  • 金属熔化为合金;有利益冲的派别很难融合
    Fusion of metals in an alloy; the difficult fusion of conflicting factions.
  • 在爱恨之间分离;由于信仰冲而分裂;由于宗教纷争而分离。
    torn between love and hate; torn by conflicting loyalties; torn by religious dissensions.
  • 不可调和的思想两个或更多不能调和的彼此冲的观念或信仰
    One of two or more conflicting ideas or beliefs that cannot be brought into harmony.
  • 主要矛盾在继续的相互作用中被视为在决定因素的两个冲力量之间的矛盾
    The contradiction between two conflicting forces viewed as the determining factor in their continuing interaction.
  • 两极分化在两个相互冲或相对的位置的聚集,如集团、力量或利益的
    A concentration, as of groups, forces, or interests, about two conflicting or contrasting positions.
  • 特定的数据站解决数据传送中出现的冲或差错状态的过程。
    A process in which a specified data station resolves conflicting or erroneous conditions arising during the transfer of data.
  • 我的分析主要是要试图解释和分析考克斯报告写了什么,如果他们的报告能恰当地权衡这些冲的话。
    My analysis will be mostly an attempt to explicate what the Cox Report would have said if they had been able to properly weigh the conflicting arguments.
  • 就训练和练习来说,借助于计算机的自行规定速度的方法能使学生飞猛进,不受全班学生互有矛盾需要的限制。
    In terms of drill and practice, self-paced computer-assisted instruction enables the student to advance rapidly - without being limited by the conflicting needs of the entire class.
  • 美国政治的天才在于它有能力将组成这个巨大而多样化的民族的各个利益集团相互冲矛盾的需求和愿望进行调和。
    The genius of American politics has been its ability to compromise the conflicting needs and desires of the great variety of interest groups that make up so huge and diverse a nation.
  • 然转过身来面对着那些指控他的人.
    He swung round to confront his accusers.
  • 打击恐怖活动、有组织的犯罪活动、经济间谍活动以及反对武器扩散等,可能是整个21世纪我们都必须面对的永久性冲
    The fights against terrorism,organized crime,economic espionage and weapons proliferation are permanent conflicts that are likely to confront us through the next century.
  • 她一脸怒气预示将有一场冲.
    Her angry face forbode a confrontation.
  • 我们应该尽量避免正面冲
    We should avoid confrontation as much as possible.
  • 和谐关系的好处远远大于冲的坏处。
    The advantages of harmonious relations far outweigh the disadvantages of confrontation.
  • 这表明许多美国人不太把这场冲并看成是一场道德方面的,而更多地是看作一场政治冲。只有面对不可辩驳的证据,他们才会改变自己的态度。
    That suggests that many Americans are viewing this less as an ethical than as a political confrontation -- and may switch sides only if confronted with irrefutable evidence.
  • 特别值得警惕的是,台湾分裂势力一贯图谋破坏中美关系,挑起中美冲和对抗,以便实现他们的分裂图谋。
    " Special vigilance should be maintained to the fact that the Taiwan separatists are continually scheming to disrupt Sino-US relations and provoke conflicts and confrontation between the two nations to achieve their aim of dividing China.
  • 特别值得警惕的是,台湾分裂势力一贯图谋破坏中美关系,挑起中美冲和对抗,以便实现他们的分裂图谋。
    Special vigilance should be maintained to the fact that the Taiwan separatists are continually scheming to disrupt the Sino-U.S. relations and provoke conflicts and confrontation between the two nations to achieve their aim of dividing China.
  • 他对于讲解孔子教义的工作感到厌倦,有一天然心血来潮(这在传教士说来,一定是“神灵的召唤”),觉得应该去寻找这个失踪的哥哥。
    Tired of teaching the doctrines of Confucius, one day he felt what among missionaries would be regarded as a "divine call" to search for this lost brother.
  • 橄榄球员然换了个方向跑,迷惑了对方球员,带着球跑了20码。
    By breaking back, the player was able to confuse the opposing players and run twenty yards with the ball.
  • 演讲人然改变了论调,把我们都搞糊涂了。
    The speaker suddenly changed tack and left us all rather confused.
  • 她的然出现使他手足无措。
    He was confused at her sudden appearance.
  • 我对她的然生气感到困惑不解。
    I was confused by her sudden anger.
  • 痣人体皮肤上的一个小而天生的斑点,通常轻微起或呈深色,有时长有毛,尤指一个色素痣
    A small congenital growth on the human skin, usually slightly raised and dark and sometimes hairy, especially a pigmented nevus.
  • “从最简单的层次来看,美籍发明家中,国外移民占有显著的地位,而且移民在新兴的高风险行业的企业家和技师中的地位也是出的,诸如19世纪早期的纺织工业,中期的投资金融业和20世纪初的电影工业,海厄姆1986年在一个国会委员会上说,“移民缓解了,有时甚至打破了传统的束缚。
    "At the simplest level one notes the prominence of the foreignborn among American inventors and also entrepreneurs and technicians in new, high-risk industries such as textile manufacturing in the early nineteenth century, investment banking in mid-century, and movie-making in the early twentieth century,” Higham told a congressional committee in l986. "Migration looses and times breaks the bonds of tradition.
  • 将军推测说敌人将于今天晚上袭我们。
    The general conjectures that the enemy will launch an attack against us this night.
  • 实际上,他们是夫妇,是新一代工作狂的一份子,双方日程满得相冲,都工作到很晚,他们惟一能聊聊天及行使夫妻间权利的指望就是在周末来个约会。
    In fact, they're married. They a re part of a new generation of workaholics with clashing schedules and long work ing hours, whose only hope of a chat and some conjugal rights to meet up at the end of the week.
  • 魔术师然将盖子揭开,现出两只活鸽子。
    The conjuror whipped away the cover to reveal two live pigeons.
  • 从二十世纪初至四十年代末,“东”势力在外国敌对势力的怂恿、支持下,多次制造动乱。
    From the early 20th century to the late 1940s, the “East Turkistan” forces created many disturbances with the connivance and support of hostile foreign forces.
  • 那个贼然良心发现。
    The thief's conscience smote him.
  • 因为然损伤而失去知觉。
    lose consciousness due to a sudden trauma, for example.
  • 骤贵的然提升到重要位置的
    Suddenly raised to a position of consequence.
  • 梁托一种装饰性或承托重物的结构单元,其两边形成一直角,一臂嵌在墙上,另一臂嵌在一出表面下;肘托或梁托
    A decorative or weight-bearing structural unit, two sides of which form a right angle with one arm flush against a wall and the other flush beneath a projecting surface; a console or corbel.