  • 关于外斯帕显他却说:“外斯帕显是唯一因为有了权力而人格增进的皇帝”——然前一句话是关于统治底能力的,而后一句是关于仪容及感情的。
    solus imperantium Vespasianus mutatus in melius. Though the one was meant of sufficiency, the other of manners, and affection.
  • 理论重要, 实践更重要。
    Theory is something, but practice is everything.
  • 然他是好学生,偶而也会犯错。
    Good student as he is (=Though he is a good student), he sometimes makes mistakes.
  • 然高频声音比低频声音更加危险且恼人,大多数的噪音污染损害却与声音强度有关。
    While high frequency sounds tend to be more hazardous and more annoying to hearing than low frequency sounds,most noise pollution damage is related to the intensity of the sound.
  • 然没有令人羡慕的高学历,但他却不让自己的才华埋没,后来成为了备受尊敬的政府高级行政官员和外交官。
    Although he was not in possession of very high academic qualifications, he did not allow his sparkle to be dimmed. Later on, he became a highly-respected senior administrative officer in the government and diplomat.
  • 年轻一代然失去了语文的文采,但是跟上一代人比较,他们能更自由的进出两个文化世界,学习语文的心理包袱也没有那么沉重。
    The language used by the younger generation may lack sparkle, yet when compared to the previous generation, they are able to move much more freely between two linguistic worlds. They also experience much less psychological burden in learning langauges.
  • 但是,由于过去西藏教育的基础十分薄弱,西藏地区的人口居住过于分散,西藏人口中的文盲、半文盲已从过去的大多数人减为少数人,却仍占不小的比例。
    However, since the foundations of education in old Tibet were very weak and the population sparsely scattered, illiterates and semi-illiterates still make up a considerable proportion in Tibet's population, although they are now in the minority rather than in the majority, as they were in the past.
  • 然大部分阿尔托夫人都向他鞠躬,但是他们一面往泥土地上啐唾。
    Although most of the people bowed to Gessler, they spat into the dirt as they did so.
  • 然他老了,但看书可以不戴眼镜。
    Old as he be, he can read with out spectacles.
  • 然他老了,但看书可以不戴眼镜。
    Old as he is, he can read with out spectacles.
  • 然我倒油时很小心,但还是洒了一些
    Although I pour it carefully, I spill some of the oil
  • 然我倒油时很小心, 但还是洒了一些.
    Although I poured it carefully, I spilt some of the oil.
  • 我不喜欢吃菠菜,然我知道它对我有好处。
    I don't like spinach even though I know it's good for me.
  • 他们然感觉红军的物质生活不如白军,但是精神得到了解放。
    They feel spiritually liberated, even though material conditions in the Red Army are not equal to those in the White army.
  • 当大规模的暴乱显示出内战的端倪时,他又在政治上和精神上发展了这一点做法,然时间证明这场战争纯属兄弟之争。
    He directed it politically and spiritually while massive turbulent forces let loose in civil war, a war truly as time has shown, of brothers.
  • 当大规模的暴乱显示出内战的端倪时,他又在政治上和精神上发展了这一点做法,然时间证明这场战争纯属兄弟之争。
    He directed it politically and spiritually while massive turbulent forces let loose in civil war, a war truly as time has shown, of brothers.
  • 然着凉还是来了。
    She came in spite of her cold.
  • 然着凉还是来了。
    She come in spite of her cold.
  • 然他做过多种努力,但终于失败了。
    In spite of all his efforts he failed.
  • 然大雨我们还得去。
    We must go in spite of the heavy rain.
  • 然她是独生女,却丝毫未被宠坏。
    Although she was the only child of her parents, she was not spoilt.
  • “我们将用作30秒钟电视商业广告的费用去赞助一次音乐节,然我们只需付出作电视广告费用的一小部分,但它的影响却会深远得多,”一位广告人昨天这样说。
    "We'll sponsor a festival for the cost of a 30-second television commercial and though we'll only reach a microscopic fraction of the number we hit on television, the impact will be far more long lasting," said one advertising man yesterday.
  • 然西式泳装在埃及这个非常保守的国家并没有明令禁止,但这种衣服在公共海滩还是颇为罕见。一般情况下,女士们下海游泳的时候,都会穿得严严实实,或者穿着一种叫做"伊斯兰泳装"的特殊运动长装。
    Western-style bathing suits are not forbidden in Egypt, a highly conservative country, but it is rare to see them on public beaches where most women go for a dip either fully clothed or wearing "Islamic swimsuits," a kind of sporty over-garment.
  • 然我明白,对于伊拉克来说提供所有需要的证据并不容易,但寻找这些证据也不是核查人员的责任,不过伊拉克方面必须清醒地认识到此事的重要性。
    Although I can understand that it may not be easy for Iraq in all cases to provide the evidence needed, it is not the task of the inspectors to find it. Iraq itself must squarely tackle this task and avoid belittling the questions.
  • 然很忙,但还能找到时间轻松一下。
    I can squeeze time from my tight schedule for entertainment.
  • 但这在全战争中只是三个阶段中的一个阶段,然其时间可能最长。
    Though this stage will possibly be the longest, it is still only one of the three stages in the entire war.
  • 国家岌岌可危的债务问题在很大程度上也应归因于那些作出财务决策的政治家和政府官员们,他们中有些人然受过高等教育,但却很少甚至几乎没有接受过财务方面的必要培训。
    Our staggering national debt is due in large part to highly educated politicians and government officials making financial decisions with little or no training on the subject of money.
  • 然大楼最初没有倒塌,但坍塌的墙板堵住了楼梯间,扭曲的门框封住了门。
    Even though the buildings survived the initial impacts, stairwells were plugged by broken wallboard and doors were jammed in twisted frames.
  • 这是因为:第一,然中国人均占有粮食不可能增加很多,但发展食物多样化生产的前景广阔,随着肉类、禽蛋、水产品、水果、蔬菜等供给量的继续增加,对口粮消费的替代作用将进一步增大。
    First, China has great potential for developing diversified food production, though the per capita grain share will not be increased by a big margin. Non-staple food will play an increasingly greater role in substituting for staple food as the supply of meat, eggs, aquatic products, fruit and vegetables increases.
  • 中国职工的货币工资然不高,但享有未计入工资的大量补贴,包括住房、子女入托入学、主副食品等财政补贴,以及医疗、工伤、退休养老金等社会保险待遇和大量福利待遇。
    Although Chinese workers have relatively low monetary wages, they enjoy a large amount of subsidies, including financial subsidies for housing, children's attendance at nursery and school and staple and non-staple foods, as well as social insurance such as medical treatment, industrial injury and retirement pension and many other welfare items, which are not counted in the wages.
  • 然洛佩兹似乎一夜成名,但事实上这位女演员是凭借坚持不懈地挖掘自己杰出的天分,才挣得到了顶尖位置。
    Although Lopez's rise to stardom seemed to happen overnight,in truth,the actress had earned her place at the top by consistently plying her exceptional talent.
  • 然第一次生孩子,但我还没有制订生育计划,也不准备制订。
    For a starter, I have no “birthing plan” and don't intend to draft one.