Chinese English Sentence:
  • 这是毛泽东在延安青年众举行的五四运动二十周年纪念会上的讲演。
    This speech was delivered by Comrade Mao Tse-tung at a mass meeting of youth in Yenan to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the May 4th Movement.
  • 众大会八时在天安门开始。
    The mass meeting commenced in Tiananmen's Square at 8 o'clock.
  • 有黄色斑点的居小黄蜂,通常在地面筑巢。
    small yellow-marked social wasp commonly nesting in the ground.
  • 流亡在外的达赖对旧西藏普遍的践踏人民众基本人权的状况只字不提,竭力掩饰,却对新西藏的发展、进步百般诋毁和攻击。
    Making no mention whatsoever of the situation where trampling the people's basic human rights was commonplace in old Tibet, the exiled Dalai Lama has tried by every means to cover it up and vilify and attack the development and progress in new Tibet.
  • 由所罗门岛构成的从英联邦独立出来的一个岛国。
    the southern Solomon Islands that form an independent state in the British Commonwealth.
  • 位于西印度向风岛的一岛国;英联邦中的一个独立国家。
    an island state in the West Indies; an independent state within the British Commonwealth.
  • 一个多山的岛屿;所罗门岛中最大的一个,英联邦独立成员之一。
    a mountainous island; the largest of the Solomon Islands in the independent state that is a member of the British Commonwealth.
  • 喧哗,吵闹一大人发出的吵闹声和骚扰
    The din and commotion of a great crowd.
  • 他一出现在舞台上,人就大喊大叫骚乱起来,致使演出不得不停止。
    As soon as he appeared on stage the crowd set up such a commotion that the show had to be stopped.
  • 一些华侨报纸在很不容易的环境下经营,报道来自故乡的新信息,弘扬中华文化,沟通联系社,办报的决心和精神尤其难得。
    Some overseas Chinese newspapers have to struggle hard in order to survive. Apart from the coverage of news of their hometown, they help to promote the Chinese culture and enhance inter-communal communication. The determination and dedication they have shown in the running of their newspaper is especially praiseworthy.
  • 如果没有了英语,来自不同族的人,将难以交谈。
    Without it, Singaporeans of different extractions will cease to communicate.
  • 往来交往个人或体间的交往或交际
    Dealings or communications between persons or groups.
  • 他的妻子在那个体中成为颇有地位的女子。
    His wife has become a woman of some standing in the community.
  • 海底热泉生物群落
    submarine hot spring community
  • 从一个团体或者体驱除。
    expel from a community or group.
  • 众的不安定情绪已接近一触即发之势。
    Community unrest is rapidly approaching the flashpoint.
  • 品牌使消费者有一种体感。
    They give customers a sense of community.
  • 现在有各种观点,追求这个化那个化,连共产主义化也有了,就是缺乏众观点,容易解决的问题不去解决,宁肯把更多的钱用在不适当的地方。
    There are different views prevalent today. People are pursuing a variety of "-izations", including communization, to the neglect of the needs of the masses. Instead of trying to solve easy problems, they spend money where they should not.
  • 科摩罗岛上的国家。
    a country on the Comoro Islands.
  • 你一点也不用怕,ieee802.5委员会已经找到大幅度提升性能同时保持与现有已安装的令牌环网体相兼容的方法。
    Never fear, the IEEE 802.5 committee already found a way to deliver a substantial performance increase while maintaining compatibility with the installed base.
  • 优抚安置制度是指对国家和社会有功劳的特殊社会体给予补偿和褒扬的一种制度。
    This refers to the system aimed at compensating or commending the special group of people who have rendered meritorious services to the state and society.
  • 老同志之所以可贵,不只是在于他们有功劳有经验,更重要的还在于他们不自满不骄傲,能够同众一块,不疲倦地继续前进。
    What makes veteran comrades valuable is that they have rendered meritorious service and are experienced. Even more important is that they are neither complacent nor arrogant, they can get close to the masses and forge ahead tirelessly.
  • 如果骄傲自满起来,不前进,脱离众,那就丧失了共产党员的高贵品质,就会前功尽弃,变成妨碍别人前进、妨碍事业发展的庸人。
    If a Party member becomes arrogant or complacent, refuses to move ahead and alienates himself from the masses, then he will lose the noble qualities associated with Party membership, all his previous efforts will be for nothing, and he would become a person without an ideal who hinders others from making progress and our cause from advancing.
  • 兵团自觉接受自治区人民政府的领导,遵守政府的各项法规和法令,尊重少数民族的风俗习惯和宗教信仰,努力为新疆各族人民办好事、办实事,积极发展融合型经济,密切了与各族众的血肉联系,做到边疆同守、资源共享、优势互补、共同繁荣。
    The XPCC conscientiously accepts the leadership of the People’s Government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, abides by the laws and regulations of the government, respects the customs and religious beliefs of ethnic minorities, strives to do practical things in the interest of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and endeavors to develop a blending type of economy. In this way, the XPCC has forged flesh-and-blood ties with people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and attained the aim of joint frontier defense, sharing of resources, mutual complementarity and common prosperity.
  • ecp组合ap群集组合
    ECP ComplexAP Cluster Complex
  • 在这些集系统运行异构的操作系统情况下,符合i2o规范的i/o接口可被共享。
    In cases where these clustered systems are running heterogeneous operating systems, an I2O compliant I/O interface can be shared.
  • 我们的同志如果把这个中心任务真正看清楚了,懂得无论如何要把革命发展到全国去,那末,我们对于广大众的切身利益问题,众的生活问题,就一点也不能疏忽,一点也不能看轻。
    If our comrades really comprehend this task and understand that the revolution must at all costs be spread throughout the country, then they should in no way neglect or underestimate the question of the immediate interests, the well-being, of the broad masses.
  • 西印度岛和地中海中头部有薄而锋利边沿的几种小濑鱼。
    any of several small wrasses with compressed sharp-edged heads of the West Indies and Mediterranean.
  • 汇集在宫殿的四周。
    The crowds concentrated round the palace.
  • 贫民窟中拥挤的人群
    the concentrated masses in the slums
  • 第一个问题是关于众生活的问题。
    The first concerns the well-being of the masses.
  • 的歌迷一窝蜂地涌向音乐厅。
    Hordes of fans had thronged on the concert hall.