  • 史密斯太太没办法像一母亲那样拥抱她女儿了。
    Mrs. Smith won't ever be able to talk with her daughter or hug her or do all those wonderful things that mommies and daughters do together.
  • 开出鲜艳花朵的爬藤植物瀑布悬挂在花园墙上。
    Climbing plants with their bright flowers hung in cascades over the garden wall.
  • 小的可食用的黄色到紫色西红柿的水果,外包一层膀胱似的外壳。
    small edible yellow to purple tomato-like fruit enclosed in a bladderlike husk.
  • 但以上这些说明都是假定,没有经验,可以作为特殊的东西看待,不可作一原则看待。
    The above, however, are all hypothetical examples not based on actual experience; they should be regarded as exceptional and not treated as general principles.
  • 的汽车就能满足需要,特殊车轮的装饰物和双色调漆只是不必要的点缀品而已。
    The basic car it adequate and the special wheel trims and two-tone paintwork are just icing on the cake.
  • 指一包括华盛顿、俄勒冈州和爱达荷州以及有时包括蒙大纳州和怀俄明州在内的美国地区。
    of a region of the United States generally including Washington; Oregon; Idaho; and sometimes Montana; Wyoming.
  • 法国海岸田园诗的夏季生活
    A summer idyll on the coast of France.
  • 我们的潜意识里藏着一派田园诗的风光!
    Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision.
  • 还是十几岁的少女时,我脑子里对爱情与婚姻所想像的是诗情画意的生活。
    As a teenager I had certain ideas in my mind that constituted the idyllic life of love and marriage.
  • 资产阶级在它已经取得了统治的地方把一切封建的、宗法的和田园诗的关系都破坏了。
    The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations.
  • 您在这里可以享受佛罗里达那样和煦的阳光、桂林那样田园的生活以及能与纽约、伦敦、巴黎相媲美的现代文化。
    Here you can enjoy the warm sunshine like that of Florida, the idyllic life lie that of Guilin, the modern culture that can match that of New York, London, or Paris.
  • 一连五天,他们处在这种牧歌一的生活状态中。第六天晚上,在史前巨石群中的古代异教徒的太阳神神庙的著名废墟中,苔丝半开玩笑地说要在那里求庇护。
    For five days they continued in this idyllic state, and on the sixth night Tess half jestingly claimed sanctuary among the conspicuous ruins of the ancient pagan temple to the sun at Stonehenge.
  • 人都知道中国人的思想是一种非常实用而精明的思想,一些爱好中国艺术的人也知道,中国人的思想是一种极灵敏的思想;
    Il is generally known that the Chinese mind is an intensely practical, hard-headed one, and it is also known to some lovers of Chinese art that it is a profoundly sensitive mind;
  • 其中最严重的是,这些工具几乎普遍都不够成熟,性能也一
    On top of that, the tools themselves were almost universally immature and ornery.
  • 他一是大量产出,然后删减成型,1917年6月完成的影片《移民》,起先拍掉了4万英尺胶片,而后查理花了四天夜的删减至所需要的1800英尺。
    He have to produce great quantities of work, and then cut it to shape. The film "the immigrant" released in June 1917, entailed forty thousand feet of film being shot. It took Charlie four days and four nights to cut it to the required eighteen hundred feet.
  • 税务局:尽我所能吧!一地说,提供应税业务、转让无形资产和出卖不动产都要交纳营业税。
    Tax official: I will try my best. Generally speaking, the business tax is levied on the taxable service, the transfer of intangible asset and sale of the immovable property within china.
  • 受传统文件服务器故障影响最大的用户一分为三类,这些服务器是为处理而不是存储和检索计算机数据开发的。
    The users most impacted by the failure of traditional file servers, developed for processing rather than storage and retrieval of computer data, typically fall into one of three categories.
  • 但在一的速决原则之下,反对不正当的急躁性是必要的。
    While quick decision is the general principle, we must oppose undue impatience.
  • 我们所反对的,仅仅是在今天采取一的阵地战,或者把阵地战和运动战平等看待,这些才是不能许可的。
    At the present time, what we are opposed to is the general use of positional warfare or putting it on an equal footing with mobile warfare; that is impermissible.
  • 非个人的,一的态度或观点上非个人的
    Impersonal, as in attitude or views.
  • 在与美国人的工作关系中,还有另外一种友好但却属一的举止行为。
    Another example of friendly, but impersonal, behavior may occur in work relationships with Americans.
  • 最好的办公室礼物是一性的,但选择时显然要考虑到个人兴趣。
    The best office gifts are impersonal but clearly chosen with an individual's interests in mind.
  • 巳、一同志到新区后,苦于无后方作战的困难,急于建设一个后方,安置伤员和机关,也促成了急性病的发展。
    6. It often happened that comrades who arrived in a new area suffered from the lack of a rear area to support the fighting, so they were eager to establish one where wounded soldiers and leading bodies could be placed. This led to impetuosity.
  • 线路入口提供了一种更一化的实现方式。
    Circuit gateways provide a more general implementation.
  • 工人(雇农在内)一全无土地和工具,有些工人有极小部分的土地和工具。
    The worker (including the farm labourer) as a rule owns no land or farm implements, though some do own a very small amount of land and very few farm implements.
  • 除了输入外地劳工来港就业的一政策外,当局还设立特别计划,容许雇主输入并未符合一政策所定资格的劳工。
    Apart from the above, special schemes are operated for the importation of workers who do not fall under the general policy on entry for employment.
  • 以上是净价,不包括佣金。我们一不给进口商佣金。
    The above is net price, not including commission. We do not give commission to importer in general.
  • (九六)防御的和攻击的阵地战,在中国今天的技术条件下,一都不能执行,这也就是我们表现弱的地方。
    96. At China's present technical level, positional warfare, defensive or offensive, is generally impracticable, and this is where our weakness manifests itself.
  • 这个原则也一地通用于正规战争的作战,特别是在通讯工具不完备的情况下。
    The same principle generally applies in regular operations, especially when communications are inadequate.
  • 第三,一地说来,凡不孤立而占有十分巩固阵地之敌都不好打;
    third, it is generally inadvisable to fight an enemy force that is not isolated and is strongly entrenched;
  • 情况下,牙医是通过切开一个小口,在里面敷上抗生素丸来清除牙齿和牙龈之间的感染的。
    Normally, dentists clean out infections between the teeth and gums by making an incision and inserting pellets of antibiotics.
  • 安乐死个别患者因病情到了晚期或不治之症,不愿再受病痛折磨而采取的了结生命的措施,一采用注射致命物质或中断特殊治疗方法
    The act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.