  • 他整夜来覆去睡不着。
    He twisted and turned all night.
  • 病人因痛苦而翻滚。
    The patient twisted about in pain.
  • 风把我的伞吹得过去了。
    The wind blew my umbrella inside out.
  • 耕,(土)或犁(土),从而把下面的泥土到表面上来
    To spade or plow(soil) to bring the undersoil to the surface.
  • weidner的新软件允许操作员在译全文前对不熟悉的短语进行定义。
    Weidner's new software allow an operator to define unfamiliar phrases before translate the full text.
  • 那次车祸中,汽车了好几个滚,不过司机未受伤。
    In the accident, the car bowled over several times but the driver escaped unhurt.
  • 人民需要一个强有力的领导帮助他们推非正义的统治者。
    The people need a strong leader to help them to throw down their unjust rulers.
  • 非法录,非法播放没有许可证,非法播放的电台或电视台
    The operation of an unlicensed, illegal radio or television station.
  • 要推和平必须同多方面势力作战,并且必须同日本帝国主义和亲日派靠拢,才能成功。
    To unmake it, he would have to fight against many forces and draw closer to the Japanese imperialists and the pro-Japanese group.
  • 这个译很微妙……而且普遍很谨慎——《纽约人》。
    the translation is...light-handed...and generally unobtrusive- New Yorker.
  • 毫无疑义,主要地就是打击这两个敌人,就是对外推帝国主义压迫的民族革命和对内推封建地主压迫的民主革命,而最主要的任务是推帝国主义的民族革命。
    Unquestionably, the main tasks are to strike at these two enemies, to carry out a national revolution to overthrow foreign imperialist oppression and a democratic revolution to overthrow feudal landlord oppression, the primary and foremost task being the national revolution to overthrow imperialism.
  • 他们正在作即席译。
    They are doing unseens.
  • 易于转的;不稳定的
    Liable to capsize; unstable.
  • 窗外有一条耕过的地畦,上面有一部昨夜除去马轭后留下的铧犁。
    There was a ridge of ploughed land, with a plough upon it where it had been left last night when the horses were unyoked;
  • 他把领子翻起来。
    He turned up his collar.
  • 我希望我的裤子不边。
    I'd like my trousers without turn ups.
  • 我希望我的裤子不边。
    I'd like my trousers without turn-ups.
  • 我希望我的裤子不边。
    I 'd like my trousers without turn - ups.
  • 我要一条没有边的裤子。
    I want a pair of trousers without turn-ups.
  • 风会把船吹翻。
    The wind will upset the boat.
  • 我把汤打在桌上了。
    I upset the soup all over the table.
  • 颠覆推的行为或被倒的状态
    The act of upsetting or the condition of being upset.
  • 不要把船弄翻了。
    Do not upset the boat.
  • 他打了一杯葡萄酒。
    He upset a glass of wine.
  • 房子被盗贼们得乱七八糟。
    The house was turned upside down by the burglars.
  • 他把桌子弄翻了。
    He turned the table upside down.
  • “他们会把我家里搞天的!”
    'After turning the place upside down?'
  • 把屋子得混乱不堪,寻找某物
    Turn the room upside-down for sth.
  • 把里面的出来或颠倒
    To turn inside out or upside down.
  • 一个大浪把船打翻。
    A great wave turned the boat upside down.
  • 如果你把口袋过来,钱就会掉出来。
    If you turn your pocket upside down, the money will fall out.
  • 母亲箱倒柜找几件旧衣服。
    The mother turned the box upside down, looking for some old clothes.