  • 要是这一下再完蛋,我棺材本都不够了。
    If this throw comes off crabs, there won't be enough to bury me.
  • 李妈咀带嚼的叫着新儿。
    Li-ma called out to Xin-er, while still busily chewing the food in her mouth.
  • 他一几天熬夜,拼命做所有该做的事
    He 's been stayed up all night, bust a gut over all the work he has to do
  • 他一几天熬夜,拼命做所有该做的事。
    He's been stay up all night, bust a gut over all the work he has to do.
  • atm每48字节数据就有5字节开销,这意味着对数据而言只能使用带宽的90.5%,因此155mbpsatm接线路实际上只提供140mbps数据,而且这还是未考虑lane环境中常见的进出bus和lecs中的附加信息流量的情况。
    ATM's 5 bytes of overhead per 48 bytes of data means that it can only use about 90.5 percent of its bandwidth for data -- so a 155Mbps ATM connection is really only supplying 140Mbps of data -- and that's before taking into account the additional traffic to and from the BUS and LECS found in a LANE environment.
  • 一个工作包括通过接木块(条)来制造东西的家具师。
    a cabinetmaker whose work involves making things by joining pieces of wood.
  • 接打印机和电脑的线。
    a cable between a computer and a printer.
  • 将数据和话音接器接到电缆系统的一种板片,它可安装在墙上或平面上。
    A plate for connecting data and voice connectors to a cabling system. It may be wall mounted or surface mounted.
  • 电话公司已经在用光缆重建其网络,光缆拥有提供高几个数量级带宽的潜力,但用光缆接整个国家既费钱、又慢,因为这需要把每一条街都挖一遍。
    The phone companies already are rebuilding their networks for fiber cabling, which has the potential to deliver orders of magnitude more bandwidth, but wiring the entire country for fiber is a costly and slow process because it requires the digging up of just about every street.
  • 如果san客户机之间有接,就激活了nas风格的高速缓存相干性。
    If there is contention between SAN clients, NAS-style cache coherency is invoked.
  • 通用汽车公司的onstar系统,通过专门的蜂窝电话网可将司机与提供各种咨询服务(从提示方位到寻找急救中心)的咨询人员相,这个系统是卡迪拉克的新型埃斯科拉德运动小卡车(新型多用途赛车“云梯”)上的标准设备。
    GM's Onstar system, which links drivers to advisers who provide everything from directions to emergency assistance via a dedicated cellphone network, is standard equipment on Cadillac's new Escalade sport utility.
  • 当个共产党的干部,比如当个长、当个排长,行军时候一个人要背两三支长枪。
    If you were a Party cadre, a company commander or a platoon leader, you often had to carry two or three rifles on the march [one for yourself, the others for comrades].
  • 大老山隧道在一九九一年通车,为九龙与新界东北部提供另一条直接接通道。
    The Tate's Cairn Tunnel was opened to traffic in 1991, providing an additional direct road link between the north-eastern New Territories and Kowloon.
  • 耶稣被钉死在十字架上。与the
    The crucifying of Jesus on Calvary. Used with the.
  • 在分配装置内部的旋转以正确接火花塞端点的凸轮。
    the cam inside the distributor that rotates to contact spark plug terminals in the correct order.
  • 一个电子设计数据库通过数据联系去识别接的能力。通性有助于设计自动化和计算机辅助制造。
    The ability of an electronic design data base to recognize connections by association of data. Connectivity facilitates design automation and CAM processing.
  • 生活必需品都不能买,更不用说奢侈品。
    She cannot buy daily necessities, much less luxuries.
  • 累托兹太太,你这个老泼妇,你为你的钱叫苦天,这究竟是什么意思!
    Mrs Letouzel, you cantankerous old bag, what do you mean, by complaining about your money!
  • 船触礁后倾翻了,同所有的乘客和船员一齐沉入了海底。
    The ship canted over when it hit the rocks, and sank to the bottom with all its passengers and sailors.
  • 英军发现当地环境适宜,拟保留九龙半岛驻防,经英国驻广州领事白加士爵士与两广总督交涉后,获得九龙半岛南端(北至界限街)同昂船洲的租借权。
    Finding it healthy, they wished to retain it as a military cantonment, with the result that Sir Harry Parkes, Consul at Canton, secured from the Viceroy a lease of the peninsula as far north as Boundary Street, including Stonecutters Island.
  • 把电容和感应系数在一起的以便使周期的电振荡达到最大振幅的电路。
    an electrical circuit that combines capacitance and inductance in such a way that a periodic electric oscillation will reach maximum amplitude.
  • 港岛有两个回教坟场,分别位于跑马地和柴湾歌臣角,而歌臣角回教坟场也有一座清真寺。
    Hong Kong Island has two Muslim cemeteries, one at Happy Valley and the other at Cape Collinson, Chai Wan. The Cape Collinson cemetery also has a masjid.
  • 美国国会山庄。通常与the
    Capitol Hill. Often used with the.
  • 一类有机化合物,在每两个烃原子团中有一组羰基与一个碳原子相
    any of a class of organic compounds having a carbonyl group linked to a carbon atom in each of two hydrocarbon radicals.
  • 合两部分例如眼睑、嘴唇或心脏瓣膜联合或形成接的点或面
    The point or surface where two parts, such as the eyelids, lips, or cardiac valves, join or form a connection.
  • 比尔博姆,亨利·马克西米1872-1956英国漫画家、作家和才子。他于1896年发表了二十五个绅士漫画像,晚年大部分时间在意大利度过
    British caricaturist, writer, and wit whose Caricatures of Twenty-five Gentlemen appeared in1896. He spent most of his later years in Italy.
  • 您点的是胭脂香鹅,芹菜加大蒜,锅汤,对吗?
    So a carmine goose, a celery with garlic, a Lian Guo soup. Am I correct?
  • 卡罗琳对我们的帮助感谢都不说一声,所以下一次她休想再得到帮助。
    Caroline didn't even thank us for helping her, so the next time she needs help she can whistle for it.
  • 桌球中的中两球的一击
    A carom made in billiards.
  • 在台球运动中一击撞二球。
    make a carom, in billiards.
  • 使桌球中连中两球
    To cause to carom in billiards.
  • 桌球中连中两球
    To make a carom in billiards.