  • 当时,父亲听英国人计划反攻新马两地,他带着我们一家大小从陆路逃难至马六甲镇边缘的一个园丘,直到日军投降后,我们才回返新加坡。
    At that time , my father heard that the British were planning to retake Singapore and Malaya.Papa brought us by road deep into plantation country outside Malacca Town. We did not come home until after liberation.
  • 当时,父亲听英国人计划反攻新马两地,他带着我们一家大小从陆路逃难至马六甲镇边缘的一个园丘,直到日军投降后,我们才回返新加坡。
    My father heard that the British were planning to retake Singapore and Malaya.Anticipating attacks by air and sea, Papa brought us by road deep into plantation country outside Malacca Town. We did not come home until after liberation.
  • 决议草案是这样的:在中国“革命胜利后,党内一部分干部滋长着一种极端危险的骄傲情绪,他们因为工作中的若干成绩就冲昏了头脑,忘记了共产党员所必须具有的谦逊态度和自我批评精神,夸大个人的作用,强调个人的威信,自以为天下第一,只能听人奉承赞扬,不能受人批评监督,对批评者实行压制和报复,甚至把自己所领导的地区和部门有意地或无意地看作个人的资本和独立王国”。
    The draft resolution puts it this way, "After victory in the revolution, a number of Party cadres have developed extremely dangerous conceit and complacency. They have let the achievements in their work go to their heads, forgetting about the modest attitude and the spirit of self-criticism that all Communists should possess. They consider themselves number on in the world, being ready to accept flattery and praise but not criticism and supervision. They suppress criticism and retaliate against those who criticize them and even go so far as to intentionally or unintentionally regard the areas and departments under their leadership as their personal property and independent kingdom."
  • 苏联为了报复4年前美国的抵制,故意不派代表队去美国参赛,借口活杉矶奥运会组委会行为不当。
    The Soviet Union, in retaliation for the American boycott four years ago, elected not to send a team to the United States, citing concerns over the performance of the L.A. Olympic Organizing Committee.
  • 谈到目前令人不愉快的主要问题之一——即美国无法打入日本建筑市场——美国贸易代表尤特竹下的提议未能达到(我们的)期望,因此里根政府将考虑报复行动。
    On one of the current major sore points, U.S. inability to penetrate Japan's construction market, U.S. Trade Representative Clayton Yeuter said a proposal brought by Takeshita falls short of expectations and that the Reagan Administration would consider retaliatory action.
  • 五、虽高薪制度是引进或留住人才不二法门,但这个制度未必能使人才发挥创意,尤其当高薪达到最高顶限时,很容易使人自负自足,不敢冒更大的风险,而人的创意思维也紧跟环境安逸减退下来。
    5. Although offering good renumeration packages is the best way to attract talents, it may not spur them on to become creative. In particular, when people draw top salaries, they can easily become conceited and lose the motivation to undertake bigger risks. Thus, a stable and comfortable environment may retard a person's creative thinking.
  • ”一年后,他们搬回纽约,又接受了两个孩子,一个叫约瑟夫,12岁,患脑瘫症,不会话、双目失明、智力迟钝,全身瘫痪。另一个是7岁的亚伯拉罕,是个严重的哮喘病患者,还有一些先天的缺陷。
    Garcia, 57, A year later, they moved back to New York and took in two children: Joseph, a 12-year-old with cerebral palsy who is mute, blind, retarded and paralyzed, and Abraham, 7, a severe asthmatic with several birth defects.
  • 截止1995年底,共有36万小儿麻痹后遗症患者经矫治手术改善了功能,有效率达98%左右;完成6万多名聋儿康复任务,使他们都能开口话,其中10%的康复聋儿进入普通幼儿园、小学学习;为3万名低视力儿童配用了助视器,提高了视力;使10万智残儿童增强了认知和自理能力
    By the end of 1995, China had rectified 360,000 children of polio sequelae (a success rate of 98 percent), helped more than 60,000 deaf children recover their hearing and speech abilities (10 percent of which had entered regular kindergartens and elementary schools to receive regular education), had provided 30,000 poor-sighted children with sight aids and helped 100,000 mentally retarded children enhance their cognitive capacity and self-suciency.
