  • 一种强力的氧化剂,形成高氯盐。
    a powerful oxidizing agent; forms perchlorates.
  • 一种不饱和,用作氧化剂。
    an unstable acid used as an oxidizing agent.
  • (hclo)一种强氧化,已知仅存在于溶液中。
    (HClO2) a strongly oxidizing acid; known only in solution.
  • 高锰盐任一种高锰类盐,它们都是强有力的氧化剂
    Any of the salts of permanganic acid, all of which are strong oxidizing agents.
  • 黄烷醇氧化时发生的氨基降解,产生了红茶香气中的醛类物质。
    The breakdown of amino acids which occurs as the flavanols are oxidized gives rise to aldehydes in black tea aroma.
  • 一种不稳定的弱,已知仅以溶液和盐的形式存在,用作漂白剂和氧化剂。
    a weak unstable acid known only in solution and in its salts; used as a bleaching agent and as an oxidizing agent.
  • 他膝盖酸痛。
    He has a pain in the knee.
  • 亮氨一种重要的氨基,c4h9ch(nh2)cooh,由胰酶在消化过程中从蛋白质的水解作用中分离出来,对婴幼儿良好的生长发育及成人保持氮平衡十分必要
    An essential amino acid, C4H9CH(NH2)COOH, derived from the hydrolysis of protein by pancreatic enzymes during digestion and necessary for optimal growth in infants and children and for the maintenance of nitrogen balance in adults.
  • 盐,泛脂泛的盐或脂
    A salt or an ester of pantothenic acid.
  • 的生奶制黄油后的剩余物;或加培养细菌使之凝固的巴氏杀菌奶。
    residue from making butter from sour raw milk; or pasteurized milk curdled by adding a culture.
  • 芬芳的、带味的梨形水果,用来做蜜饯。
    aromatic acid-tasting pear-shaped fruit used in preserves.
  • 雨是有害于两栖的动物,例如鲵、春天里唧唧叫的小动物和青蛙。
    Acid rain is harmful to amphibians such as salamanders, spring peepers, and frogs.
  • 盐三种阴离子,vo3,vo4,或v2o7之一,含有5价的钒
    Any of three anions, VO3, VO4, or V2O7, containing pentavalent vanadium.
  • 甲氰咪胺一种药品c10h16n6s,其抑制胃的分泌,用于治疗肠胃失调(如消化性溃疡)
    A drug, C10H16N6S, that inhibits acid secretion in the stomach and is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, such as peptic ulcers.
  • 能通过蛋白质水解过程将蛋白质催化分解为更小的缩氨和氨基的酶。
    any enzyme that catalyzes the splitting of proteins into smaller peptide fractions and amino acids by a process known as proteolysis.
  • 她对动物进行的研究显示,当动物食用高脂肪食物的时候,甘丙肽,一种刺激进食并减低能量消耗的大脑缩氨增加了。
    She has shown in animal studies that galanin, a brain peptide that simulates eating behavior and decreases energy expenditure, increases when the animal eats a high-fat diet.
  • 过乙酸
    acetic peracid (=peracetic acid)
  • 高氯酸盐
    An ester or a salt of perchloric acid.
  • 高锰酸钾滴定法
    titration with potassium permanganate
  • 一种紫色的不稳定(hmno),已知仅存在于溶液或高锰盐中。
    an unstable purple acid (HMnO4) known only in solution or of permanganate salts.
  • 主要污染指标为溶解氧、高锰盐指数、生化需氧量、挥发酚和石油类。
    The major pollution indicators are dissolved oxygen, potassium permanganate, BOD, volatile phenol and petroleum.
  • 1999年4月至12月,在包括中国在内的20多个国家、地区及国际组织联合举行的防止高锰钾流入非法渠道的全球“紫色行动”中,中国发现非法贸易6起,阻止了1160吨高锰钾出口。
    From April to December 1999, China discovered six cases of such illegal trading, and withheld 1,160 tons of potassium permanganate from export, during the global drive known as "Purple Action."China joined with more than 20 countries, regions and international organizations, during this campaign to thwart illegal trafficking in potassium permanganate.
