  • 学徒期间被契束。
    bind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice.
  • 那个男孩经立为一位木匠的学徒。
    The boy was bound over as an apprentice to a carpenter.
  • 巴克利博士的实习生19岁的翰娜·梅洛克丝说:“我有一些医学院预科的朋友,就因为一门课程太难而改变了主意。”
    Dr. Buckley's apprentice, Johanna Mailloux, 19, said, "I have friends who were pre-med, but because of one course that was too hard, they changed their minds."
  • 以契中规定条款束,如一订学徒的
    To bind by articles set forth in a contract, such as one of apprenticeship.
  • 老师看了翰的作业表示赞许。
    The teacher looked at John's work and approved it.
  • 两国政府首脑会晤批准和平条
    The heads of two governments met to ratify the peace treaty.
  • 在市政办公大楼前示威的人数有九百人。
    The approximate number of demonstrators in front of the municipal office building was 900.
  • 你腹案中有个略的发票价格吗?
    Have you an approximate invoicing price in mind?
  • 这所学校男生数为三百名。
    The approximate number of boys in the school is 300.
  • (大)呈立方体形状的物体。
    something in the (approximate) shape of a cube.
  • 他们约於五点到达。
    The approximate time of their arrival will be five o'clock.
  • 他们约於五点到达。
    The approximate time of their arrival will is five o'clock.
  • 你所有的财物连房子在内大值多少钱?
    What's the approximate value of your property, including your flat?
  • 您能更明确一点指明购买的大日期吗?
    Could you be more specific on the approximate date that purchase was made?
  • 在市政办公大楼前示威的人数有九百人。
    The approximate number of demonstrators in front of the municipal office building was900.
  • 产褥期从分娩到子宫恢复正常大小之间的大六周时间
    The approximate six-week period lasting from childbirth to the return of normal uterine size.
  • 我知道了,您能告诉我那机型和您购买的大日期吗?
    I see, could you give me the model number of that unit and the approximate date you purchased it?
  • 一般情况下,成年极地熊四脚着地时的身高大有1米左右,由鼻子到尾巴的身长为250-350厘米。
    In general, adult polar bears stand approximately 1 metre tall when on all fours and have an approximate body length from nose to tail of 250 to 350 centimeters.
  • 飞机大五分钟后就起飞。
    The plane will be taking off in approximately five minutes.
  • 将近...的时候;大在...
    At a time near to; at approximately
  • 月大和月亮盈亏的一个周期相当的时间单位,或三十天或四周
    A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon's phases, or about30 days or4 weeks.
  • 当这本书完成时大有四百页。
    Approximately has400 pages when this book is completed.
  • 大约一半的
    Being approximately a half.
  • 这个练习花费大10分钟的时间。
    This exercise takes approximately 10 minutes.
  • 中国的距离单位,合(待查表)公里。
    Chinese distance measure; approximately 0.5 kilometers.
  • 一种原电池;能产生大.伏的电压。
    a primary cell; produces approximately 1.5 volts.
  • 注二1?等于1.20337金衡安士。
    2 One tael equals approximately 1.20337 troy ounces.
  • 每平方公里大有200居民。
    Per square kilometer approximately has 200 residents.
  • 价钱大是300英镑--我记不清了。
    It cost approximately 300I can't remember exactly.
  • 当这本书完成时大有四百页。
    Approximately has 400 pages when this book is completed.
  • 电话铃响时大是半夜。
    Approximately is midnight when the telephone bell rings.
  • 本港有20400人直接从事渔农业。
    Approximately 20400 people were employed directly in the industries.