  • 那旅游者在登朗峰回到旅店时,都要累趴下了。
    The traveler who made the ascent of Mt Blane returned to his hotel, ready to drop with fatigue.
  • 积云一种浓密、平底状的色云块,有一个多重圆形的顶部和界线分明的轮廓,通常是由不稳定的热气团上升形成的
    A dense, white, fluffy, flat-based cloud with a multiple rounded top and a well-defined outline, usually formed by the ascent of thermally unstable air masses.
  • 蜡树的一种,有光泽的小树枝,叶表较低。
    a variety of red ash having glossy branchlets and lower leaf surfaces.
  • 产于地中海南部,开芳香的浓密圆锥花序的色花朵,出产甘露。
    southern Mediterranean ash having fragrant white flowers in dense panicles and yielding manna.
  • 分布在美洲的一种梣属植物,叶面呈浅绿色或下面银色,木质坚硬,呈棕色。
    spreading American ash with leaves pale green or silvery beneath and having hard brownish wood.
  • 距火山160公里以外的城镇都被令人窒息的火山灰覆盖,天变成了黑夜。
    Towns 160 kilometres from the eruption were covered in choking ash that turned day into night.
  • 产于欧洲到高加索的高大梣木,叶片上面是有光泽的深绿色,下面有苍色的绒毛。
    tall ash of Europe to the Caucasus having leaves shiny dark-green above and pale downy beneath.
  • 北美洲西部的成材乔木,出产硬而轻的木材;与洋蜡树密切相关。
    timber tree of western North America yielding hard light wood; closely related to the red ash.
  • 一张因悲伤而苍的脸
    A face ashen with grief.
  • 她灰的脸显示出那消息使她多麽震惊。
    Her ashen face show how much the news have shocked her.
  • 她听到这一悲惨消息,脸都了。
    She listened to the tragic news ashen-faced.
  • 色如土灰的;苍白的
    Having the color of ashes; pale.
  • 等大家把他拖上岸时,他已是皮肤惨,四肢肿大,筋疲力尽。
    When the people pulled him ashore, his skin was pale, his limbs swelled and he was exhausted.
  • 一种东亚的草本植物(韭菜葱属),叶扁平、开有色小花、细长球茎上裹有纤维状表皮;比细香葱大。
    Eastern Asian plant; larger than Allium_schoenoprasum.
  • 戏剧中旁白的老套
    The theatrical convention of the aside.
  • 天门冬醯胺酶由细菌中分离出来的一种酶,能催化天门冬醯胺的水解,用于对血病的化疗
    An enzyme isolated from bacteria that catalyzes the hydrolysis of asparagine and is used in the chemotherapeutic treatment of leukemia.
  • 软木如针枞木、杨或松木等用于造纸的软木
    Soft wood, such as spruce, aspen, or pine, used in making paper.
  • 轻微的且不规则地的振动;例如因为恐惧、寒冷而颤抖或像微风中的杨树叶一样颤抖的。
    vibrating slightly and irregularly; as e.g. with fear or cold or like the leaves of an aspen in a breeze.
  • 产于北美洲,红色虹膜,羽毛主要为橄榄灰色,腹部羽毛为色。
    of northern North America having red irises and a olive-gray body with white underparts.
  • 非洲东部色多或少和橄榄绿色的侯子,脸部周围有丛生的色长毛。
    white and olive green east African monkey with long white tufts of hair beside the face.
  • 北美东部紫罗兰,花从淡紫色到色。
    violet of eastern North America having pale violet to white flowers.
  • 欧洲的多年生植物,春季常开紫罗兰色或色的花。
    European perennial having usually violet or white spring flowers.
  • 北美太平洋沿岸紫罗兰,色花瓣带黄色或深紫色。
    violet of Pacific coast of North America having white petals tinged with yellow and deep violet.
  • 加利福尼亚州的一种赤莲,花乳色,有时淡黄色。
    California dogtooth violet with creamy white flowers sometimes yellow-tinged.
  • 普通旧大陆堇菜,花乳色通常带些紫色。
    common Old World viola with creamy often violet-tinged flowers.
  • 欧洲紫罗兰,一般开紫色、色花;种植广泛。
    European violet typically having purple to white flowers; widely naturalized.
  • 北美东部短茎紫罗兰,开带有紫色脉络的芳香花。
    short-stemmed violet of eastern North America having fragrant purple-veined white flowers.
  • 一种热带灌木,具有顶生色、黄色或紫罗兰色的花束。
    tropical shrub having clusters of white or violet or yellow flowers.
  • 淡紫色一种从浅到亮紫再到非常亮或的紫罗兰色
    A pale to light purple to very light or very pale violet.
  • 因其蓝色紫色或色的花而被广泛种植的欧洲两年生草本植物。
    European biennial widely cultivated for its blue or violet or white flowers.
  • 沼泽地植物的一个小属,纤细苔藓状,花色或紫罗兰色。
    small genus of delicate mossy bog plants having white or violet flowers.
  • 法国利口酒;有橙子味道的兰地。
    French liqueur: orange-flavored brandy.