  • 鸡蛋已按时运出。
    Eggs were duly delivered.
  • 他们向伊拉克发最后通牒。
    They delivered an ultimatum to Iraq.
  • 快速投球、投出刁球
    A fast, hostile delivery
  • 我明白了。出货呢?
    I see, and delivery?
  • 我们会马上安排货。
    We'll arrange delivery immediately.
  • 最后一批货物于1985年5月发
    Final delivery is scheduled for may 1985.
  • 下手运动或击出地
    With an underarm motion or delivery.
  • 除了康柏和ibm,从1984年起大多数戴尔的竞争对手都退了市场。
    With the exceptions of Compaq and IBM, most of Dell's competitors from 1984 are no longer in business.
  • 作出大量含糊的声明
    Made a great deal of Delphic pronouncements.
  • 西北部的猞猁生活在树木线以下,而西南部的猞猁数量最多,此外,加拿大的马更些三角洲也有猞猁没。
    Within the Northwest Territories, lynx are found below the treeline and are most numerous in the southwest and in the Mackenzie Delta.
  • 歌珊地古埃及的一块地区,位于尼罗河三角洲的东部。据旧约圣经记载,从雅克时期以色列人就居住在那儿直到埃及
    A region of ancient Egypt on the eastern delta of the Nile River. According to the Old Testament, it was inhabited by the Israelites from the time of Jacob until the Exodus.
  • 冰川之后现了洪水。
    AFTER THE ICE came the deluge.
  • 今晚我不能去了,因为我有大量的工作要做。
    I can't go out tonight because I've got a deluge of work to do.
  • 他受害于他从来不会错的幻想。
    He laboured under the delusion that he could never make a mistake.
  • 虚无幻觉在某些精神错乱中现的一种幻觉,认为整个世界或一个人的思想、身躯或自己本身根本不存在
    A delusion, experienced in some mental disorders, that the world or one's mind, body, or self does not exist.
  • 我本来该看双方的年龄相差太大,不像是夫妻。一个大概四十了,正是精力健壮的时期,男人在这时期很少会怀着女孩子们是由于爱情而嫁给他的妄想。那种梦是留给我们到老年聊以自慰的。
    I might have seen there was too great a disparity between the ages of the parties to make it likely that they were man and wife. One was about forty: a period of mental vigour at which men seldom cherish the delusion of being married for love by girls: that dream is reserved for the solace of our declining years.
  • 货币的用途并不象其虚假地表现来的那样是无限的,而是受到严格限制的,货币是用来按照产品分享者的意愿便利产品的分配的。
    and that these,instead of being, as they delusively appear, indefinite, are of a strictly defined and limited description, namely, to facilitate the distribution of the produce of industry according to the convenience of those among whom it is shared.
  • 它将在秋季版精装本。
    It will be published in an deluxe edition in autumn.
  • 她在提包里翻找, 拿一枝钢笔.
    She delved in her bag and pulled out a pen.
  • 她在提包里翻找,拿一枝钢笔。
    She delve in her bag and pull out a pen.
  • 他提出了申请。
    And he made his demand.
  • 1943年他参加演了一个要求社会改革的戏。
    In 1943 he acted in a play demanding social reform.
  • 他们提一项决议,要求每周工作44小时。
    They moved a resolution demanding a forty-four-hour working week.
  • [17]研究指,吸烟有导致老年人中的失明、晚年大脑损伤、早老性痴呆病和其他类型的痴呆病的危险。吸烟对妊娠的影响。
    [17] Studies have pointed to smoking as a risk in vision loss among older people, mental impairment later in life, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.
  • 光轮常以环状或晕现的光轮,在艺术作品中环绕在神、半神半人、圣徒或圣人如国王或皇帝的头上
    A radiant light that appears usually in the form of a circle or halo about or over the head in the representation of a god, demigod, saint, or sacred person such as a king or an emperor.
  • 由代人写作的人、雇佣文人或版者组成的名声不好的文人阶层
    The literary demimonde of ghost writers, hacks, and publicists.
  • 主席认那位年轻的民主党人并回答说:“来自纽约州的众议员。”
    The presiding officer recognized the young Democrat and responded:"The gentleman from New York."
  • 主席认那位年轻的民主党人并回答说:“来自纽约州的众议员。”
    The presiding officer recognized the young Democrat and responded: "The gentleman from New York."
  • 民主党参议员候选人玛莉亚。肯特薇尔,一位自费筹办选务的网络百万富翁,周五在重新验票结果炉后,以些微的票数险胜现在参议员的共和党候选人的戈顿。
    Democrat Maria Cantwell, a dot-com millionaire who financed her own campaign, narrowly defeated veteran Republican Sen. Slade Gorton, results of a recount confirmed Friday.
  • 德意志民主共和国版事业
    publishing in Democratic Germany
  • 他们投票选了自己的村长。
    vote the Democratic ticket.
  • 引进民主改革;在一个国家内。
    introduce democratic reforms; of nations.