  • 明星们也难免有“积存水分”,但他们从不为其所困——相反他们遵循好莱坞名星梅格·瑞恩的教练麦克·乔治的建议:“如果名星们想快速瘦身,在肌肉松弛的部位涂些痔疮膏即可。”他:“痔疮膏的确可以吸收水分并在几小时见效。”
    Yes, stars get fluid retention, too, but they don't put up with it instead they follow the advice of Michael George, trainer to Hollywood star Meg Ryan:“If celebrities need to look thinner fast, they often apply a little of the haemorrhoid treatment cream to where they're feeling flabby,” he told us. “The cream actually sucks out moisture and can slim you sonw in a matter of hours.”
  • 一种人造视网膜的合作发明者,6位全盲或几乎全盲的患者在植入这种视网膜后看到了光线,有些人还分辨出了形状和面孔。
    Six blind or near-blind people can now see light and in some cases pick out shapes and recognize faces after having an artificial retina inserted into their eyes, says the co-inventor of the device.
  • 就我个人来,我是希望早退休。
    Personally, I should like to retire soon.
  • 于是班纳特先生接下去:“让曼丽仔细想一想再发表意见吧,我们还是重新来谈谈彬格莱先生。”
    "While Mary is adjusting her ideas," he continued, "let us return to Mr. Bingley."
  • 我听到可靠的消息,他就要退休了。
    I have it straight from the horse's mouth that he is retiring.
  • 她反驳,如果他们来她就走。
    She retort that if they come, she will leave.
  • 他反驳我的错误并不比他的错误小。
    He retort that it is my fault as much as his.
  • 他反驳,这全是我的过错。
    He retorted that it was all my fault.
  • 那稽查员反对的:「呆帐?
    “Bad debt, my eye !" retorted the inspector.
  • “马格洛大娘,”主教回答,“您弄错了。
    "Madame Magloire," retorted the Bishop, "you are mistaken.
  • 这是我一向所渴望的。“别去管你一向所渴望的是什么,皮帕先生,”他反驳。“谈正题吧。”
    I said I had always longed for it. "Never mind what you have always longed for, Mr Pip," he retorted. "Keep to the record."
  • 收回(所的某些话);撤回(前言)
    To retract(something spoken); unsay.
  • 食言对自己的话又反悔
    To retract something that one has said.
  • 不上精神上已调整好,但他们已经好多了。
    they are finely, not to say neurotically adjusted.
  • 查米恩,“而且莱蒂在自己立的种种遗嘱上存心让人痛苦,总是先给埃里克许天许地,可随即又收回自己的诺言。”
    "And then Lettie," said Charmian, "has been so cruel about her wills. Always promising Eric the earth, and then retracting her promises."
  • 对每个人来,他们将惯常从事某几种职业,并将不可避免地继续进修和重新接受训练。
    For each individual, several careers will be customary, and continuing education and retraining will be inescapable.
  • 敌人的大规模战略进攻和我们的战略退却在一定条件下基本上已经停止,并不是一切进攻的可能和一切退却的可能都没有了。
    When we say that the enemy's large-scale strategic offensive and our strategic retreat have in a sense largely come to an end, we do not altogether exclude the possibility of further offensives and retreats.
  • 约翰看到许多法利赛人和撒都该人也来受洗,便对他们:“你们这一伙毒蛇!谁教你们去逃避未来的报应呢?”
    When he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism he said to them:"You vipers'brood! Who warned you to escape from the coming retribution?"
  • 我并不认为瑞克斯真的杀了麦肯齐,但也可能让他等死,对老天来这两种情况是一样的,但对法律来却不一样。如果他干了,报应就应验在他身上。天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
    I don't think Rex would have actually murdered Mackenzie, but he might have left him to die. The same thing before the Lord, but not the same thing before the law. If he did, retribution's caught up with him. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small.
  • 这种信息是通过据在1947年7月坠毁的空间飞船上获得的。
    These have been retrieved from a purported crash in July 1947.
  • "你要有思想准备,"他
    "Adjust your thinking,"he said.
  • 她恳求他说实话。
    She adjured him to tell the truth.
  • 我请你说实话。
    I adjure you to speak the truth.
  • 我要求你对本庭实话.
    I adjure you to tell the truth before this court.