  • 如果你臉朝上張嘴睡覺,你就很可能打鼾。
    If you sleep on your back with your mouth open you are likely to snore.
  • 他打鼾睡午覺,一定是纍了。
    He's taking a nap and I can hear him snore--he must be tired.
  • 他躺在那裏,打鼾並發出哨聲。
    He lay there, snoring and whistling.
  • 如果你在交通堵塞中受阻,赴約遲到,坦然處之便意味在你的思緒失控前你能及時製止自己把事情越想越糟糕,而且能平和地提醒自己放鬆一下。
    If you are stuck in a traffic jam, late for an appointment, opening to the moment would mean catching yourself building a mental snowball before your thinking got out of hand and gently reminding yourself to relax.
  • 處在人生低𠔌的我在暴風雪中艱難地行走
    As l struggled through the snowdrifts, l had just about reached the lowest Point in my life.
  • 沿北海道南部至日本中部的海岸地區有世界上最充沛的降雪量。
    The area along the Japan Sea coast from Hokkaido south to about the middle of the country has some of the heaviest snowfall in the world.
  • 我端早餐上樓,盤面上放那個凍結實的小雪人,我期待他的反應——什麽也沒有——但就在我下樓時,我聽到他放聲大笑起來,緊接,他說道:“你贏了!
    As I delivered the tray, complete with a nicely frozen snowman, I waited for a reaction. There was none ? ? but as I headed down the stairs I heard a whoop of laughter and then," You've won!
  • 孩子們在院子裏忙堆雪人。
    Children are busy heaping up snowmen in the yard.
  • 還可穿雪鞋遠足,這絶對是一種飽嘗陽光、增添精力的不同體驗。
    Try snowshoe trekking,a definitely different way to tank up on sunshine and energy.
  • 救援小組冒暴風雪前進。
    The rescuer group struggled through the snowstorm.
  • 我想像她在暴風雪中行走的樣子。
    I had visions of her walking in the snowstorm.
  • 她衝出屋子走進了狂捲的暴風雪中。
    She rushed out of the house into a whirling snowstorm.
  • 在雪天的早晨她也盡量不坐出租車,而是兜裏揣上幾個煮雞蛋暖手就上路了。
    On snowy mornings, she eschewed taxis and stuffed hot hardboiled eggs in her pockets to keep her hands warm.
  • 瑪格麗特習慣於在公開場合冷落她的情人;也許這是她報復的方法,因為她的情人在私下完全支配她。
    Margaret had a habit of snubbing her lover in public; perhaps it was her way of getting her own back for the way he completely dominated her in private.
  • 偎依[緊靠] 着某人
    snuggle up [against] to sb.
  • 孩子偎依着母親。
    The child snuggled up to its mother.
  • 緊偎我,我會使你暖和的。
    Snuggle up to me and I'll keep you warm.
  • 小男孩緊挨他的母親。
    The little boy snuggled up to his mother.
  • 孩子抱玩具娃娃縮進被子裏,很快就睡了。
    The child snuggled down with its doll and was quickly asleep.
  • 她的小女兒抱布娃娃躺在被子裏,很快就入睡了。
    Her little daughter snuggled down with its doll and was quickly asleep.
  • 蛋殼裂開了,初生的火雞拍動翅膀,卿卿地叫,偎依我。
    The eggshells crackled, and the turkey babies fluttered and cheeped and snuggled against me.
  • 每當我看他的襁褓的時候——由於用了這麽長的時間,洗了這麽多遍,它已經有點褪色,也有點破舊了——我覺得非常驕傲,我為他做了一件能帶給他安慰的東西。
    When I look at his blankie, now slightly faded and torn from many hours of snuggling and many washes, I have such pride to have made something that brings my child so much comfort.
  • 衣服在肥皂水裏泡
    The clothes are soaking in soapy water.
  • 雨水滋潤幹涸的田野。
    The rain water soaks into the dry fields.
  • 蘇比走路時頭嚮前伸
    Soapy's head poked forward as he walked.
  • 一個月後,再看一次這一章,看自己再往更高的刺激層次飛翔。
    Come back to this again a month from now, read it once more, and observe that your mind will soar to a still higher level of stimulation.
  • 我的夢裏常看見你在長空翺翔。我的心中總有你留藏的位置。我一中都會為銘記關於你的一部分,無論身處何處你都在我身旁。《與你相依》
    In my dreams I'll always seeyou soar above the skies.In my heart there'll always be a place for you for all my life .I'll keep a part of you with me and everywhere i am there you'll be.《There you be》
  • 近年,高樓價、高通脹,以及負利息,一直睏擾我們。
    "In the past few years, we have been troubled by soaring property prices, high inflation and negative interest rates.
  • 哭着訴苦
    Sob out one's grievances
  • 有些孩子常哭泣了。
    Some children often sob themselves to sleep.
  • 突然間她開始哽咽起來,盡量地剋製,好象哭泣是不光彩的。
    Now suddenly she began to sob, holding herself in as if weeping were a disgrace.
  • 最後,他啜泣離去。
    He left off sobbing at last.