  • 使魂吸引人并使人愉快;使神魂颠倒
    To attract and delight; entrance.
  • 中美两国贸易迅速增长的根本原因,在于两国资源条件、经济结构、产业结构以及费水平存在着较大差异,经济具有互补性。
    This is mainly attributable to the marked differences in the two countries' resources, economic structures, industrial setup and consumption levels, and to the fact that their economies can be complementary to each other.
  • 属性(维护状态)变更
    attribute (maintenance state) change messages
  • 把事情起因或息来源归到……上。
    attribute to a source or cause.
  • 如果该情况发生,返回的relatedbusinesseslist息将包含一个truncated属性,且该属性值为true。
    If this occurs, the relatedBusinessesList will contain the truncated attribute with the value of this attribute set to true.
  • 这个属性被命名为“generic”,并且将出现在所有的息中。
    This attribute is named “generic ” and is present on all messages.
  • 形形色色的小问题以及次要的极因素,在我们的脑子里却显得特别巨大,十分重要。
    Inside our heads, all manner of small problems and minor negative attributes assume enormous significance.
  • 这场长期的耗战耗尽了两国的力量。
    The long war of attrition exhausted the strength of both countries.
  • (九九)但达到战略耗目的的,还有战役的耗战。
    99. But the objective of strategic attrition may also be achieved by campaigns of attrition.
  • 战役的耗战,是辅助的,但也是持久作战所需要的。
    Campaigns of attrition are supplementary but necessary in protracted war.
  • 这个城市发生大战争,并演变成耗战。
    A great battle broke out in this town and resultedin a war of attrition.
  • 他们通过耗战削弱敌人的军事和经济力量。
    They whittled down the enemy's military and economic strength in a war of attrition.
  • “拚耗”的主张,对于中国红军来说是不适时宜的。
    It is inappropriate to advocate a "contest of attrition" for the Chinese Red Army today.
  • 这场耗战将决定波兰的命运。
    It's like1y to be a war of slow attrition, and the fate of Poland will depend upon its ending.
  • 是“革命道路和殖民地道路的决战”;是短促突击,是堡垒战,是耗战,是“持久战”;
    The war was "the decisive battle between the road of revolution and the road of colonialism", a war of short swift thrusts, blockhouse warfare, war of attrition, "protracted war".
  • 如果我们集中兵力在一个狭小的阵地上作耗战的抵抗,将使我军失掉地理上和经济组织上的有利条件,犯阿比西尼亚的错误。
    If we concentrate our forces on a narrow front for a defensive war of attrition, we would be throwing away the advantages of our geography and economic organization and repeating the mistake of Abyssinia.
  • (一○○)从理论上和需要上说来,中国在防御阶段中,应该利用运动战之主要的歼灭性,游击战之部分的歼灭性,加上辅助性质的阵地战之主要的耗性和游击战之部分的耗性,用以达到大量耗敌人的战略目的。
    100. Speaking theoretically and in terms of China's needs, in order to achieve the strategic objective of greatly depleting the enemy's forces, China in her defensive stage should not only exploit the function of annihilation, which is fulfilled primarily by mobile warfare and partially by guerrilla warfare, but also exploit the function of attrition, which is fulfilled primarily by positional warfare (which itself is supplementary) and partially by guerrilla warfare.
  • 为了这个,我们将依次说明下列的问题:能动性在战争中,战争和政治,抗战的政治动员,战争的目的,防御中的进攻,持久中的速决,内线中的外线,主动性,灵活性,计划性,运动战,游击战,阵地战,歼灭战,耗战,乘敌之隙的可能性,抗日战争的决战问题,兵民是胜利之本。
    We shall therefore successively discuss the following problems: man's dynamic role in war, war and politics, political mobilization for the War of Resistance, the object of war, offence within defence, quick decisions within a protracted war, exterior lines within interior lines, initiative, flexibility, planning, mobile warfare, guerrilla warfare, positional warfare, war of annihilation, war of attrition, the possibilities of exploiting the enemy's mistakes, the question of decisive engagements in the anti-Japanese war, and the army and the people as the foundation of victory.
  • 在15分钟的训练过程中,只听到一句极的话。
    Only one negative comment was audible during 15 minutes of play.
  • 音功能会除你这一方的所有音频传送,不仅仅是麦克风。
    Mute silence all audio transmission from your end, not just the microphone.
  • 道尔贝降噪系统一种能从录音或声音信号中除噪音的电子装置的商标名
    A trademark used for an electronic device that eliminates noise from recorded sound and audio signals.
  • 由于经济疲软,同时在伊拉克八月入侵科威特引发了战争的威胁,因而汽油及取暖燃油涨价以后,费者乃减少开支。
    Consumers cut spending as the economy weakened and after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on Aug.2 raised the specter of war, inflating prices of gasoline and heating oil.
  • 这个不幸息预示最近的将来会发生战争吗?
    Does this unfortunate news augur war in the near future?
  • 博格斯法国中部一城市,位于奥尔良东南偏南。是奥古斯都时期的罗马首府。路易九世于1463年在此地创办了一所著名的大学,但该校在法国大革命中被取。人口76,432
    A city of central France south-southeast of Orl閍ns. It was a Roman provincial capital under Augustus and the site of a notable university that was founded by Louis XI in1463 but abolished during the French Revolution. Population,76, 432.
  • 我打电话把息告诉你姨母了。
    I telephoned your aunt the news.
  • 你把息告诉琼阿姨了吗?
    Did you tell Aunt Joan the news?
  • 随着封建农奴制的灭,由极少数农奴主垄断西藏文化这种与旧制度相伴随的文化特性势必遭到“灭绝”,政教合一、由宗教支配整个社会政治生活这种旧的文化专制主义也势必遭到“灭绝”,这是西藏历史发展的必然,也是西藏文化发展的必然。
    With the elimination of feudal serfdom, the cultural characteristics under the old system, in which Tibetan culture was monopolized by a few serf-owners was bound to become "extinct," and so was the old cultural autocracy marked by theocracy and the domination of the entire spectrum of socio-political life by religion, which was an inevitable outcome of both the historical and cultural development in Tibet.
  • 另一方面,搜索引擎完全实现了编撰过程的自动化,彻底除了人工干预。
    On the flip side, search engines completely automate the compilation process, removing the human component entirely.
  • 目标操作入口自动取了这次迁移操作。
    The target operator automatically cancelled the transfer operation.
  • 汽车消耗汽油。
    An automobile consumes gasoline.
  • 作为福特汽车公司的负责人,纳塞尔对底特律一事表示十分的震惊,他的原意是要灭那些不赚钱的公司然后从其他公司引入有才能的执行官。
    As head of Ford's automotive operations, he startled Detroit with his willingness to kill off unprofitable models and bring in talented executives from outside the company.
  • 法律上的一种自动撤
    there was a reversal of autonomic function.