  • 她寄我的一封信(1997年11月21日),连同申请入学的文章,清楚地显现了她蜕变后的崭新自我认识:
    Her letter to me (dated November 21, 1997), together with the application essay, clearly indicated a new selfhood in creative transformation.
  • 一个不愿意予或花费的人。
    a selfish person who is unwilling to give or spend.
  • 他很自私,不想把汽车借我.
    He's too selfish to think of lending me his car.
  • 我会发展对全人类的爱,借此去除嫉妒、怨恨、自私和愤世嫉俗,因为我知道对人的负面态度,永远不会带我成功。
    I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism, by developing love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success.
  • 那个男孩一本字典作为他对我无私帮助的回报。
    I gave the boy a dictionary in return for his selfless help to me.
  • 他们把自己的一生献了伟大的教育事业。
    They selflessly gave their all to the great cause of education.
  • 金字塔式销售(商品销售方法,一经销商购得经销权後将部分转售其他经销商)
    Method of selling goods in which a distributor pays a premium for the right to sell a company's goods and then sells part of that right to other distributors
  • 因此,美国会以较低的价格售日本更多的商品,而日本则会以较高的价格售美国更少的商品。
    So the United States sells them more at lower prices; they sell the United States less at higher prices.
  • 我不小心把刀掉在地上了,请再拿一把我好吗?
    I accidentally dropped my knife on the floor.
  • 火警报警器不小心弄响了。
    The fire alarm was accidentally set off.
  • 让人们出价购买货物,东西卖出价最高的人
    Selling of goods where people offer bid, and the item is sold to the person who makes the highest offer
  • 这一番话把迈克逗乐了,他为此马上递基米一杯矿泉牛奶。
    This statement delighted Mike to such an extent that he gave Jimmy a seltzer-and-milk on the spot.
  • 他们他们自己做了个风筝。
    They make them selves a kite.
  • 我们自己订购许多书。
    We ordered a lot of book for our selves.
  • 你们要你们自己找些椅子开会用。
    You must find your selves some chair for the meeting.
  • 公司的打算被董事偶然的谈话透露了。
    The firm 's intentions were laid open by the director 's accidental remark.
  • 尽管许多妇女做出呆在家里照看家庭子女的抉择,但是,越来越多的职业妇女在外面自己开创了新生活。
    Although many women choose to stay home and care for their families, increasing numbers of working mothers have made new lives for them- selves outside the home.
  • 秋季学期结束时,学生和我的关系掉了个个儿,该是他们我打分了。
    As the fall semester ended,my students had a chance to turn the tables on their teacher.
  • 然而,在我仔细考虑了女儿当前的感受之后,我她打了电话,建议她上完这学期的课之后回家,我们会想出解决问题的办法。
    However, after I reflected on how my daughter must be feeling, I telephoned her and suggested that she complete her semester and then come home. We would figure out what to do.
  • 加入掺杂剂用掺杂剂(半导体)涂上保护层
    To treat(a semiconductor) with a dopant.
  • 半导体加上杂质以便减少或改变它的道具;一般用在电子学中。
    add impurities to (a semiconductor) in order to produce or modify its properties; in electronics.
  • 产品产品由公司提供消费者的商品及附件构成,这一决定是在产品策划期间作出的。
    Product The product consists of the item and accessories that the company offers to the consumer. This decision is made during product planning.
  • 直到半决赛他才刷下来。
    He was not eliminated until the semifinals.
  • 讨论会上,戴维把自己的想法说了同事们。
    At the seminar, David unfolded his idea to his colleagues.
  • 新生儿准备的全套装束(衣服和附件)。
    a complete outfit (clothing and accessories) for a new baby.
  • 他让我他买些汽车附件。
    He asked me to buy him some accessories for a car.
  • 这也正是孙中山先生我们指示出的道路。
    This is the path that Dr. Sun Yat-sen pointed out to us.
  • 从孔夫子到孙中山,我们应当以总结,承继这一份珍贵的遗产。
    We should sum up our history from Confucius to Sun Yat-sen and take over this valuable legacy.
  • 当然,加入世贸组织在中国带来机遇的同时,也会带来挑战。
    Of course, while producing opportunities, accession to the WTO will also bring challenges to China.
  • 参议院的调查没有想到政府带来了无限的麻烦。
    The Senate investigation turned out to be a Pandora's box for the administration.
  • 这位派头十足的参议员当配角。
    He stooged for the flamboyant Senator.
  • 有一个帝国元老院的元老,他从前当过五百人院的元老,曾经赞助雾月十八日政变,住在迪涅城附近一座富丽堂皇的元老宅第里,为这件事,他写了一封怨气冲天的密函宗教大臣皮戈·德·普雷阿麦内先生。我们现在把它的原文节录下来:“轿车津贴?
    and a senator of the Empire, a former member of the Council of the Five Hundred which favored the 18 Brumaire, and who was provided with a magnificent senatorial office in the vicinity of the town of D----, wrote to M. Bigot de Preameneu, the minister of public worship, a very angry and confidential note on the subject, from which we extract these authentic lines:-- "Expenses of carriage?