were strong ties of friendship between the members of the society.
  • 朱总理和李资政之的交往可以说相当密切。
    Ties between the two leaders are close.
  • 铁路系统里闹派性的人同地方上闹派性的人是有联系的,反对派性,要把他们之的联系切断。
    Factionalists in the railway departments have ties with those in the localities. We must cut these ties.
  • 在大批人失业期,许多人员得勒紧裤带过日子。
    In a period of mass unemployment a lot of people have to tighten their belt.
  • 在大批人失业其,很多人不得不束紧腰带,省吃俭用。
    In a period of mass unemployment a lot of people must learn to tighten their belt.
  • 此外,金管局在九月初公布作出特别的货币市场安排,以应付过渡二零零零年期可能出现的货币市场资金紧绌情况。
    In addition, the announcement of special money market arrangements to prepare for possible market tightening around the turn of the year in early September helped relieve market anxiety.
  • 邮政业务紧缩以后,整个纽约大都会地区的居民与商家都在尽量适应分局窗口时减少和星期日不再收取及处理邮件[的新情况]。
    In the wake of a tightening of postal services, residents and businesses throughout the New York metropolitan region are struggling to adapt to fewer window hours in post office branches and the end of all Sunday mail collection and sorting.
  • 我相信我们两国的学校都能够继续进行信息和人员的交流,以增进我们两国军队未来领导人之的了解、交往和友谊。
    I trust that our educational institutions can continue to exchange information and personnel ill order to increase the knowledge, familiarity, and friendship among tile future leaders of our two armed forces.
  • 从过去某时以来、以後或到现在
    From a specified time in the past till a later past time, or till now
  • 马背长矛打斗两名骑马的骑士或士兵之用长矛进行的打斗;持矛的比武
    A combat between two mounted knights or men-at-arms using lances; a tilting match.
  • 只有时才能证明你是否正确。
    Only time will tell if you are right.
  • 你在家里怎么打发时
    How do you spend your time at home?
  • 我没有时完成家庭作业。
    I hadn't time to finish my homework.
  • 攻击的时与多种情况有关,包括:某个时或日期、特定用户识别符的出现、用户的安全保密等级和一个文件使用的次数。
    The timing of the attack can be linked to a number of situations, including a certain time or date, the presence of a particular file, the security privilege level of the user, and the number of times a file is used.
  • 为某些确定的时或时期计划或预定的。
    planned or scheduled for some certain time or times.