  • 1999年4月至12月,在包括中国在内的20多个国家、地区及国际组织联合举行的防止高锰钾流入非法渠道的全球“紫色行动”中,中国发现非法贸易6起,阻止了1160吨高锰钾出口。
    From April to December 1999, China discovered six cases of such illegal trading, and withheld 1, 160 tons of potassium permanganate from export, during the global drive known as "Purple Action." China joined with more than 20 countries, regions and international organizations, during this campaign to thwart illegal trafficking in potassium permanganate.
  • 高锰盐指数符合ⅰ至ⅲ类水质要求的断面占86.3%,属ⅳ类和ⅴ类水质的断面比例分别为7.5%和6.2%。
    The sections where the potassium permanganate index attains the requirements of Grade I ~ III water quality account for 86.3%; and the sections at Grade IV and Grade V account for 7.5% and 6.2% separately.
  • 巢湖湖体12个测点由于总氮、总磷严重超标,均属劣ⅴ类水质。高锰盐指数均达ⅲ类水质要求。
    Chao Lake Due to the serious pollution of total nitrogen and total phosphorus, the 12 monitoring points in the Lake are all worse than Grade V. The potassium permanganate index attains the standards for Grade III water quality.
  • 污染严重,10个测点均为劣ⅴ类水质。其中草海污染更为突出,外海处于中度富营养状态,高锰盐指数基本可达ⅲ类水质要求。
    The pollution is serious, with the ten monitoring points all worse than Grade V. The pollution in Caohao is rather outstanding and the outer lakes are at medium level of eutrophication, with the potassium permanganate basically attaining the requirements of Grade III.
  • 97个水质监测断面中,除鸭绿江水系水质较好外,其他河流水体污染都很严重,ⅴ类和劣ⅴ类水质断面占70%以上。主要污染指标是高锰盐指数、生化需氧量和氨氮。
    In the 97 sections for water quality monitoring, the pollution of the waters in the rivers is rather serious except the Yalu River system. Over 70% of the sections are at Grade V and worse than Grade V. The major pollution indicators are potassium permanganate index, BOD and ammonia nitrogen.
  • 太湖湖体高锰盐指数属于ⅲ类水质,总磷属于ⅴ类水质,总氮劣于ⅴ类标准。由于氮、磷污染严重,20个湖体水质监测断面中,ⅴ类和劣ⅴ类水质的断面比例分别为15%和85%。
    The potassium permanganate index of the Lake is at Grade III. The total phosphorus is at Grade V and the total nitrogen worse than Grade V. Due to the serious pollution of nitrogen and phosphorus, the percentage of Grade V and worse than Grade V water quality in the 20 monitoring sections of the Lake is 15% and 85% separately.
  • 44个水质监测断面中,南水北调工程源水--长江江都(镇江)段、洪泽湖、东平湖和北大港水库水质较好,满足ⅲ类水质要求,其余江段均受到不同程度污染,主要污染指标是氨氮、高锰盐指数和石油类。
    In the 44 sections for water quality monitoring, the water quality of the sources of the Water Diversion Project – Jiangdu (Zhenjiang) of the Yangtze River, Hongze Lake, Dongping Lake and Bei Dagang Reservoir is good, attaining Grade III, with the rest river courses polluted to various extents. The key pollution indicators are ammonia nitrogen, potassium permanganate index and petroleum.
  • 透明质酶一种能够降低体内透明质的活性,从而提高组织中液体渗透能力的酶
    An enzyme that inactivates hyaluronic acid in the body, thereby increasing tissue permeability to fluids.
  • 过氧化物一种包含一个过氧团离子的化合物,na2o2,遇可生成过氧化氢,如过氧化钠
    A compound, such as sodium peroxide, Na2O2, that contains a peroxyl group and yields hydrogen peroxide when treated with an acid.
  • 有机磷酯几种含磷的有机化合物的任一种,其中一些用作肥料和杀虫剂
    Any of several organic compounds containing phosphorus, some of which are used as fertilizers and pesticides.